Use the Parameters Browser to parameterize the contents of a session file or report template and automate a variety of analysis processes with
the Parameters Browser.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as
corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
The functionality of the HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command commands are available through Tcl. Additionally, commands that allow you to extract information from the HyperWorks Desktop database, such as entity ID numbers on a mark, a list of assemblies, component names, elements per component, nodes per
element, node values, and so forth. These are known as HyperMesh Tcl Query Command commands. They are used to query information from the database or template system.
Get information about all entities of the given type in the current model. A single call returns a list where every HyperMesh entity of the specified type (currently only assemblies, components, multibodies, materials, and properties are supported)
is represented with a single list item. Each list item is identical to the return value of the command, hm_entityinfo all for that entity.
Returns the hierarchical structure of assemblies, and optionally standalone components and multibodies, along with properties,
materials, groups and beamsection collectors.
Finds nodes which lie on or within shells or solid faces, or which can be projected on to those shells or solid faces
along a vector or element normal.
Returns a list {x y z} which describes the given entity’s absolute rotation. If HyperMesh is unable to locate the associated systems, the list will contain three empty members.
Gets the coordinates of the points for which normalized parameters are specified, along with the ID of the line on which
they are located, as arguments to the command.
Returns the closest point, the components of the tangent vector and the angle between the tangent vector and the z-axis
at the point on the line closest to the input coordinates.
Calculate and return the 3 moment of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) and 3 product of inertia (Ixy/Iyx, Iyz/Izy, Ixz/Izx) values
(MOI) for a single solid geometric entity.
Returns the arc angle of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the arc angle to be calculated using a line,
node, or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.
Returns the radius of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the radius to be calculated using a line, node,
or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.
Finds the difference of two HyperMesh tables of the same entity type (subtracts the contents of the second table from the first table) and places the result
in the first table.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Returns the elements from the realized attachment.
Return the current state of an attachment.
Get information about all entities of the given type in the current model. A single call returns a list where every HyperMesh entity of the specified type (currently only assemblies, components, multibodies, materials, and properties are supported) is represented with a single list item. Each list item is identical to the return value of the command, hm_entityinfo all for that entity.
Provides an answer to the next command for Tcl scripts.
Appends entities on a mark based on user supplied options.
Returns the hierarchical structure of assemblies, and optionally standalone components and multibodies, along with properties, materials, groups and beamsection collectors.
Returns the behavior flag of an attribute on an entity for the current template.
Returns the entity type number of an entity attribute on an entity for the current template.
Returns the entity type string of an entity attribute on an entity for the current template.
Returns the identifier flag of an attribute on an entity for the current template.
Returns an attribute ID from the attribute name for the current template.
Returns info on FE configurations for a specified solver, connector style and FE config file.
Returns the names or IDs of entities added to the connector that currently do not exist in the database.
Check if the connectors make projection. Returns the failed connector IDs.
Ends the process of reading a master connector file, triggered by hm_ce_read_mcf.
Returns, in a list, all connector data displayed in the table for a single connector on mark and as a list of lists for multiple connectors.
Generates comparison results for entities positioned at the same location. This must be preceded by a call to hm_compareinit.
Generates comparison results for entities positioned symmetrically about a plane.
Removes entities from the base mark which are beyond the given distance or number of element rows from the entities on the target mark.
Exports the ID manager rules to a CSV or XML file.
Returns the list of narrow surfaces, including large surfaces with narrow tails or local narrow neck regions.
Finds nodes which lie on or within shells or solid faces, or which can be projected on to those shells or solid faces along a vector or element normal.
Returns a list {x y z} which describes the given entity’s absolute rotation. If HyperMesh is unable to locate the associated systems, the list will contain three empty members.
Returns information about certain options supported by a card image.
This command returns the IDs (from the CARDINPUTLIST) for the entity type specified.
Returns the geometric centroid for selected entities.
Returns the global flags currently being used for switching of some default modes for geometry autocleanup, element cleanup and element QI smoothing.
Returns the ID of the closest node to the point (x,y,z). Zero is returned if there are no nodes in the database.
Find the shortest distance between a line and a surface, and return line and surface points corresponding to this distance.
Returns the full path and file name of the command file.
Returns a list indicating the entity config, type and count values that are contained in a collector.
Returns a list indicating the entity config and type values that are contained in a collector.
Returns lists of 2D shell elements and nodes that form t-connections or share edges at component/material/property boundaries.
