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HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
These provide an overview of all additions, updates, and changes to the HyperMesh APIs for each release.
Details on the core data that can be queried and manipulated.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
FE input readers are C programs that read information from ASCII or binary finite element models files into the HyperMesh database.
Details on the HMASCII format and associated commands.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
The functionality of the HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command commands are available through Tcl. Additionally, commands that allow you to extract information from the HyperWorks Desktop database, such as entity ID numbers on a mark, a list of assemblies, component names, elements per component, nodes per element, node values, and so forth. These are known as HyperMesh Tcl Query Command commands. They are used to query information from the database or template system.
Tcl/Tk scripts can be run in several ways.
Commands that operate on the HyperMesh GUI widgets.
Commands that modify the HyperMesh database.
Rotate the dummy’s joint to an absolute position. Rotation occurs first about the X, then Y, then Z.
FE-absorb 1D properties into beam sections.
Absorb entities using the tabular segregation interface.
Absorb classical loads to engineering loads.
Moves surfaces from the midsurface to edit component into the middle surface component and stitches surfaces according to a specified tolerance.
Creates MPCs between selected master and slave elements.
Previews and creates a solid acoustic cavity mesh after running *acousticmeshinit.
Clears memory after previewing or generating an acoustic mesh using *acousticmeshcreate.
Initializes an acoustic cavity mesh before running *acousticmeshinit.
Identifies acoustic cavity interfaces.
Identifies acoustic cavity interfaces.
Apply or unapply all the transformations in the model.
Creates an adaptive tria mesh from an STL tria mesh input.
Builds the skeletal octree structure for the adaptive wrap mesher.
Terminates the adaptive wrap mesher.
Initializes the adaptive wrap mesher input elements.
Checks for leaks from selected elements with specified seed nodes during adaptive wrap meshing.
Check leakage and generate 1Ds for the leak path for an adaptive wrap mesh control.
Generates an adaptive wrap mesh.
Creates the mesh for selected adaptive wrap mesh controls.
Rejects the *adaptive_wrapper_mesh operation.
Previews the cavities for the adaptive wrap mesher.
Clears the preview generated by *adaptive_wrapper_preview.
Rejects the mesh generated by *adaptive_wrapper_preview and the preparation generated by all *adaptive_wrapper_* commands.
Assigns proximity parameters to the adaptive wrapper mesher.
Clears the reject buffer for all *adaptive_wrapper_* commands.
Assigns/extracts features for the adaptive wrapper mesher.
Assigns meshing parameters to the adaptive wrapper mesher.
Adds washer elements to circular holes of shell meshes.
Adds or removes distance (dimension) manipulators between two surface vertices.
Creates a triangular or quadrilateral rib at a given position.
Adds elements using the face/edge option to a contact surface.
Adds elements using the face number to a contact surface.
Updates the connectivity of an IC element.
Adds the entities contained in the specified include file to the current display.
Used by multiple models to add a new secondary model.
Add selected 1D and 2D element(s) to existing contactsurf.
Adds transformations to positions.
Adjusts a contact surface normal using an orientation element.
Adjusts a group normal using an orientation element.
Adjust mass for a selection of components for LS-DYNA.
Fixes the penetrations by moving only the failed nodes.
Updates mass elements. A visualization node is used when updating and the number of selected entities are greater than one.
Creates mass elements with the option to create the mass on the independent entities or to create a set out of those entities and attach the set to the element mass created.
Absorb FE into attachments.
Convert an existing attachment control to a different config.
Creates an attachment control that can be used for attachment realizations and saved to the binary file.
Initializes the attachment control defaults.
Creates attachments with options.
Converts connector bolt comp/part links to attachment links.
Realize attachments.
Unrealize attachments
Aligns 1D elements with respect to global or local system.
Aligns a node along the imaginary line between two other nodes.
Aligns a node along the imaginary line between two other nodes, using a ratio coefficient.
Aligns multiple nodes along the imaginary line between two other nodes.
Aligns nodes of mesh edges along geometric edges.
Sets the active/inactive state of all supported entities.
Sets the export/do not export state of all entities.
Creates an FE joint element for use with the OptiStruct FE solution sequence.
Updates FE joint elements for use with the OptiStruct FE solution sequence.
Creates a joint element for use with the OptiStruct MBD solution sequence.
Updates joint elements for use with the OptiStruct MBD solution sequence.
Creates a node-to-node gap element (CGAP) for use with the OptiStruct solver.
Updates property and orientation of node-to-node (CGAP) or node-to-element (CGAPG) gap elements.
Frees memory temporarily allocated for the automesher.
Creates a curve by extracting values from a results file.
Creates a curve pair by extracting complex values from a results file.
Loads a results file for use in subsequent operations.
Loads a results file for use in subsequent operations.
Sets the number of animation cycles for the subsequent animation.
Sets the animation legend range for transient animation sequences.
Creates a linear animation from results data.
Creates a modal animation from results data.
Creates a transient animation from results data.
Provides an answer to the previous command for .cmf files.
Appends entities on a mark based on user supplied options.
Appends a mark with entities of the given type that match a defined pattern of identifying information.
Sets the components on the graphics component list (select/apply on the menu) to the specified style and color.
Modifies node coordinates by applying displacements from a .res file.
Create loads at an entity's nodes based on a models result information.
Creates or modifies an assembly.
Adds an assembly.
Removes the components within a mark from the components contained in an assembly mark.
Creates an assigned plot from results data.
References a coordinate system to an element.
Assigns a system to an entity type based on lines/nodes.
References a coordinate system to an element.
Assigns a system to an entity type based on curves with surface normal.
Updates an attribute that is a 2D array of entity IDs.
Updates an attribute, which is a 2D array of entity IDs, on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type double.
Updates an attribute of type double array.
Updates an attribute of type 2D double array.
Updates one element of an attribute of type 2D double array.
Updates an attribute of type 2D double array on a set of entities.
Updates one element of an attribute of type double array.
