The Tab Area is the portion of the graphical user interface that contains the browsers, utilities, and other functionality
not shown in the panel area.
When a plot entity is selected from the plot browser tree, its properties and values are displayed in the Properties
Table, also referred to as the Entity Editor. The fields displayed in the Properties Table are dependent on the curve
or entity type selected from the Plot Browser tree.
The Model Identification Tool, known as MIT, is a profile in HyperGraph 2D for fitting test data from frequency- and amplitude-dependent bushings to analytical models.
HyperGraph 3D offers a 3-D plotting environment that is fully integrated with HyperWorks, for managing, reviewing, and analyzing 3-D plots such as waterfall, surface, and 3-D line data.
The HyperGraph 2DPlot Browser is located in the tab area sidebar and allows you to view
the HyperGraph 2D plot structure.
The Plot Browser tools allow you to search, display, and edit
entities and their properties within the current session. The plot structure is
viewed as a flat, listed tree structure within the browser. However, if the plot has
a hierarchy, then the Plot Browser accommodates this
hierarchical structure. From the Plot Browser, you can select
entities one at a time or several simultaneously using common selection techniques.
You can also use the Plot Browser's context-sensitive menus to
select entities. You can use the Plot Browser to perform many of
the operations available in the HyperGraph 2D panels, thus allowing
you to modify your plot and curve properties in one location. Some of these
operations include:
Perform single curve math and multiple curve math operations.
Rename curves.
Modify or delete curve properties, such as:
Curve attributes
Datum Lines
Plot options
Plot macros
The Plot Browser can be turned on or off using the View > Browsers > HyperGraph 2D > Plot menu options. A check mark indicates that the HyperGraph 2DPlot Browser is activated for display in the tab area.
Note: The
Plot Browser can also be positioned to appear on the
right side of the page (the right tab area).
Figure 1. HyperGraph 2DPlot Browser with the Plots view selected
Figure 2. HyperGraph 2DPlot Browser with the Curves view selected
The following options can be used to change the display state of various entities in
the Plot Browser tree.
Select All
Selects all entities shown in the tree.
Select None
Clears all entity selections shown in the tree.
Reverse Selection
Reverses the state of the items in the tree (displays the hidden and hides
the displayed).
Plot Browser Views
Within the Plot Browser, there are seven predefined browser view modes, accessible via the first row of icons within the Plot Browser.
Plot Browser Filter
The Plot Browser contains several ways to filter your plot data to display specific plot entities in the browser.
Plot Browser Context Sensitive Menu
From the Plot Browser, right-click on a highlighted entity to access the following context sensitive menu options.
Properties Table/Entity Editor
When a plot entity is selected from the plot browser tree, its properties and values are displayed in the Properties Table, also referred to as the Entity Editor. The fields displayed in the Properties Table are dependent on the curve or entity type selected from the Plot Browser tree.
The Properties option gives you more control over how the curve names appear in the plot legend.
Toggle Sync Mode
Activating the Plot Browser's Toggle Sync Mode option, , syncs the graphics window with the Plot Browser.