Mesh Menu

Aerospace has the following meshing capabilities:
Table 1.
Acoustic Cavity Mesh Create a fluid volume mesh for the open-air volumes of an enclosed compartment, such as the passenger compartment of a vehicle.
Automesh Create meshes or re-mesh existing meshing interactively or automatically on surfaces or groups of elements.
Bars Create, review or update bar2 or bar3 elements.
Boolean Operation Connect intersecting 2D elements. This tool works for triangular as well as quadrilateral elements.
Coarsen Mesh Simplify the mesh by combining many small elements into a smaller number of larger ones.
Comparison Tool Perform a model-based CAD-CAD, CAD-FE or FE-FE comparison between two models, or two selections of entities. You can also use this tool to find and report on geometrical/shape differences.
Create a 2D Element Hand build, combine, split or modify elements.
Drag Create a surface and/or mesh by dragging a series of nodes or lines, or to create elements by dragging selected elements.
Element Offset Create and modify elements by offsetting from a mesh of plate or shell elements.
EM Lattice Mesh Generate an axis-parallel mesh for 2D and 1D geometry input.
Fuse Connect close proximity, overlapping, and intersecting parts.
Gaps Create gap elements.
Hole Detection Enables you to locate and define many, or all, holes in a model and add those holes as geometry to a new component or the current one.
Hole/Gap Fill Mesh holes, gaps, and patches.
Line Drag Create a two or three dimensional surface and/or mesh or elements by dragging nodes, lines, or elements along another line.
Line Mesh Create a chain of one dimensional elements such as beams along a line.
Linear 1D Create one dimensional elements.
Linear 3D Create solid elements between two groups of plate elements.
Masses Create mass elements.
Mesh Controls Define one model specific mesh setting, as well as an unlimited number of local mesh settings.
Midmesh Thickness Calculate the thickness of a mid-mesh from the solid geometry.
Nodes Create nodes using a wide variety of methods.
Periodic Mesh Generate a grid containing rotational and/or translational symmetric boundaries, for example rotating machinery.
Quality Index Calculates a single value to represent the quality of the displayed shell (2D) model.
Quality Index Calculations The Quality Index value is a function of twelve criteria with user-defined weight factors.
Quality Report Creates an HTML mesh quality report
RBE3 Create, review and update RBE3 elements.
Refine by Pattern Create a regular orthogonal mesh.
Rigids Create rigid or rigid link elements.
Rods Create rod elements.
Ruled Create surfaces and/or meshes of plate elements from nodes, lines and/or line segments, in any combination.
Shrink Wrap Mesh Generate an enclosed volume or solid mesh and is typically used to approximate and simplify an existing mode.
Skin Create a skin surface and/or mesh from a set of lines.
Solid Map Mesh Create a mesh of solid elements in a solid geometric volume.
Spin Create a surface and/or mesh or elements by spinning a series of nodes, a line or lines, or a group of elements about a vector to create a circular structure.
Spline Create a shell mesh and/or surface.
Springs Create spring elements.
TetraMesh Fill an enclosed volume with first or second order tetrahedral elements.
TetraMesh Process Create tetra-meshes efficiently and effectively.
Voxel Mesh Fills an enclose volume with voxels (hexas) of a predefined size. This type of mesh is only useful in topology optimization. It does not give meaningful results in a stress analysis.