Updates an attribute of type double array on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type double on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type entity.
Updates an attribute that is an array of entity IDs.
Updates one element of an attribute of type 2D entity ID array.
Updates one element of an attribute of type 2D entity ID array.
Updates an attribute, which is an array of entity IDs, on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type entity on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type int.
Updates an attribute of type int array.
Updates an attribute of type 2D int array.
Updates one element of an attribute of type integer array.
Updates an attribute of type 2D int array on a set of entities.
Updates one element of an attribute of type int array.
Updates an attribute of type int array on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type int on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type solver_id.
Updates an attribute of type string.
Updates an attribute of type string array.
Updates one element of an attribute of type string array.
Updates an attribute of type string array on a set of entities.
Updates an attribute of type string on a set of entities.
Automatically colors any collectors that are currently set to gray (colors 10-18).
Employs a surface-based automeshing algorithm to generate a mesh on a given surface face.
Meshes elements or surfaces using automesh mesh controls.
Set 2D meshing parameters on edges and faces.
Performs automatic preparation of a model’s topology for meshing, using specified element size and element quality criteria.
Update orientation and/or offset of 1D elements with reference to neighboring shells.
Deletes bags on a mark and all of the child entities within each bag.
Creates a bar3 element.
Creates a bar3 element with offsets.
Updates the direction node for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
Creates a bar element.
Creates a bar element with offsets.
Orients bar elements along a given direction with respect to an input system.
Rotate bar elements along their respective X-axis using an input angle.
Updates the vector (global system), pin flags and property for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
Update bar elements using an input table.
Updates the vector (local system), pin flags and property for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
Updates the vector, pin flags, property, direction node and offset for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
Updates the offsets in the global system for a single bar or bar3 element.
Updates the offsets in the global system for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
Updates the offsets in the local system for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
Updates pins of bar elements.
Meshes geometry using BatchMesh mesh controls.
Creates loads by performing linear interpolation between existing loads or loads defined in a text file.
Connects the parts of a shell section.
Calculates results for selected beam sections.
Creates a shell or solid beam section by cutting a plane through the selected entities.
Creates a shell beam section for HyperBeam.
Creates a shell beam section for HyperBeam.
Creates a solid beam section for HyperBeam.
Creates a solid beam section for HyperBeam.
Creates a solid beam section for HyperBeam.
Creates a standard solver-specific HyperBeam section.
Updates the data for a generic type beam section.
Updates the root data for a beam section.
Updates the data for a shell type beam section.
Updates the data for a solid type beam section.
Calculates results for selected beam sections.
Updates the data for a standard type beam section.
Translates a shell or solid beam section within its local coordinate frame.
Renames a HyperBeam shell section part.
Generates a 2D boundary layer mesh on surfaces/elements.
Generates boundary layer thickness on boundary nodes, with specified parameters.
Generates boundary layer thickness on boundary nodes, with specified parameters and default boundary layer/non-boundary layer type definition.
Specifies boundary layer input.
Specifies non-boundary layer input.
Generates a 2D boundary layer mesh on boundary layer edges, with specified parameters
Controls the lines on a block.
Controls the planes on a block.
Updates the finite difference nodes in a finite difference block.
Sets the current block.
Creates a fill hide plot of a finite difference block.
Adds one cell to a finite difference wall.
Creates a wall in a finite difference block.
Deletes a wall from a finite difference block.
Adds or deletes a range of cells in a finite difference wall.
Fills an enclosed plane of cells in a finite difference wall.
Intersects one- and two-dimensional finite elements with cells in a finite difference block.
Removes all cells from the given finite difference wall.
Removes one cell from a finite difference wall.
Deletes all walls from a finite difference block.
Updates the color of a wall in a finite difference block.
Flags the boundaries of components to be preserved during batch meshing and autocleanup.
Splits surfaces or solids using swept lines.
Split a set of solids or surfaces along a spline constructed from a series of specified points.
Splits surfaces or solids using swept lines.
Trim selected solids or surfaces by sweeping line constructed from input coordinates in input direction.
Calculates the draping angles of elements associated with ply.
Used to determine the proximity distance between elements.
Deletes a control card.
Disables an existing control card from being output through the template system.
This command allows browsers to disable duplicate control cards by id and name.
Enables an existing control card to be output through the template system.
This command allows browsers to enable duplicate control cards by id and name.
Update connectors with entities.
Allows the user to add link directly to the connectors without considering tolerance or number of layers.
Update connectors at the specified locations with arrays.
Update connectors at the specified locations with rules and other details.
Update connectors at the specified locations with rules.
Update connectors as group links with criteria.
Creates bolt connectors from attachments.
Sets connectors to unrealized and back to a clean undefined state.
Create area connector(s) at the specific location(s) by mark with certain rules.
Create area connector(s) at the specific location(s) by list with certain rules.
Use the projections of components or elements to mesh area connectors.
This command meshes area connectors.
Trim/split area connectors using nodes.
Combines connectors.
Creates spot connector(s) at the specified location(s) by mark.
Create apply mass connectors at the specified location with certain rules, and realize them using a specified config type, mass value and distribution type.
Create connectors using autopitch points, obtained by flange detection techniques.
Create connectors using autopitch points, obtained by flange detection techniques.
Creates a certain style of connector at locations specified by a list, with certain rules and details.
Creates a certain style of connector at locations specified by a list, with certain rules and details, and realize the connectors using specified realization details.
Creates a certain style of connector at locations specified by a mark, with certain rules and details.
Create a certain style of connectors at locations specified by mark using certain rules and details, and realize them using specified details.
Creates connector(s) at the specified location(s) with defined rules.
Group or ungroup seam connectors on mark to behave as a single/multiple seam connector(s).
Create new connector group(s) and reorganize connector(s) inside them based on criteria given.
Creates connector(s) on the lines at the given density or spacing.
Creates connector(s) at the specified location(s) with defined rules.
Partitions seam connectors.
Deletes connectors that are considered to be duplicates of other connectors within a given tolerance.
