Define Weld Evaluation Point Properties

Use the Points tool to define the properties of the weld lines considered in the evaluation.

Before defining point properties, first apply a regulation using the Specifications tool.
The critical weld lines that have been identified via the screening process will automatically be selected for evaluation.
  1. Click the Points tool.

    Figure 1.
    The Evaluation Points dialog opens.
  2. Select a weld line.
  3. Select a method for calculating evaluation distance.
    Option Description
    Auto Evaluation distance is calculated internally based on the evaluation distance(s) and weld width.
    Manual The tool uses the values you specify to identify the location.
  4. Edit the general parameters and the location parameters for the weld by selecting options from the drop-down menus or entering values in the text boxes.
    Note: The properties available in each table are updated according to the specification selected.
  5. Optional: Manually select weld lines to evaluate by activating/deactivating the Evaluate checkboxes.
    Use the selection tools in the top-left of the dialog to quickly select all, none, or reverse your selection of weld lines.
  6. Optional: Click Export Weld Property File to save the data of all the classification parameters with respect to each weld line.
    Exported files can be used in a later run when defining a weld specification.