Combine Lines

Use the Combine Lines tool to create a new continuous line segment between two existing lines, resulting in a single seamless line.

  1. From the Geometry ribbon, click the arrow next to the Create tool set, then select Combine Lines.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define connection options.
  3. Left-click to select lines to combine.
  4. On the guide bar, click Combine.
The following image shows an example of two lines combined into a single line.

Figure 2.

Combine Lines Tool

An overview of the Combine Lines tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Combine Lines tool to create a new continuous line segment between two existing lines, resulting in a single seamless line.

Go to Geometry > Create > Combine Lines.


Smooth connect
Create curved connections between non-collinear lines, as shown in the following image.

Figure 4.
If left unselected, a straight line connection with angles is created.

Figure 5.