Dyna External Readers

Option Description Supports
ABSTAT Airbag statistics.

Reads airbag and blocked materials statistics from LS-DYNA files into HyperGraph 2D. The data read in is sorted by time steps specified in the input file.

Volume, pressure, internal energy, input mass flow rate, output mass flow rate, mass, temperature, and density.
BNDOUT Boundary condition forces and energy. x, y, z force
DEFGEO Deformed geometry file. The NASBDF file (Nastran Bulk Data) is created whenever the DEFGEO file is requested.  
DEFORC Discrete elements. x, y, z force
ELOUT Element data. Beam
  • axial force resultant
  • s shear resultant
  • t shear resultant
  • s moment resultant
  • t moment resultant
  • torsional resultant
Stress Shell
  • xx, yy, zz stress
  • xy, yz, zx stress
  • plastic strain
  • xx, yy, zz stress
  • xy, yz, zx stress
  • effective stress
  • yield function
Strain Shell
  • xx, yy, zz strain
  • xy, yz, zx strain
  • lower surface strain
  • upper surface strain
GCEOUT Geometric contact entities. Translational Components
  • x force, y force, z force
Rotational Components
  • x moment, y moment, z moment
GLSTAT Global data. Always obtained if SSSTAT file is activated. kinetic energy

internal energy

total energy



spring and damper energy

hourglass energy

damping energy

sliding interface energy

external work

x, y, z velocity

time step

Element ID controlling time step

JNTFORC Joint force file. x, y, z force

x, y, z moment

MATSUM Material energies. kinetic energy

internal energy

hourglass energy

x, y, z momentum

x, y, z rigid body velocity

total kinetic energy

total internal energy

total hourglass energy

NCFORC Nodal interface forces. x force, y force, z force
NODFOR Nodal force groups. x, y, z force
NODOUT Nodal point data. x, y, z displacement

x, y, z velocity

x, y, z acceleration

x, y, z rotation

x, y, z rotational velocity

x, y, z rotational acceleration

RBDOUT Rigid body data. x, y, z displacement

x, y, z velocity

x, y, z acceleration

RCFORC Resultant interface forces. x, y, z force
RWFORC Wall forces. normal

x, y, z force

SBTOUT Seat belt output file.  
SECFORC Cross section forces. x, y, z force

x, y, z moment

x, y, z center


resultant force

SLEOUT Sliding interface energy. slave energy

master energy

SPCFORC SPC reaction forces. x, y, z force

x, y, z moment

SSSTAT Subsystem data.  
SWFORC Nodal constraint reaction forces (spotwelds and rivets). axial force

shear force