Create seam connectors at specified locations by line list with certain rules.
Create seam connectors at specified locations by line list with certain rules.
Trim/split seam connectors using nodes.
Sets the projection vector for a connector specified by ID.
Set projection vector for connectors specified by mark.
Converts between bolt and spot connectors.
Converts several spot or bolt connectors into a spotline or boltlline.
Converts connector links to a new entity type.
Delete connector details (stored in connector metadata) from connectors specified by ID.
Delete connector details (stored in connector metadata) from connectors specified by mark.
Copy realization details from a connector to a list of connectors.
Sets a double connector detail for a single connector.
Sets a double connector detail for a mark of connectors.
Sets an integer connector detail for a single connector.
Sets an integer connector detail for a mark of connectors.
Sets a string connector detail for a single connector.
Sets a string connector detail for a mark of connectors.
Sets a triple connector detail for a single connector.
Sets a triple connector detail for a mark of connectors.
Sets an unsigned integer as connector detail for a connector specified by ID.
Sets an unsigned integer as connector detail for a connector specified by ID.
Edit density, spacing and offset details for seam or line spot connectors specified by mark.
Assign a pre-defined error code to a connector.
Export connectors in the native XML/ASCII format.
Export connectors to their original files in their original or specified format.
Export the connector information to a master connectors file.
Export connectors which belong to specified original file in their original or specified format.
Checks the quality of 1D elements (welds) created by realizing connector entity (CE).
Checks the quality of 3D elements (welds) created by realizing connector entity (CE).
Absorbs certain FE information into connectors.
Auto register pre-existing entities to multiple connectors.
Set global flags for connectors to perform different operations.
Load or unload an FE config file.
Realize existing connectors, using specified details.
Registers pre-existing FE to a single connector ID.
Registers pre-existing FE to multiple connector IDs.
Registers pre-existing entities to a single connector.
Registers pre-existing entities to multiple connectors.
Sets common parameters required to realize connectors as welds.
Set FE realization details for the connectors on a mark.
Set FE realization details for the connector(s) on mark and realize them with welds.
Changes a single FE realization detail for connectors on the mark.
Changes a single FE detail for a connector specified by ID.
Unregister the realization entities from connectors.
Un-register registered entities from multiple connectors.
Set global double parameters relating to the display of connectors.
Set global integer parameters relating to the display of connectors.
Set a value to a global string variable.
Combine the individual/group links into a single group link.
Remove a link entity of a specific type and ID or name from the connectors on mark.
Remove link entities of a specific type and ID or name from the connectors on mark.
Split group links into individual links.
Allows search and replace of an existing link in the specified connector mark with a new link entity.
Allows search and replace of existing link information in the specified connector mark with new link information.
Allows search and replace of existing links in the specified connectors with new link information.
Positions connectors to the middle point or back to the source location.
Set cylinder bolt parameters for bolt connectors and display the graphical preview.
Find connectors that need to be combined and place them on the output mark.
Find duplicate connectors and place them on the output mark.
Check quality of projections with connectors.
Creates a connector from an XML string.
FE realize all the defined connectors on mark (creates FE).
Remove a link entity of a specific type and/or ID/name from a connector entity.
Review connectors by collector according to user options.
Review connectors according to user options.
Review links according to user options.
Set the global shared entity management settings.
Sets a specific detail for all the connectors on the mark.
Sets a specific detail for a specific connector ID.
FE unrealize all the defined connectors on mark (removes all created FE).
Attaches a custom error message to a connector.
Allows search and replace of an existing link in the specified connector with a new link entity.
Writes a CFD output deck.
Changes the densities of selected surface edges and remeshes the adjacent surfaces, according to the specified mode.
Checks whether a selection of meshes is symmetric.
Checks whether a selection of surfaces is symmetric.
Checks a group of elements for penetrations and/or self-interference.
Smooths the area around any unoffsetable nodes to attempt to make them offsetable.
Cleans up model specific data after a box trim operation.
Clears all ID ranges for various portions of a model.
Clears the preserve nodes flag from all the nodes that were marked as preserved.
Removes from the unresolved IDs database all entries for a specified entity type.
Clears the specified list.
Clears all entity locks.
Clears all entity locks.
Clear all entity IDs of the passed entity type from the specified mark.
Clear all entity IDs for all entity types from the specified mark.
Clears the selected nodes that were marked as preserved.
Removes from the unresolved IDs database a single ID for a specified entity type.
Audits the list of unresolved ID references and discards any which are no longer needed.
Performs mesh coarsening and decimation on selected components.
Performs mesh coarsening on selected components.
Moves and/or sorts the entities on a mark.
Performs a collision detection.
Performs a collision detection.
Fix collisions by moving nodes.
Updates the results of a collision check.
Modifies a color in the color map.
Colors the entities on a mark a specified color.
Combines the selected elements into one.
Creates a line from a group of plot elements.
Renumbers ID ranges starting from the minimum allowed ID.
Creates a complex modal animation from results data.
Analyzes composite materials, plies, sequences or laminates.
Calculates the thickness of a midmesh and assigns properties.
Calculates the boundary layer thickness reduction factors based on the proximity used for the boundary layer mesh generation.
Changes the configuration of a selection of elements.
Extends surfaces to meet other surfaces.
Creates a contact surface using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
Creates a contact surface using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
Creates a contact surface using 1D or 2D elements.
Creates a contour plot from results data.
Outputs a control sum number to the specified text file.
Updates the target solver ID for beamsections.
Converts certain elements from one solver to another.
Converts any of the source legacy entities, in a particular solver interface, to a specified target entity.
Converts a regular include file into an include transform include file or vice versa.
Converts thermal loads from one solver to another.
Converts the thickness of the specified entities to the target solver.
Copies a selection of elements and pastes them onto the displayed shell elements at the target location.
Copies entities from one collector to another.
Copies master/slave elements from one group to another.
Corrects an entity ID range overflow for a submodel.
