Create Bounding Solids

Use the Solids: Bounding tool to create solids from enclosed surface volumes.

  1. From the Geometry ribbon, click the Solids > Bounding tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define additional options.
  3. Select bounding surfaces in the following ways:
    • On the guide bar, click Find to detect bounding surface sets.

      Review each found/selected bounding surface group by clicking and .

    • Left-click on bounding surfaces in the modeling window.
  4. Create bounding solids.
    • Click Create All to create bounding solids from all found/selected surface bounds.
    • Create individual bounding solids by left-clicking on a selected bounding surface.

Figure 2.

Solids: Bounding Tool

An overview of the Solids: Bounding tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Solids: Bounding tool to create solids from enclosed surface volumes.

Go to Geometry > Solids > Bounding.


Detect baffles
Floating surfaces inside bounding surfaces will also be considered when clicking Find. Once solids are created, these floating surfaces will be converted to baffles inside the solid.
Consider solid surfaces
Solid cavities will be detected as bounding surfaces as well when clicking Find. This option is very useful when forming solids from cavities. Cavities can be coming from CAD or they can be formed by connecting solids.