Generates SPH elements with various options.
entity_type mark_id string_array number_of_strings
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Generates SPH particles within bounded, semi-watertight (some small gaps less than pitch
size allowed), regions. The relative placement of these particles is specified using the
pitch distance and the fill method parameters. The region(s) can be specified using
elements, elements belonging to components, and either geometric surfaces or solids. The
amount and direction of fill can also be specified. The mass of each resulting particle is
calculated using either an input density or the total mass of the filled space. Full SPH
functionality is available for Radioss, LS-DYNA and PAM-CRASH user profiles.
Execution is supported in other profiles, without the creation of solver data.
- entity_type
- The type of entity that defines the volumes. Valid values are elements, comps
(elements only), surfs or solids.
- mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the input entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- string_array
- The ID of the string array that contains the array of meshing parameters. The string
array is created using the *createstringarray command. This should
always be set to 1.
- String names must be followed by a : (e.g. Config:). Valid strings and values are:
- Config
- Indicates how the particles are located relative to each other. Valid values are:
- 0 - Simple cubic
- 1 - Face centered cubic
- ElemToComps
- Specifies the organization of the SPH components. Valid values are:
- 0 - Create elements in current component
- 1 - Create elements in new component
- 2 - Create elements in new component per cavity
- MassType
- Indicates how the mass of each resulting particle is calculated. Valid values
- 0 - Using the specified density of the material in conjunction with the
occupied volume and the number of created particles.
- 1 - By dividing the specified total mass by the number of created
- MassDensity
- If MassType is 0, this is the density of the material.
- If MassType is 1, this is the total mass of the
- PartialFill
- An option to fill the volume partially. This string contains six values in a
fixed sequence as "is_partial_fill is_percent_or_depth
fillpercent_or_depth filldir_x filldir_y filldir_z".
- is_partial_fill
- 0 - Fill volume fully
- 1 - Fill volume partially.
- is_percent_or_depth
- 0 - Fill by depth of volume. Used when
is_partial_fill is 1.
- 1 - Fill by percentage of volume. Used when
is_partial_fill is 1.
- fillpercent_or_depth
- The percentage value when is_percent_or_depth is 0, or
the depth level when is_percent_or_depth is 1.
- filldir_x
- Fill direction vector x component.
- filldir_y
- Fill direction vector y component.
- filldir_z
- Fill direction vector z component.
- PitchSize
- The numerical value of the pinch distance.
- Reference
- Specifies an optional reference used to align the SPH grid. This string contains
five values in a fixed sequence as use_ref_origin ref_origin_x
ref_origin_y ref_origin_z ref_system_id.
- use_ref_origin
- 0 - Do not align to a reference.
- 1 - Align the grid to the specified reference.
- ref_origin_x
- The x-coordinate of the reference origin.
- ref_origin_y
- The y-coordinate of the reference origin.
- ref_origin_z
- The z-coordinate of the reference origin.
- ref_system_id
- The ID of the reference coordinate system.
- VolumeType
- Specifies the volume(s) to be considered for meshing. This string contains four
values in a fixed sequence as volume_type nth_largest_index
enclosed_vol_node_mark exclude_vol_node_mark.
- volume_type
- 0 - All volumes are considered.
- 1 - Nth largest volume only considered as given by
- 2 - Enclosed volumes are considered which contains nodes by
- 3 - Exclude volumes from meshing which contain nodes specified by
- nth_largest_index
- The volume index to be meshed (starting with 1). Volumes are sorted based
on descending order of volume. Used when volume_type is
- enclosed_vol_node_mark
- The ID of the mark containing nodes within enclosed volumes to consider.
Valid values are 1 and 2. Used when volume_type is 2.
- exclude_vol_node_mark
- The ID of the mark containing nodes within volumes to exclude. Valid
values are 1 and 2. Used when volume_type is 3.
- WallClearance
- The wall clearance distance for which particles will not be created.
- WallOffset
- The wall offset distance for which particles will be created.
- number_of_strings
- Integer indicating the size (number of strings) in the string array created using
*createstringarray. This must equal the number of columns in the
To generate SPH elements for all components and all volumes, using a pitch size of 1,
partial filling with a depth of 50 along the y direction with a reference location of (35.0,
11.0, -5.0) , a wall clearance of 0.1 and a wall offset of 30:
*createmark components 1 all
*createstringarray 10 "PitchSize: 1" "Config: 0" "MassType: 0" "MassDensity: 1" "PartialFill: 1 1 50 0 1 0" "Reference: 1 35.0 11.0 -5.0 0" "VolumeType: 0 0 0 0" "WallClearance: 0.1" "WallOffset: 30" "ElemToComps: 1"
*sphgenerate_new components 1 1 10
Incorrect usage results in a
Tcl error. To detect
errors, you can use the
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History
2017 Execution in all user profiles now supported, without the
creation of solver data.