Synchronize Windows

The Synchronize Windows tool allows you to manipulate the view matrix of multiple models in multiple windows at the same time and supports the synchronization of the axis range settings of multiple 2D plotting windows on the same page.

The Synchronize Windows dialog allows you to set the synchronization settings and begin the synchronization.

From the Page Controls toolbar, click Synchronize Windows.

Figure 1. Synchronize Windows icon activated

The number of available windows on the current page is represented by colored squares (which are arranged in the same page/window layout), and the active window is also displayed.

Only windows of the client type which can be synchronized with the active client are enabled for selection/de-selection. In the figure below, an animation window is active, therefore only the two animation windows on the page can be selected. The two HyperGraph 2D XY plotting windows are blocked, which are shown in yellow.

Figure 2. Synchronize Windows dialog with two animation windows and two plot windows, one animation window active

For animation windows, the default setting for synchronization is on; for 2D plot clients the default setting is off.

If synchronization for some animation windows on the active page is turned on, it is turned on for all animation windows on all pages that you switch to, as long as the Synchronize Windows icon displays the green active symbol. If animation windows should not be included, you must turn them off individually.

For HyperGraph 2D, XY plot windows display the reverse behavior - the default setting is turned off. If you make a plot window active and start the tool, only the plot windows are enabled for selection, but they are not active by default. Plot windows must be turned on individually to participate in the synchronization. This must be done for all the plot windows on all pages where you want this feature to be active.

Once the settings changed for specific window, they are maintained during the session. Turning the feature on or off will not change if a window also participates for the non-active pages.

Figure 3. Synchronize Windows dialog with two animation clients and two plot clients, no plot client selected

Start Window Synchronization

  1. From the Page Controls toolbar, click Synchronize Windows.
    The Synchronize Windows dialog is displayed.
    Note: Only windows of the client type which can be synchronized with the active client are enabled for selection/de-selection. By default, all windows are displayed in the currentmodeling window background color, indicating that these windows are active for view synchronization. Windows that are selected for synchronization are dark blue, and non-selected windows are grey. Windows which can’t be synchronized with the current active window are yellow.
  2. Click one of the rectangles (which represents a page window) to exclude it from the synchronization.
    The window's background color changes to the same color as the dialog for all windows that are excluded.

    Figure 4. Synchronized Windows Dialog with one excluded window

Stop Windows Synchronization

  1. From the Page Controls toolbar, click the active Synchronize Windows icon.
    Note: No pop-up dialog is associated with this option.
    The synchronization is stopped across all windows/pages.
  2. Click the rectangle again to include the currently excluded window in the synchronization.
    The background color changes back to the current modeling window background color.
  3. Click OK to apply the settings/changes and exit the dialog.
    Note: All activated windows synchronize the view with the active window. You can use keyboard shortcuts and also the 3D view controls to move (rotate, zoom, and so on) the model. Models in the linked windows rotate or obey the same view upon applying view actions.

    If plotting windows are selected for synchronization, you can use your mouse, keyboard shortcuts, and view controls to change the axis range settings in one window and the other windows will display the same axis settings (min/max values) independent from the units assigned to the axis.

    Changes to the window, page, and window layout (for example, adding new windows or pages) can still be made while the view synchronization is running. If a new page with animation clients is added using the Add Page or Cut/Copy/Paste options, and the synchronized view mode was on prior to the addition, then the new page (and all the animation windows on that page) will be linked by default, until the mode is changed or stopped.