This command sets a limited set of cleanup parameters directly in the command file for use with *autotopocleanup.
Creates a bead on 2D elements.
Generates plot elements between 2D elements.
Creates spring elements between selected coincident nodes.
Creates midlines from tube solids.
Creates 1D and 2D axis parallel lattice meshes.
Creates an airbag control volume.
Creates an array of integers for use in a subsequent command.
Create a design points from the selected elements.
Creates a node or a point at the center of the circle that best approximates the input set of lines or points.
Creates an aero component of type CAERO1.
Creates a body component of type CAERO2.
Creates a node at the center of a circle defined by 3 input nodes.
Creates a point at the center of a circle defined by 3 input points.
Creates a circle or arc given the center and radius.
Creates a circle or arc by spinning a point about the normal vector of a plane.
Creates a circle or arc from 3 nodes.
Creates a collector and moves certain entities into the collector.
Creates elements of a specified type between input nodes and nodes determined from the nearest elements within tolerance.
Creates an airbag control volume.
Creates a master-slave relationship for LS-DYNA *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES keyword.
Creates an array of doubles for use in a subsequent command.
Creates a 2D array of doubles for use in a subsequent command.
Creates an element from a node list.
Create multiple 1D elements from a list of nodes.
Creates 1D beams, bars and rods, and optionally assigns properties to created elements.
Creates a spotweld element between two surfaces at the selected nodes with an element type, coordinate system, and property ID.
Creates a spotweld element between two surfaces at the marked points with an element type, coordinate system, and property ID.
Creates one or more ellipsoids based on the information given.
Creates one or more ellipsoids based on the information provided.
Creates entities using an external source file.
Create a new entity with specified data.
Creates a 2D array of entities for use in a subsequent command.
Allows you to interactively select a single entity
Create a new entity that is a clone of a source entity.
Creates face elements on all free solid element boundaries.
Creates an FBD displacement summary table.
Creates a .fbd file from an FBD summary table.
Creates a freebodygroup entity, used for FBD trace plots.
Creates a report for FBD panel and FBD bar from panel and freebodysection entities respectively.
Creates an FBD summary table or min/max table.
Creates a fillet between two lines.
Recognize fillet surfaces of triangular or rectangular shape, and split strings of fillets down to their longitudinal center lines.
Creates an ID range.
Defines a new include file in the database.
Create a new include file for prototype parts that do not have an include.
Creates a 2D array of integers for use in a subsequent command.
Creates intersection segments as plot elements from the results of hm_collisioncheck.
Creates a two-noded joint element.
Creates an ordered list of entities for use in a subsequent command.
Provides a panel to create an ordered list of entities for use in a subsequent command, with the collector set to "by path".
Provides a panel to create an ordered list of entities for use in a subsequent command.
Places entities on a mark based on user-supplied options.
Populates the mark with the entities used in the last command.
Provides a panel to add entities to a mark.
Creates multiple spotwelds between a set of nodes on the finite element mesh for a given type of element, coordinate system, and property ID.
Creates nodes and spotweld elements between two surfaces on the selected lines at a specified spacing or density with an element type, coordinate system, and property ID.
Creates nodes between each pair of nodes along a list.
Creates a user-specified number of nodes between two nodes.
Creates the INSHE/ORTHO_LOC tables based on the composite data in the session.
Defines a plane for use in a subsequent command.
Creates a point in space.
Creates a specified number of points between points.
Creates midpoints between two geometric positions in space.
Creates a new position for a mechanism.
Creates a reference geometry control volume.
Computes area moments of inertia from a section cut, and creates beam elements along the cuts.
Creates a sensor entity.
Creates solid elements from shell elements.
Creates a spotweld between two nodes on the finite element mesh for a given type of element, coordinate system, and property ID.
Creates an array of strings for use in a subsequent command.
Defines a vector for use in a subsequent command.
Creates weld elements between surfaces using a line list to determine the weld points.
Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing components at the given point(s).
Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing elements at the given node(s).
Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing elements at the given point(s).
Sets the current collector.
Adds a new point in the curve.
Deletes a point from the curve.
Runs an external filter on a curve.
Modifies the x or y coordinate of an existing point on a curve.
Reverses a cutting plane display orientation.
Performs mesh decimation on selected components.
Meshes a selection of elements using saved or default parameters and various options.
Meshes a selection of surfaces using saved or default parameters and various options.
Generates surface meshes using surface deviation parameters with growth ratio transitions given by refinement sizes defined on points, edges and surfaces.
Re-meshes a selection of elements using various options, and deletes the original elements.
Re-meshes a selection of surfaces using saved or default parameters and various options, and deletes any elements already meshed on those surfaces.
Creates a deformed shape plot from results data.
Performs 2D/3D triangulation of selected nodes.
Removes geometric logos.
Deletes the edges if any in the current database.
Deletes the features in a model.
Deletes a file.
Deletes a fillet from a line.
Deletes an ID range.
Deletes entities from the database.
Deletes all of the entities in a database
Deletes solids. Includes the option to keep boundary surfaces, and an option to keep attached elements.
Checks nodes for multiple dependence.
Moves the plot descriptor.
Sets the color of the plot descriptor.
Sets the font for the plot descriptor.
Sets the text which should be displayed in the plot descriptor.
Detaches elements from selected elements or nodes.
Detaches elements from each other and from the attached structure, using the specified offset value.
Separates solids that have shared boundary surfaces.
Detaches elements from each other and from the attached structure, using the specified offset value.
Detaches elements as a unit from the attached structure, using the specified offset value.
Detects if the specified components are within the contact distance specified and creates contact entities relevant to the solver interface.
Sets or graphically reviews the thickness assigned to a midsurface.
Turns on the display of all entities in the model.
Controls the display state of a collector.
Controls the display state of all collectors.
Turns the display of a mark of entities on or off, including toggling their current state.
Changes the display state of collectors in a mark.
Changes the active state of a collector using the menu filter.
Controls the display of elements that have either a direct, indirect or mixed property assignment.
