Load Configurations

Load entities have an associated load configuration. A load configuration determines how to draw, store, and work with a load.


Configuration 9 - Acceleration loads allow for an acceleration (length/time2) to be defined on the model.

Accelerations are displayed as a vector with the letter A at the tail end in the modeling window.


Configuration 3 - Constraints allow for constrained degrees of freedom to be defined on the model.

Constraints are displayed with a triangle that connects to the node, with the dof numbers that apply to the node beside the triangle in the modeling window.


Configuration 6 - Flux loads are defined as an amount that flows through a unit area per unit time (amount/length2/time). Fluxes are typically used in modeling transport phenomena such as heat transfer, mass transfer, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetism.

Fluxes are displayed as a thick arrow labeled with the word "flux" in the modeling window.


Configuration 1 - Force loads allow for a concentrated force (mass*length/time2) to be applied to the model.

Forces are displayed as a vector with the letter F at the tail end in the modeling window.


Configuration 2 - Moment loads allow for a concentrated moment (length*force) to be applied to the model.

Moments are displayed with a double-headed vector with the letter M at the tail end in the modeling window.


Configuration 4 - Pressure loads allow for a pressure (force*length2) to be applied to the model.

For most solvers, the pressure load is considered as force/area, therefore the magnitude of the pressure is multiplied by the calculated area of the elements to which it is applied and resolved as concentrated force loads at the associated nodes.

Pressures are displayed as a vector with the letter P at the tail end in the modeling window.


Configuration 5 - Temperature loads allow for a concentrated temperature to be applied to the model.

Temperatures are displayed as a vertical line with the letter T at the top in the modeling window.


Configuration 8 - Velocity loads allow for a velocity (length/time) to be applied to the model.

Velocities are displayed as a vector with the letter V at the tail end in the modeling window.