Plot Options

Use Plot Options to apply many options to the session at once during plotting.

Curves created in this manner are added to the session in a new layer.
Note: The plot options you select take precedence over any Build Plots panel options you have selected.

Figure 1.
Note: A curve must be specified in the Create Curves by File dialog before you can apply options to it using Plot Options.

The Plot Options tab contains a tree on the left side and the Properties Table on the right. From the tree, you can select the plot entity that you want to apply to the curve. The Properties Table lists the properties and current values for the selected plot entity.

You can modify the following plot entities:

Page Options

Show Title
Check to display the page title; uncheck to hide it (checkbox is enabled by default).
Templex-enabled edit field.
Double-click the Font icon to display the Font Selector dialog and edit the font type, size, and style.

Plot Options

Show Header
Check to display the page header; uncheck to hide it (checkbox is enabled by default).
Click the field to select the file path, type, request, or component as the header.
Primary Font
Double-click the Font icon to display the Font Selector dialog and edit the font type, size, and style.
Click in the field to select from Left, Center, or Right.
Show Footer
Check to display the page header; uncheck to hide it (checkbox is disabled by default).
Click in the field to select the file path, type, request, or component as the header.
Primary Font
Double-click the Font icon to display the Font Selector dialog and edit the font type, size, and style
Click in the field to select from Left, Center, or Right.
Horizontal Axis/Vertical Axis
Click in the field to select the file path, type, request, or component as the axis label.
Double-click the Font icon to display the Font Selector dialog and edit the font type, size, and style.
Click in the field to select from Linear, Logarithmic, dB20 (with reference and weighting), and dB10 (with reference and weighting).
Fit Range
Check the Fit Range box to display the minimum and maximum fields. Values will be ignored if you create curves in a populated plot window.
Enter a maximum value. Must be greater than 0 if the scale is logarithmic, and less than maximum value.
Enter a maximum value. Must be greater than 0 if the scale is logarithmic, and greater than the minimum value.
Show Legend
Check to display the legend; uncheck to hide it (checkbox is enabled by default).
Click in the field to select the location of the legend from the drop-down menu. Options include Inside Plot and Outside Plot.
Click in the field to select the position of the legend from the drop-down menu. Options include Left-Top corner, Left-Bottom corner, Right-Top corner, and Right-Bottom corner).
Double-click the Font icon to display the Font Selector dialog and edit the font type, size, and style.

Curve Options

Math Expression
Check to enter math expressions to support U and V vectors. You can perform math on curves prior to plotting your data with the support of u and v vectors.
Show Prefix
Check to display the curve name prefix.
Label Prefix
Click on the field to select the file path, type, request, or component as the curve label prefix.
Show Label
Check to display the curve name label.
Click in the field to select the file path, type, request, or component as part of the curve label.
Show Suffix
Check to display the curve name suffix.
Label Suffix
Click in the field to select the file path, type, request, or component as the curve label suffix.
Line Color Scheme
Choose from HyperGraph 2D defaults or All One Color.
Line Color
If you select All One Color for Line Color Scheme, the Line Color option is displayed. Select a color from the palette.
Line Style Scheme
Choose from HyperGraph 2D defaults or All One Color.
Line Style
If you select All One Style for Line Style Scheme, the Line Style option is displayed. Select a line style from the drop-down menu.
Line Thickness Scheme
Choose from HyperGraph 2D defaults or All One Color.
Line Thickness
If you select All One Thickness for Line Thickness Scheme, the Line Thickness option is displayed. Select a line thickness from the drop-down menu.
Symbol Scheme
Choose from HyperGraph 2D defaults or All One Symbol
If you select All One Symbol for Symbol Scheme, the Symbol option is displayed. Select a symbol type from the drop-down menu.
Symbol Color
If you select All One Symbol for Symbol Scheme, the Symbol Color option is displayed. Select a symbol color from the palette.
Symbol Frequency
If you select All One Symbol for Symbol Scheme, the Symbol Frequency option is displayed. Enter a value in the field to indicate how often a symbol is placed at a data point.
X Scalefactor
Click in the field to enter an x scale factor value.
X Offset
Click in the field to enter an x offset value.
Y Scalefactor
Click in the field to enter an y scale factor value.
Y Offset
Click in the field to enter an y offset value.
Start Index
The index number of the first data point in the subrange. The default is 1.
End Index
The index number of the last data point in the subrange. The default is last.
Index Increment
The number of points to advance when reading the subrange. The default is 1.