Introduction to HyperView

HyperView is a generic post-processing and visualization environment for finite element analysis (FEA), CFD, multi-body system simulation, digital video and engineering data.

HyperView offers direct-reading capabilities for AcuSolve generated results. AcuSolve results can be directly opened in HyperView. HyperView also has process automation features, which can enable you to expedite and standardize your post-processing activities.

The image below shows the HyperView interface when it is started.

Figure 1. HyperView
  1. Menu bar: Located at the top of the window, just under the title bar. Like the pull-down menus in many applications, these menus drop-down a list of options when clicked.
  2. Toolbars: Located around the modeling window. These have icons that provide quick access to commonly-used functions, such as changing display options. They can be dragged and placed as per the user preference. Below are some of the commonly used toolbars.

    Figure 2. Standard Toolbar

    Provides the options for creating or opening a model, saving an HyperView session and import/export options.

    Figure 3. Results Toolbar

    On the Results toolbar you can access various options related to displaying the results, for example, contours, vectors and streamlines.

    Figure 4. Display Toolbar

    The Display toolbar provides you with quick access to the Mask panel, Section Cut panel and Display Controls.

    Figure 5. Visibility Controls Toolbar

    The Visibility Controls toolbar provides you quick access to the visibility controls of the entities in the Results Browser.

    Figure 6. Image Capture Toolbar

    The Image Capture toolbar provides you quick access to the image and video capturing capabilities.

  3. Tab area: The two areas marked 3 and 4 in Figure 1 make up the tab area. The tab area is so named because various specialized tools display on tabs in this area of the interface. In HyperView, one of these tabs is the Results tab, which you will be using most frequently. Results tab will also be the tab active by default when you start an HyperView session. The top half of the tab area, marked 3, is the browser area. Depending on the selected tab, here you will be able to see the various options or entities which are part of the active HyperView model, in a listed tree structure similar to HyperMesh.
  4. Entity Editor: The bottom half, marked 4, is the Entity Editor. In the Entity Editor, you will be able to see and edit the information associated with the different entities available in the browser. Clicking on an entity in the browser area will display the entity related information in the Entity Editor.
  5. Panel area: The panel area displays the function panel associated with the active function selection. You can access these functions by clicking on the icon on a toolbar corresponding to the function you want to use. Clicking on the icon will open the panel associated with the function in the panel area. When you launch HyperView, you will see the Load Model panel in this region.

    Figure 7.
  6. Modeling window: The modeling window is the display area for your model. You can interact with the model in three-dimensional space in real time. In addition to viewing the model, entities can be selected interactively from the modeling window.
  7. Status bar: The status bar is located at the bottom of the screen. As you work in HyperView, any warning or error messages also display in the status bar, on the left side.