Controls the display of elements that have either a direct, indirect or mixed property assignment for a selection of properties.
Displays all entities contained in the specified include file, and hides all other entities.
Turns off the display of all entities in the model.
Drags a trimmed line to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher.
Drags a list of nodes to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher.
Resets the display mode on the draw list to the default.
Moves a dummy from a source point to a target point.
Duplicates elems, nodes and comps along with any attached loads.
Duplicates entities.
Sets mode for output of intermediate rotation commands.
Begins a block of *rotate(), *window(), or *quatrotate() commands.
Ends a block of *rotate(), *window(), or *quatrotate() commands.
Unstitches the selected edge.
Unsuppress the selected edge.
Splits each of the input face edges at its midpoint by adding a fixed point on the edge.
Unstitches each of the input edges.
Unsuppresses a group of edges.
Restores previously suppressed fixed points on edges.
Suppresses a group of edges.
Removes the specified trimming lines from their surface.
Combines two edges to create one unsuppressed common edge.
Suppresses the selected edge.
Provides a panel to add or remove entities to a mark.
Smooth a selection of elements with optional anchor nodes.
Switches the order of 1D element nodes.
Aligns the order of nodes in 2D elements based on the nodes of attached 1D elements.
Reorders the nodes in a 2D element.
Aligns the order of nodes in 3D elements based on the nodes of attached 2D/3D elements.
Reorders the nodes in a 3D element.
Specifies the methods for calculating element quality checks which are generally those used by an FE solver.
Splits a group of elements based on a graphical split line.
Collapses an edge between two elements.
Collapses/combines two adjacent trias into a quad.
Moves a tria element towards a specified point within the interactive cleanup tool.
Modifies holes in a mesh using radial, angular and circumferential adjustment methods.
Optimizes 2D element node locations to improve the element and adjacent elements’ quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
Optimizes 2D element node locations to improve the element and adjacent elements' quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
Optimizes a node location to improve the attached elements' quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
Moves the specified node to a target point.
Within the interactive element cleanup tool, repeats the effects of the last specified command that was reversed by a call to *elementqualityundoaction().
Prepares a mark of elements for use within the interactive element cleanup tool.
Prepares a mark of elements for use within the interactive element cleanup tool.
Closes down a session of the interactive element cleanup tool.
Smooths/optimizes nodes of selected elements.
Splits an edge between two elements.
Splits a quad element into two trias.
Switches the connectivity of the two elements that share the specified edge to the next legal configuration.
Reverses the effects of the last specified command within the interactive element cleanup tool.
Marks the specified 1D plot elements as feature edges before using the command for remeshing by elements.
Marks the specified nodes of the old elements as fixed nodes (nodes that must be retained in the mesh to be created) before using the commands for remeshing/meshing by elements.
Sets the element types to the current global value.
Tests tetra elements for whether or not they pass the tetra AR element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified output mark.
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the aspect element quality check.
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the cell squish element quality check.
Fits an inferred surface through the selected plate or shell elements and measures their chordal deviation from the inferred surface or from the geometric surface to which they belong, and puts those that exceed the given threshold on the specified outputmark.
Tests elements for whether or not they are connected in any one of a number of common but invalid ways and puts those that are on the specified outputmark.
Tests 1D weld and rigid elements for double dependencies and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests elements for whether or not any two share the same nodes in the same order and puts all except one of any set of duplicates on the specified outputmark.
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the equiangle skew element quality check.
Tests 1D elements for free nodes.
Tests 2 and 3 dimensional elements for whether or not they pass the interior angle element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests 2D and 3D elements for whether or not they pass the Jacobian ratio element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests elements for whether or not they pass the edge length element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests 3D elements for whether or not they pass the orthogonality element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests 1D rigid elements for possible rigid loops, and puts those with rigid loops on the specified outputmark.
Tests 3D elements for whether or not they pass the neighbor size ratio element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests 2D and 3D elements for whether or not they pass the skew element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests tetra elements for whether or not they pass the tetra collapse element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Tests beam, spring, shell, solid and thick shell elements using the time step element quality check.
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the volumetric and areal element quality check.
Tests tetra elements using the volumetric skew element quality check.
Tests 2D and 3D elements for whether or not they pass the warpage element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
Sets the global element type variable.
Offsets shell elements normally to create solid elements.
Creates layered solid or shell elements in one or more thin solids.
Decreases the QI patch checker patch size by one element layer.
Increases the QI patch checker patch size by one element layer.
Moves to the next failed element patch in the QI patch checker patch.
Moves to the previous failed element patch in the QI patch checker patch.
Starts the QI patch checker.
Stops the QI patch checker.
Attempts to fix quad elements violating warpage criteria threshold.
Encrypts an entity.
Finalizes a sequence of multi-file batch import/merge operations.
Defines the end of a history state.
Adds a single entity to a data item of a bundle.
Adds the entities on a mark to a data item of an entity bundle.
Removes all entities either from a single data item of an or from all the data items of an entitybundle.
Defines a name and signature for a new entity bundle.
Removes a single entity from a data item of a bundle.
Removes the entities on a mark from a data item of an entity bundle.
Delete the entities put in the outputmark by *EntityPreviewEmpty().
Deletes the entities in the outputmark by *EntityPreviewUnused().
Isolates an entity and its attached entities.
Organize a different group of elements to their respective collectors.
Searches the entities specified and stores any empty entities in the outputmark.
Searches the specified entities for any unused entities, and stores them in the outputmark.
Creates an equation between a dependent node and multiple independent nodes.
Creates an equation between a dependent node and multiple independent nodes using a list.
Updates MPC equation connectivity.
Equivalences or finds duplicate nodes of selected components, elements or nodes within a tolerance.
Equivalences duplicate nodes on the "exposed" faces of 2D/3D elements in selected components to all other nodes in the model within a tolerance.
Run a Tcl/Tk based script file.
Evaluate a Tcl/Tk based expression.