Finds coordinates of a point that belongs to one of surfaces in input set and is a closest point to the location specified in command input.
Gets the coordinates of the points for which normalized parameters are specified, along with the ID of the line on which they are located, as arguments to the command.
Returns a list of card images for the specified entity type and card image organizational type defined in the current template.
Returns a valid entity ID that can be used to renumber both the creating and mapping entities.
Returns a valid entity ID that can be used to renumber both the creating and mapping entities.
Returns the full HyperMesh entity type name for the passed entity type ID.
Returns the ID of the root entity for a given modular entity type.
Returns the HyperWorks Desktop entity type ID for the passed entity type name.
Returns the alias name for a specified entity type in the current user profile.
Returns a list of card image types defined in the current template for the specified entity type.
Returns the user profile information saved in the HyperMesh database.
Returns the binary file version string for a specified HyperMesh database.
Returns the ID pool number for a given solver and ID pool name.
Returns a list of pool IDs or names for the specified entity type.
Returns a list of pool names based on the specified entity type and solver ID range.
Selects entities and returns the entity types contained in a specified include file.
Returns the entities referenced/cross-referenced by the selected components, for include file organization purposes.
Returns the angle between two lines at one of their intersection points.
For a given line, test point, and distance, this command finds all of the line points that are at the specified distance from the test point.
Returns the closest point, the components of the tangent vector and the angle between the tangent vector and the z-axis at the point on the line closest to the input coordinates.
Returns the components of the tangent vector and the angle between the tangent vector and the z-axis at the line end point.
Returns the components of the tangent vector and the angle between the tangent vector and the z-axis at the line start point.
Returns the moment-of-inertia values for the selected entities.
Calculate and return the 3 moment of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) and 3 product of inertia (Ixy/Iyx, Iyz/Izy, Ixz/Izx) values (MOI) for a single solid geometric entity.
Returns the path to the current user’s "My Documents" folder on Windows.
Returns a list of bounding surface IDs, one list for each set of bounding surfaces found, or nothing if there is not a valid closed bounds found.
Gets the surface containing the face whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Gets the normals of the surfaces connected to the node or point whose ID is given as the argument.
Returns the closest point and the components of the normal vector at the point on the surface closest to the input coordinates.
Gets the surfaces with an area smaller or equal to the specified value.
Gets the surfaces that have an edge with a length smaller or equal to the specified value.
Gets all surfaces connected to the edge whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Returns the list of surface IDs associated with a specified solid ID.
Gets all surfaces connected to the point whose ID is supplied as the argument.
Returns a list of points, from the first input point to the third input point, that trace a convex path across the specified entities.
Returns the hierarchical structure of assemblies, components and multibodies, along with properties, materials, groups and beamsection collectors.
Returns the angle between two specified edge domains. Optional argument allows the user to input a normal vector to be used to measure the angle.
Returns the arc angle of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the arc angle to be calculated using a line, node, or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.
Returns the length of a specified edge domain. Optional argument allows the user to input a vector along which to measure the length.
Returns the radius of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the radius to be calculated using a line, node, or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.
Returns the morph volume face ID for the specified morph volume and nodes along the edges of that face.
Returns the handle ID for the specified node if a handle exists at that node.
Identifies changes in the database relevant to HyperMorph entities and calls the necessary commands to update those HyperMorph entities.
Returns all search paths, and runs a specified procedure for each path.
Checks the proximity between elements or components, and stores the results internally.
Checks the proximity between elements or components, allowing the user to specify the target, and stores the results internally.
Appends the contents of a HyperMesh table to another HyperMesh table of the same entity type. Creates a destination table if it does not exist.
Makes a copy of the HyperMesh table. Overwrites destination table.
Finds the difference of two HyperMesh tables of the same entity type (subtracts the contents of the second table from the first table) and places the result in the first table.
Finds subset of entities common to two HyperMesh tables of the same entity type and places it into the first table.
List the names of all tables created by marktotable.
Search a table for an entity ID. The constant 1 is returned if the ID is found. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
Append the entity IDs from the named table to the specified mark.
Returns a series of three doubles denoting the points for the line calculated by the previous call to hm_wadlinesgetgridpointsleg.
Returns coordinate data defining a line made by the measuring tape running from the ground to the specified WAD point along the vehicle.
Sets the entities for the internal bumper components used for the internal bumper reference line and upper/lower leg grid point generation.