
Controls the registration of geometric entities for morphing.


*morphregistergeometry entity_type mark_id mode target


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


This command allows you to control which geometric entities can be morphed and which type of morphing affects them. Currently only the geometry associated with point and line connectors can be morphed and they can only be morphed by morph volumes. Area connectors cannot be morphed nor can line and surface entities, and morphing operations that do not involve morph volumes will not affect any geometric entities.

Connectors should be reregistered whenever their relative positions inside the morph volumes change, such as, if they are translated and the morph volumes are not. This will ensure that they are not reverted to their previous locations inside the morph volumes when those morph volumes are morphed. Note that any registered connectors are automatically reregistered if morph volumes are made “inactive,” morphed, and then made “active” again.

When the morphing of connectors is saved as a shape, applying the shape will morph those connectors even if the morph volumes have been deleted or the connectors have been unregistered. Shapes saved along with the model file will still affect connectors when the file is reloaded. However, shapes written using *morphsaveshapeand read using *morphloadshape will no longer affect connectors.


The type of entity to register. Must be set to connectors.
The ID of the mark of entities to register. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Registers and unregisters connectors. If any part of a line or point connector is registered to the morph volumes and are within a morph volume, they will be morphed along with the morph volumes, while unregistered connectors will be unaffected.
0 - Register connectors on mark_id and unregister connectors not on mark_id
1 - Register connectors on mark_id
2 - Unregister connectors on mark_id
3 - Reregister all registered connectors (mark_id is not used)
1 - Morph volumes


Update all connectors in the model to be registered to morph volumes:
*createmark connectors 1 all
*morphregistergeometry connectors 1 1 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History