CFD AcuSolve Reader

AcuSolve results for steady state, transient and moving/deforming mesh analyses can be imported and post-processed using the AcuSolve Reader (*.log) in HyperView.

All element types available in AcuSolve are supported by the AcuSolve direct results reader (*.log).

Activate the Load Model checkbox to enable the Load Model panel and then click on the file browser button to open the Load Model File dialog, where you can select the *.log file of the CFD analysis.

Figure 1.

The AcuSolve reader can be explicitly selected by clicking on the Files of type: pull-down menu and selecting AcuSolve Reader (*.Log). Once the AcuSolve reader has been selected, only the AcuSolve *.log files will be displayed in the directory.

Figure 2.

The selected *.log file contains a link to the AcuSolve result file directory, in general ACUSIM.DIR, from which the relevant result data will be extracted.

After loading the result files, the result types for nodal_output and for extended_nodal_output will be displayed in the selection list for contour plotting. The derived_quantity_output is included in the extended nodal output.

Figure 3.

Supported Results

Data Name Result Type Data Type Description
Nodal output velocity Vector Velocity Vector
pressure Scalar Pressure
temperature Scalar Temperature
species Scalar Species
eddy_viscosity Scalar Turbulence eddy viscosity
surface_y_plus Scalar y+ on turbulence walls
surface_film_coefficient (film) Scalar Convective heat transfer coefficient on turbulence walls
kinetic_energy Scalar Turbulence kinetic energy
eddy_frequency Scalar Turbulence eddy frequency
mesh_displacement Vector Mesh displacement vector
mesh_velocity Vector Mesh velocity vector
Extended nodal output grad_velocity Tensor Gradient of velocity vector
grad_pressure Vector Gradient of pressure
grad_temperature Vector Gradient of temperature
grad_species Vector Gradient of species
grad_eddy_viscosity Vector Gradient of turbulence eddy viscosity
grad_kinetic_energy Vector Gradient of turbulence kinetic energy
grad_eddy_frequency Vector Gradient of turbulence eddy frequency
grad_mesh_displacement Vector Gradient of mesh displacement
grad_mesh_velocity Vector Gradient of mesh velocity vector
strain_rate_invariant_2 Vector Second invariant of the strain rate tensor
cfl_number Scalar Element-integrated CFL number
volume Scalar Nodal volume
velocity_magnitude Scalar Magnitude
vorticity Vector Vorticity
density Scalar Density
viscosity Scalar viscosity
gravity Vector Gravity
specific heat Scalar Specific heat
conductivity Tensor Conductivity
heat_source Scalar Heat Source
diffusivity Scalar Species diffusivity
species_source Scalar Species source
turbulence_y Scalar Turbulence distance to wall
turbulence_y_plus Scalar Turbulence y+
Running average output velocity Vector Running average of velocity
pressure Scalar Running average of pressure
viscoelastic_stress Tensor Running average of viscoelastic stress
Time average output velocity Vector Time average of velocity
pressure Scalar Time average of pressure
Derived quantity output density Scalar Density
conductivity Tensor Conductivity
diffusivity Scalar Diffusivity
Nodal residual output velocity Vector Velocity residual
pressure Scalar Pressure residual
eddy_viscosity Scalar Eddy viscosity residual