Sets an exclusive ID range.
Exports part assembly and child data.
Exports the current database to Medina .bif format.
Exports a UDMXML BOM file for a given part.
Exports shape design variables and shapes in several formats.
Exports shape design variables, shapes and nodal information in user-defined format for HyperStudy or Templex analysis codes.
Extends, connects and optionally remeshes source 2D elements to target 2D elements.
Deletes duplicate faces.
Finds duplicate faces.
Deletes the component ^faces.
Assigns a group of faces to a different surface.
Creates a fatigue analysis input file in the format specified.
Creates an FBD displacement plot, and fields or loads from the results.
Creates an FBD force plot, and fields or loads from the results.
Creates an FBD trace plot.
Finds and absorbs relevant FE entities into mass entities.
Geometrically replaces a selection of surfaces with a second selection of surfaces, reconnecting the new surfaces to the rest of the original surfaces according to the original connections.
Generates plot elements between two-dimensional elements whose normals exceed the user-specified angle.
Creates elements or lines between a list of nodes.
Generates plot elements between two-dimensional elements whose normals exceed the user-specified angle.
Moves all open ^feature elements into a component called ^open features.
Deletes specified elements from ^feature and ^open features.
Inputs an ASCII analysis input deck, and for certain import translators, invokes a Part Browser to allow selecting various options while importing the chosen model.
Inputs data from FE files, additionally applying redundant entity management.
Sets the value to offset the IDs of the entity type during feinput.
Informs HyperMesh that the next call to *feinputwithdata2 should have the input translator skip over reading include files entirely, and only import the base file.
Informs HyperMesh that the next call to *feinputwithdata2 should have the input translator recognize and preserve include file information, so that the model might be written out with the entities segregated into their respective files.
Reads data from sources such as CAD files, connector files/MCF/MWF, and FE files, with additional input parameters.
Creates an ASCII export file of selected entities based on an output template.
Creates an ASCII export file based on an output template, for a single include file.
Exports selected includes which were modified since the last export.
Informs HyperMesh how to handle include files for the next call to *feoutputwithdata.
Creates an ASCII export file based on an output template.
Creates an ASCII export file based on an output template for part and instance models.
Generates surfaces from shell elements.
This command allows you to export HyperMesh files on a per-component basis, so that you can export HyperMesh geometry that is part of a larger assembly without exporting the entire assembly.
Saves a BINARY file with only the contents of selected modules/parts.
Fill flat circular holes on 2D elements.
Fills gaps in FE from elements selected on both sides of the gap.
Fills gaps in FE from a node selected on both sides of the gap.
Fills gaps in FE from node lists selected on both sides of the gap.
Fills FE holes by automatic or manual detection.
Fills FE holes from a node list defining the hole.
Create a fillet surface of a constant radius between two surfaces at the selected edges.
Generates a fill plot.
Filter unique cells of key strings of selected column(s) and generate a new table considering the indices of key strings in key columns.
Finds cylindrical threads in 3D geometry and replaces them with smooth surfaces.
Returns information to a table about solid elements attached to quad/tria element.
Finds entities that are between/connect other entities.
Finds element free or T-connected edges.
Finds element free or T-connected edges.
Finds the free faces in a group of elements.
Finds the closed loops in a group of elements.
Finds and displays entities or finds and displays adjacent entities.
Performs local mesh operations to resolve intersections and slivers on a surface mesh.
Flips surface normals from a selected surface (or set of surfaces) and any surfaces attached to the selection to all point in the same direction.
Fixes narrow surfaces and surfaces having local narrow regions like tails and necks.
Finds and selects flanges from specified geometry.
Converts entities that refer to parts to refer to root.
Ends the post-processing display, and frees memory used by a contour or assigned plot, a deformed plot, a vector plot, or an animation.
Creates a free shape design variable.
Updates a free shape design variable.
Attempts to mesh two disconnected element/component sets within a certain proximity with each other.
Creates a gap element.
Updates the property pointer of gap elements.
Exports geometry to various CAD formats.
Imports geometry from various CAD formats.
Fixes gaps between stitched edges and vertices to make the actual geometry of the surfaces consistent with the model topology.
Update CAD files with modified data.
From input nodes and geometries, create vectors tangent to lines or normal to surfaces.
Updates vector entities using input geometries to set vector directions tangent to lines or normal to surfaces.
Finds the latitude lines handles of the selected latitude lines and shows these handles in HyperMesh.
Places the displayed nodes inside an element to the specified mark.
Computes the quality index for the specified selection of shell elements and writes the quality summary to the specified text file.
Places displayed, unmeshed surfaces on the specified mark using basic logic.
Places displayed, unmeshed surfaces on the specified mark using advanced logic.
Imports a mesh stored in HDF5 into the graphics.
Sets the size of the graphics font.
Sets the graphics file image color mode.
Re-centers the graphics display to center on a specified point, and resizes (zooms) the display based on a specified view radius.
Re-centers the display on a specified point, using a specified number of animation steps to do so.
Changes the config and type of an existing group.
Creates a new group using an existing group’s dictionary/attribute data and type information.
Deletes unused groups.
Identifies the unused elements within a group.
Finds the latitude lines to drag and organize them into the component ^latitude_lines_drag.
Update the handle position.
Add a handle on a section. The section is automatically identified.
Creates and visualizes the contour of draw depth, trim angle and undercut.
Clears the model from the working section and handles, used to edit the binder.
Delete all the handles from the model.
Creates a system from the CAD system stored in the database.
Create a section on a binder surface and create five handles on it. The binder section can be identifying by a cutting plane, by two nodes or selecting an existing line. The binder is automatically identified.
Creates the base point for the symmetry plane, the n1/n2 node of the given line and the part of this line between n1/n2 needed for the double attached feature.
Creates POL from the current trim line, with the specified offset.
Delete a handle of a section.
Repositions the model to avoid an undercut for the die module.
Opens the Section Editor and loads the POL profile into the 2D editor.
