List of Classification Parameters

1st Evaluation Distance
Reference distance value for the 1st evaluation location from the weld element at which the stress values are extracted.
2nd Evaluation Distance
Reference distance value for the 2nd evaluation location from the weld element at which the stress values are extracted.
Weld Width
Width of the weld material from the web wall. This parameter is ignored if specifying the evaluation distance is done manually.
Note: Refer to - Find Evaluation Positions.
Material Type
Parameter to specify the material of shells. Options: steel, al.
Notch Class - Transverse Location_X
Notch class definition considered for the fatigue limit calculation for the normal stress component in the transverse direction (perpendicular to the axis of the weld) at ‘X’.
Note: Where ‘X’ can be any evaluation location.
Notch Class - Longitudinal Location_X:
Notch class definition considered for the fatigue limit calculation for the normal stress component in the longitudinal direction (parallel to the axis of the weld) at ‘X’.
Notch Class - Shear Location_X
Notch class definition considered for the shear stress component at ‘X’.
Material Yield - Location_X
Material yield value used for the static evaluation.
Residual Stress factor (KEnormal)
Residual stress factor used for calculations for the normal components of stress.
Residual Stress factor (KEtau)
Residual stress factor used for calculations for the shear components of stress.
Mean Stress sensitivity (Mnormal)
Mean stress sensitivity factor used for calculations for the normal components of stress.
Mean Stress sensitivity (Mtau)
Mean stress sensitivity factor used for calculations for the shear components of stress.
Overload Situation
Parameter to decide overload situation. Options: F1, F2, F3, F4. Based on the selection, the fatigue limit calculation formula may vary.
Reference Number of Cycles (Nc)
Reference number of cycles for welded components.
Number of Cycles at Knee point - Normal (Ndnormal)
Number of cycles at knee point of normal component constant amplitude S-N curves.
Number of Cycles at Knee point - Shear (Ndtau)
Number of cycles at knee point of shear component constant amplitude S-N curves.
Required Number of Cycles (N)
If Edge - Layer solidification
Possible options are yes or no.
Slope Exponent – Normal
Slope exponent for the normal component of constant amplitude S-N curves.
Slope Exponent – Shear
Slope exponent for the shear component of constant amplitude S-N curves.
If Material GJL
Parameter used to indicate GJL behavior.
Material GJL factor (Knle)
Constant allowing for the non-linear elastic stress-strain behavior of GJL.
Exponent N for thickness
Thickness Factor
Temperature Factor (Ktd)
Solidification Factor (Kv)
Plastic Support (npl)
Weld Line Factor (aw)
Softening Factor (Pwez)
Material Safety Factor (jF)
Load Safety Factor (jS)