Realize field field1 for property ID mapping on elements from a field having a source mesh,
using proximity
*createmark elems 1 all
*realizeentity fields name={field1} targetentitytype=elements mark=1 fieldtype=propertyid interpolation=proximity
Realize parametric field field2 for temperatures on nodes of surface 1579 having (0,0)
parametric position at node 1 and (1,1) parametric position at 1000, using shapefunction
*createmark nodes 1 1-1440
*realizeentity name={field2} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature surfaceid=1579 minmaxnodes={1 1000} interpolation=shapefunction
Realize field field3 on all nodes having result file name as
curve_shell_nastran.op2, for subcase "SUBCASE 1" and time steps of
the selected subcase {Time =0.140000, Time=0.020000 and
*createmark nodes 1 all
*createstringarray 2 "curve_shells_nastran.op2;{SUBCASE 1}" "{Time = 0.020000} {Time = 0.140000} {Time = 0.220000}"
*realizeentity fields name={field3} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature interpolation=shapefunction resultdatatypes={Grid Temperatures} resultdatacomps={Scalar value} resultloadcases={1 2}
Realize field field4 on all nodes having result file name as
curve_shell_nastran.op2 for all load cases and time steps for
*createmark nodes 1 all
*createstringarray 1 all
*realizeentity fields name={field3} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature interpolation=shapefunction resultdatatypes={Grid Temperatures} resultdatacomps={Scalar value} resultloadcases={1 1}
Realize field field5 for cyclic symmetry using cylindrical system 5 on all nodes having
temperatures by using value from file and source is of current
*createmark nodes 1 all
*realizeentity fields name={field5} targetentitytype=nodes mark=1 fieldtype=temperature interpolation=shapefunction cyclicsytem=5