Spin Surfaces, Nodes, or Lines

Spin surfaces, nodes, or lines around a defined axis.

Note: This feature is not supported for a model with discrete geometry.
  1. From the Geometry ribbon, Drag/Spin tool group, click the Spin tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define additional options.
  3. Choose between Surfaces, Nodes, and Lines using the guide bar selector.
  4. Select surfaces/nodes/lines in the modeling window.
  5. Click Spin Axis on the guide bar.
  6. Left-click to place the axis.
  7. Spin your selection by dragging the slider or entering an angle in the microdialog.
    Tip: Click in the microdialog to define the direction of the spin axis using the Vector tool. Once a direction has been defined, press Esc.
  8. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • Save changes and stay in the current context
    • Save changes and close the current context
    • Exit the current context without saving changes

Figure 2.

Spin Tool

An overview of the Spin tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Spin tool to spin surfaces, nodes, or lines around a defined axis.

Go to Geometry > Drag/Spin > Spin.


Merge input lines
Merge input lines into a smooth line to create a continuous surface.
Spin start angle
Specify the start angle that defines the initial angle before the geometry is spun. The angle is measured about the axis of rotation using the right-hand rule.
Create in
Select which component newly creates surfaces/solids are placed in.
Merge solids at shared surfaces
Create a single solid with merged faces at the shared edge locations.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Alternate spin axis orientation Shift + Left Mouse Click