Model Menu
The Model menu is categorized into sections, each focusing on particular aspects/constituents of the crash model building.
The first section focuses on model constituents, components and its physical characteristics. The second section focuses on auxiliaries to define load, boundary conditions, contact, and so on, in the model. The third section focuses on reviewing and checking the model. The menu has minor modifications depending on the solver that is loaded.
Assembly | Create and modify assemblies, which are collections of component and multibody collectors or other assemblies. |
Box | Create and modify a block entity. |
Card Editor | Select the entities that are viewed in the Card Image panel. |
Check Elements | Verify the basic quality of your elements and to verify the geometric qualities of those elements. |
Component | Create and update components. |
Component Table | Interactive tabular list used to represent components with associated properties and materials. |
Contact Surfaces | Create and modify contactsurf entities. |
Control Cards | Set job-level, solver specific data. |
Count | Obtain a count of all the entities in your database. |
Curve | View and modify graphed curves in the Curve Editor. |
Damping | Create, review and edit damping definitions and its card images in the model. |
Delete | Delete data from a model database, preview and delete empty collectors and preview and delete unused property collectors, material collectors or curves. |
Failure | Create, review and edit failure definitions and its card images in the model through property collector. |
Functions | Create, review and edit function (curve) definitions in the model. |
Intersection/Penetration | Check for penetrations and/or intersections of elements. |
Hourglass | Create, review and edit hourglass definitions and its card images in the model through property collector (LS-DYNA only). |
Material Table | Create materials in Engineering Solutions. |
Materials | Create, review and edit collectors and card images or dictionaries. |
Model Checker | Checks the model for errors and warnings. This tool is available in the Radioss and LS-DYNA solvers while using the Crash user profile. |
Organize | Reorganize your database by copying or moving data (entities) among collectors or includes. |
Plot | Create and manage plot collectors. |
Property | Create property collectors. |
Read Curve | Input an xy data set from an ASCII file. |
Rename | Change the name of a specific collector or to rename types of collectors to their respective ID with an optional prefix. |
Renumber | Renumber entities. |
Sets | Create, update and review named sets of entities. |
Simple Math | Tools for applying mathematical operations to curves. |
Systems | Create rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. |
Summary | Obtain a summary of component element counts or element properties of the current model. |
Table | Create and modify the table. |
Vector | Create and modify vectors. |