Show, Hide, and Isolate Entities

Turn the display of entities on and off in the modeling window.

Show, Hide, and Isolate Using Context Menus

Display control options are available in most context menus. In general, the options are dependent on whether or not there is a selection.
Note: Hiding solids or surfaces in the modeling window does not update the visibility status of surface and solid bodies in the Part Browser. Surfaces/solids and surface/solid bodies are not the same entity.
Hides selected entities.
Shows selected entities.
Show All
Shows all entities of the same type as the entity selector.
Show Adjacent
Shows the entities adjacent to your selection.
Show Selected
Show selected entities that are hidden.
Isolates selection and turns off the display of all other entities, regardless of type.
Reverse Displayed
Reverses the display of the entity type in the entity selector.
Reverse Visibility
Reverses the display of the selected entities (Part Browser only).

Find and Isolate Specific Surface and Solid Types

When performing geometry cleanup or defining simulation parameters, it can be helpful to first find and isolate certain types of surfaces or solids. This will give you a better idea of the areas in the model you need to focus on.
  1. Set the entity selector to Surfaces or Solids, either in idle mode or on a tool guide bar.
  2. Right-click in the modeling window and select Find and Isolate then select a surface/solid type.

    If surfaces/solids are selected, it will find and isolate among your selection. If no selection made, it will find and isolate among all displayed surfaces/solids.

    Options for surfaces
    Free Surface
    Find surfaces with free edges, excluding baffle surfaces
    Non Manifold Surfaces
    Finds surfaces with non-manifold edges
    Intersecting Surfaces
    Finds surfaces that are intersecting with other surfaces
    Self-Intersecting Surfaces
    Finds surfaces that have intersections within surfaces
    Proximity Surfaces
    Finds surfaces that are in proximity to other displayed or selected surfaces using a user-defined tolerance
    Sharp Surfaces
    Finds surfaces that are within a user-defined angle
    Sliver Surfaces
    Finds surfaces with narrow regions that are smaller than a user-defined threshold
    Internal Surfaces
    Finds surfaces that are shared by two solids
    Finds hanging/open surfaces that are a part of solids
    Thin Solid Outer Surfaces
    Finds outer layer of thin solid, which is defined by one which has bigger area
    Thin Solid Inner Surface
    Finds inner layer of thin solid, which is defined by one which has smaller area
    Options for solids
    Connected Solids
    Finds connected solids among displayed or selected
    Thin Solids
    Finds solids that have continuous thickness surfaces, mostly stamped parts
    Sliver Solids
    Finds solids with narrow regions that are smaller than a user-defined threshold
    Proximity Solids
    Finds solids that are in proximity to other displayed or selected solids using a user-defined tolerance
    Intersecting Solids
    Finds solids that are intersecting with other solids
    Self-Intersecting Solids
    Finds solids that have intersections within solids

Show and Hide Using Browser Icons

Left-click on an entity's icon in the Part Browser to switch between showing or hiding the entity. When an entity is hidden, it appears grayed out in the browser.

Figure 1.

Keyboard Shortcuts & Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Show all of the current entity type A
Hide selection H
Isolate selection I
Reverse display R
Show adjacent entities to selection J