Patch and Delete Surfaces

Use the Surfaces: Patch tool to create patch surfaces between free lines that are not connected or surface edges. You can also delete surfaces with this tool.

New surfaces are organized in the same component as the first line selected.
  1. From the Geometry ribbon, click the Surfaces > Patch tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. To manually patch surfaces, do one of the following:
    • While left-clicking, drag an edge to another edge.

      Hovering over a target line displays a preview surface.

    • Select multiple edges around a missing surface, then click an edge that has already been selected.
    • Select multiple edges or loops, then click Patch All on the guide bar.
    • Double-click an edge loop.
    Tip: After a patch surface has been manually created, it remains selected. HyperWorks CFD attempts to select the appropriate tangency setting for the surface created, but you can change the tangency by clicking on the surface while it is still selected.
  3. To automatically highlight and patch missing surfaces:
    1. Click Find on the guide bar.
    2. Click and to cycle through found surfaces.
    3. Select highlighted surfaces to fix them individually or click Patch All on the guide bar.
  4. To delete surfaces:
    1. Select the surface(s) you want to delete.
    2. Click the highlighted surface(s) again to delete them.

Surfaces: Patch Tool

An overview of the Surfaces: Patch tool.

Figure 2.

Use the Surfaces: Patch tool to create patch surfaces between free lines that are not connected or surface edges. You can also delete surfaces with this tool.

Go to Geometry > Surfaces > Patch.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Drag/select lines Left Mouse Click
Patch a surface hole Double-Click

Patch Surfaces Using the Context Menu

Quickly patch surface holes without opening the Surfaces: Patch tool.

  1. Navigate to the Geometry ribbon.
  2. While in idle mode, select the surfaces to patch.
  3. Right-click in the modeling window and select Edit > Patch Holes from the context menu.