Creates the feature line from surfaces.
Reflects the current die part, duplicating elements and surfaces, and fills the gap in between, creating the surface and the mesh in the die part component.
Controls the display/masking state of eroded elements.
Rejects the edit binder drag operation.
Reset the ribs attribute.
Rotate the binder around an axis in space. The binder is automatically identified.
Scale the binder dimension. The binder is automatically identified.
Sets the selected lines as TL or POL.
Sets the stamping direction for the die module.
Sets the symmetry plane for the die module.
Sets the draw direction for 1-step solver.
Sets the specified component like the die module main part.
Moves the specified entities to the specified component and sets them as flange or part.
Moves the specified line to the specified component and sets it as TL or POL.
Updates the handle position. The binder and the section are automatically identified.
Translate the binder along an axis in space. The binder is automatically identified.
Trims the selected elements with the selected lines, optionally maintaining selected nodes.
Trims the current die module binder or addendum with the current addendum drawbar/bead FL.
Controls the display/masking state of trim elements.
Trims surfaces with lines and deletes the part of the surfaces enclosed by the lines.
Selects the algorithm used to perform hidden line removal.
Turns off the display of all entities.
Turns off the display of an entity.
Turns off the display of a mark of entities.
Hides the entities with respect to a view saved using *saveviewmask.
Attempts to automatically improve the quality of failed elements using node movements and/or local remeshing, along with optional tria reduction.
Performs interactive BatchMeshing.
Cleans up the mesh by eliminating reversed and small sized elements. May create new elements instead of reversed.
Cut elements with a box defined by 2 diagonal points.
Cut elements with a general box defined by 8 points.
Cuts elements with a predefined box.
Cuts elements of a joint section orthogonal to the cross-sections for joint stiffness studies.
Trims shell elements using a predefined box.
Trims shell elements using a box defined by two diagonal points.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *drag...toformsurface commands.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *linedrag...toformsurface commands.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm that approximates a skin surface. Can only be used together with *surfacemode 3 and *skinsurface.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *spin...toformsurface commands.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a flexible surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used together with *surfacemode 3 and *splinesurface.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *surfacecone... commands.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and *surfaceplane.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *surfacesphere... commands.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *surfacetorus... commands.
Create smoothed geometry contour lines and surfaces for ply entities, with various options.
Smooth ply entities to get better shapes.
Used to shrink wrap mesh selected elements.
Creates mesh control entities from the equivalent solver options entities in the CFD profile.a
Reverses the display of all the entities of a given entity type.
Turns on the display of all the entities.
Manages the display of a mark of entities.
Adds representations from a connected library.
Adds specific representations from a connected library.
Closes a currently open library.
Deletes representations from a connected library.
Opens a library
Saves representations to a connected library.
Synchronizes library information from a connected library.
Creates an IC element.
Show/hide submodel or exclusive entities.
Imports a UDMXML BOM file into a given part.
Imprints, connects and optionally remeshes source 1D/2D elements onto target 2D elements.
Imprints, connects source points, nodes, lines and surfaces onto target FE surfaces.
Imprints, connects and optionally remeshes source segments defined by a node list onto target 2D elements.
Includes a file.
Sets the active/inactive state of all supported entities contained within the specified include file.
Sets the export/do not export state of all supported entities contained within the specified include file.
Sets the current simulation and data type for contour and assigned plots, vector plots, and animations.
Brings all marked elements into the automeshing module and prepares them for processing, enabling the use of all restricted module commands.
Brings a surface into the automeshing module and prepares it for processing, enabling the use of all the restricted module commands.
Brings all the marked elements into the automeshing module and prepares it for processing, enabling the use of all the restricted module commands. All elements previously attached to this mark are deleted.
Brings a surface into the automeshing module and prepares it for processing, enabling the use of all the restricted module commands. All elements previously attached to the surface are deleted.
Creates interface elements.
Creates interface elements on shell elements and faces of solid elements.
Creates nodes/lines by intersecting 1D/2D elements with a plane.
Creates nodes/lines by intersecting 1D/2D elements with a plane.
Isolates entities within the radius specified.
Turns on the display of a mark of entities and turns off the display of all others of the same type.
Turns on the display of an entity and turns off the display of all others across types.
Turns on the display of a mark of entities and turns off the display of all others across types.
Creates a four-noded joint element.
Creates a six-noded joint element.
Creates a spherical or two-noded joint element.
Captures the graphics area to a JPEG image in the current working directory.
Captures the graphics area to a JPEG image with the specified name.
Realizing laminate to create solver entities for updating layer information.
Sets the last simulation and data type for transient animations.
Edits a color in the legend.
Performs linear interpolation between two colors.
Controls the display of the legend.
Moves the legend to its default location (upper left corner).
Moves the legend.
Controls the display of the legend.
Saves the colors of a legend to a file.
Specifies the legend border and text color from both the hm.cfg file and a command file.
Sets the color used to display the legend.
Sets the number of colors which will be used in the legend.
Sets the font used to display the legend.
Locates the legend to the default position (upper left).
Turns the lights on or off.
Creates 1D elements between two sets of plate elements.
Decimate 1D elements to user given element size.
Trims free lines at the specified locations.
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a flexible surfaceless algorithm that approximates a ruled surface. Can only be used together with *surfacemode(3) and one of the *linearsurface...() commands.
Creates solid elements between two groups of plate elements.
Creates solid elements between two groups of plane elements, with the layers identified by nodes in a node list.
Creates a ruled surface between two trimmed line lists, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a ruled surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Creates a ruled surface between two node lists.
Creates a ruled surface between a node list and a trimmed line list, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a ruled surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Combines two free lines into one.
Combines multiple free lines into one or more continuous segments.
Combine a selection of lines into a single line.
Create a line at the intersection of two planes.
Splits selected surfaces at locations of internal features.
Create lines at parametric locations on a surface.
Create a conic section curve segment.
Create lines by dragging nodes or points along a direction.
