*block (id name color mini maxi minj maxj mink maxk divi divj divk )
HyperMesh HMASCII Command
- id
- The ID of the block (must be unique).
- name
- The name of the block.
- color
- The color of the block. Refer to the color variable chart.
- mini
- The minimum i coordinate of the block’s corners.
- maxi
- The maximum i coordinate of the block’s corners.
- minj
- The minimum j coordinate of the block’s corners.
- maxj
- The maximum j coordinate of the block’s corners.
- mink
- The minimum k coordinate of the block’s corners.
- maxk
- The maximum k coordinate of the block’s corners.
- divi
- The number of grid lines in the i direction.
- divj
- The number of grid lines in the j direction.
- divk
- The number of grid lines in the k direction.