The averaging options allow you to limit the averaging of results to only a group of elements that are considered to be
bound by same feature angle or face.
The Free Body Diagram (FBD) tool facilitates the extraction and post-processing of Grid Point Force (GPFORCE) results
and can be used create and edit Free Body Diagrams (FBD).
Stress linearization, a widely used procedure in the Oil and Gas and ship-building industries, is used to analyze stresses
in a structure, such as a pressure vessel.
A result manipulation library that enables user-defined data types to be added to a result, and transitions complex data
manipulation tasks from HyperView to a reusable, modifiable set of libraries that focus solely on result processing tasks.
The fatigue manager allows you to write stress and strain results from a finite element analysis to an external file that
can be used to set up a fatigue analysis.
The fatigue configuration file is a user-defined external ASCII-file through which the data groups from results of static/modal/transient analysis of different solvers can be read.
Use the Deformed tool to specify parameters for deformation display.
From the Results toolbar, click
Note: You can also select Plot > Deformed from the Results menu.
Figure 1. Deformed Panel
You can use this function to see the motion of your model after analysis. You can
display the original structure and the deformed shape to see the total amount of movement, or
view the deformed shape by itself. You can also create an animation sequence of the
structure’s movement that shows the motion of the structure in a series of frames, based on
what the analysis code has predicted the model will do. You can animate a model using
displacement results as well as any vector result, such as eigenvectors, shape, and velocity,
by defining the vector in the Deformed panel.