Computes area moments of inertia from a section cut, and creates beam elements along the cuts.
*createsectioncut sectionmethod=<value> ?<option1>=<value1>? ?<option2>=<value2>? ... ?<optionN>=<valueN>?
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Options can be provided in any order.
This command computes area moments of inertia and stiffness terms of a planar section cut from a 1D/2D selection. The computed data is stored in a resultant section cut table. Moreover, it can create shell beam sections from the cuts and create beam elements along the consecutive cuts. Every beam element created has a PBEAM property assigned to it. The property refers to the beam sections, along the start and end of the beam element, at stations 0 and 1. The command currently works for OptiStruct and Nastran user profiles.
- sectionmethod=<value>
- auto - Uses the element selection to compute the bounding box and creates section cut along the longest dimension of the box. In case of ambiguity, considers the global axis in the order of X and Y respectively as section cut normal.
- beamoffset=<value>
- Available if includebeams is specified.
- createbeamelems=<value>
- 0 - Do not create beam elements between consecutive cuts (default)
- createbeamsect=<value>
- 0 - Do not create shell beam section from the section cut (default)
- createelemsat=<value>
- Available if createbeamelems=1.
- createelemsets=<value>
- 0 - Do not create sets of intersecting elements for each cut (default)
- createsectiondata=<value>
- 0 - Do not create resultant section cut table (default)
- detaileddata=<value>
- 0 - Do not create a table with detailed element level section cut data (default)
- elemscomp=<value>
- Available if createbeamelems=1.
- includebeams=<value>
- 0 - Do not consider beam/bar elements in the section cut
- includeenttype=<value>
- The include entity type, elems or comps. Requires includemark to be specified.
- includemark=<value>
- The ID of the mark containing the entities for the section cut. If provided, only the given elements will be used for the cut. Valid values are 1 and 2. Required if includeenttype is specified.
- includerods=<value>
- 0 - Do not consider rod/truss elements in the section cut
- includeshells=<value>
- 0 - Do not consider 2D elements in the section cut
- intertiaat=<value>
- centroid - Output the MOI at the section's centroid
- keepintersectlines=<value>
- Available if createbeamsect=1.
- linescomp=<value>
- Available if keepintersectlines=1.
- nodeatcentroid=<value>
- 0 - Do not create a node at the centroid (default)
- nodeatneutralaxis=<value>
- 0 - Do not create a node at the neutral axis (default)
- numcuts=<value>
- The number of cuts to be made.
- offset=<value>
- The offset from the section plane base to make consecutive cuts. Requires the use of numcuts. Available if sectionmethod=byplane and sectionbase is provided.
- refenttype=<value>
- The type of reference entities to use, nodes or points. Requires reflistid to be specified.
- reflistid=<value>
- The ID of the list containing the reference nodes or points for the section plane base. Valid values are 1 and 2. Required if refenttype is specified.
- sectionbase=<x y z>
- The coordinates of the section base. Required if sectionmethod=byplane and offset is to be used.
- sectionnormal=<x y z>
- The component of the section plane normal pointing to the positive side. Only elements from that side are considered to evaluate interias. Required if sectionmethod=byplane.
- shelloffset=<value>
- Available if includeshells is specified.
- verticalaxis=<x y z>
- The global coordinates of the YZ section vertical axis. The actual vertical axis will be recomputed as 2 cross-products using the section's normal vector. Required if sectionmethod=byplane.
*createmark comps 1 displayed
*createsectioncut sectionmethod=byplane sectionnormal={-1 0 0} verticalaxis={0 0 1} sectionbase={8000 1.5916157281026e-12 1125} offset=300 numcuts=2 inertiaat=centroid includemark=1 includeenttype=comps createelemsets=1 createsectiondata=1 detaileddata=1 nodeatcentroid=1 createbeamsect=1 keepintersectlines=1 linescomp=1 createbeamelems=1 createelemsat=1 elemscomp=1
*createlist nodes 2 10 11 12
*createsectioncut sectionmethod=byplane sectionnormal={1 0 0} verticalaxis={0 0 1} refenttype=nodes reflistid=2 inertiaat=centroid createelemsets=1 createsectiondata=1 detaileddata=1 nodeatcentroid=1 createbeamsect=1 keepintersectlines=1 createbeamelems=1 createelemsat=1
*createsectioncut sectionmethod=auto numcuts=4 inertiaat=centroid createelemsets=1 createsectiondata=1 detaileddata=1 nodeatcentroid=1 createbeamsect=1 keepintersectlines=1 createbeamelems=1 createelemsat=1
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History