Create a line passing through a list of 3D points.
Create a line which passed through a list of nodes.
Create a specific type of line from a list of nodes and project it along a direction onto a surface.
Create a line on a surface from nodes or points on the surface.
Create a line in a plane normal to geometry.
Create straight segment lines from a node or point normal to the respective geometry.
Create a straight segment from a point normal to a geometry.
Create a NURBS line using input parameters.
Creates a line by offsetting the input lines along their curvature direction.
Create a cubic spline curve by interpolating input points.
Create a straight segment curve from coordinates.
Creates a mesh by dragging elements along a line.
Drags a trimmed line along a trimmed line to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a line-dragged surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Drags a list of nodes along a trimmed line to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a line-dragged surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Modifies the length of a free line.
Extends the specified line.
Extends line1 to line2.
Extends the specified line to a node.
Extends the specified line to a point.
Extends the specified line to a surface.
Creates lines by copying one or more surface edges.
Imprints locations/points, given by coordinates, onto free lines or edges within a given max distance.
Creates a line path from the starting line to the ending line.
Creates a line path from the starting line to the ending line.
Removes 2D holes in the geometry, that has single boundary line, by filling it with surface. Optionally, one can create a vertex point at the center of the hole.
Prepares the selected entities for 1D meshing.
Prepares the selected node list for 1D meshing.
Creates 1D elements, with options for bar2 elements, and cleans up memory.
Creates 1D elements and cleans up memory.
Assigns meshing parameters to line or node list segments for 1D meshing.
Generates a line plot.
Reverse line direction.
Simplifies curved free lines.
Combines two free surface edges to create one unsuppressed common edge.
Creates a line that approximates the middle path between two roughly parallel, roughly planar, lines.
Splits a line at a joint.
Splits a group of lines at a line.
Splits a group of lines at a plane.
Splits a line at an arbitrary point.
Smooths a line based on a give angle.
Smooths a line based on a give tolerance.
Marks the specified lines as feature edges before using the command for remeshing elements.
Creates a load (force, moment, pressure or constraint) at a node or element.
Creates a load (forces, temperature, moment, velocity, acceleration, or constraints) on nodes, fixed points (surface vertices or weld points), surface edges, and surfaces.
Creates load with magnitudes defined by a curve.
Creates a load (force, moment, pressure, or constraint) at a node or element defined in a local coordinate system.
Creates a load (forces, temperature, moment, velocity, acceleration, or constraints) on nodes, fixed points (surface vertices or weld points), surface edges, and surfaces, defined in a local coordinate system.
Creates loads, defined in a local coordinate system, with magnitudes defined by a curve.
Create loads on nodes using Tcl variables for the load components, using a local system.
Sets the global load type variable.
Updates the magnitude, direction, and coordinate system of selected loads.
Updates the magnitude, direction, coordinate system, and other information of selected loads.
Updates the fixed constraint value on SPC and SPCD constraint loads for OptiStruct.
Sets the load types to the current global value.
Lock all entities with the same entity type and ID pool across includes.
Adds entity locks.
Saves the current view orientation and visible entities with the name "Lock".
Makes the selected nodes preserved.
Sets the editable state of secondary models.
Converts nodes from preserved nodes to temp nodes.
Splits shell elements with specific patterns, and automatically splits attached 1Ds.
Maps a mesh between symmetric source/target surfaces.
Maps base elements of group master/slave elements from shells to associated solids.
Creates loads on an FE mesh that correspond to a load on the underlying geometry.
Use this command to highlight edge lines that have been flagged for preservation by means of *set_preserved_edges() .
Combines selected plate and shell elements into one quad or tria element.
Determines the difference between two marks and stores the results in the first mark.
Creates an MBD marker.
Updates multiple MBD markers.
Determines the intersection between two marks and stores the results in the first mark.
Selects a chain of elements and nodes cut by a given section plane.
Organizes entities into an include file.
Organizes entities into an include file, optionally also moving child entities.
Organizes entities into a module.
Organizes entities into a solver submodel.
Moves nodes along a surface. The nodes must first be associated to a surface.
Determines the intersection between two marks and stores everything but the intersection in the first mark.
Projects entities to the line, using the normal to the line as the direction vector.
Project nodes, elems, points, or lines onto the surface along the surface normal.
Projects entities to the line.
Projects entities to multiple surfaces.
Project entities to a surface.
Applies a smoothing algorithm to a mark of elements for a given number of iterations. Optionally, one or more nodes may be specified as being anchored in place and not movable.
Applies a simple smoothing algorithm to reposition the interior floating nodes in a mesh of solid elements, attempting to moderate variations in element size and quality.
Store the entity IDs of the passed entity type on the user mark.
Masks all supported entities.
Masks all supported entities.
Masks the specified entities contained within the specified collectors.
Masks the entities on the specified mark.
Masks all supported entities not in the current view window.
Masks all supported entities not in the current view window.
Reverses the masking state of a specific entity type.
Reverses the masking state of supported entities.
Reverses the masking state of supported entities.
Creates a mass element.
Creates a mass element with a Tcl variable.
Creates a new mbjoint entity.
Creates a new mbplane entity.
Creates a new mbplane entity.
Adjusts part and part assembly related behaviors based on certain aspects and policies.
Exports the contents of a module to an ASCII export file based on an output template.
Pushes all modifications made to a previous split occurrence back to its original prototype and all occurrences based on it.
Create a module as a copy of another. Module contents are copied unless specified otherwise.
Converts a module from part to part assembly and vice-versa.
Creates a module part or part assembly.
Deletes a module part or part assembly, including any recursive contents.
Breaks a list of module occurrences from their current prototype and re-assigns them to new prototypes.
Move the contents from one module part to another.
Empty the contents of a module part or part assembly.
Move a module part or part assembly underneath another part assembly in the model hierarchy.
Loads a representation of a part or part assembly using options.
Deletes a mark of modules.
Empty the contents of multiple module parts or part assemblies.
Move a list of module parts or part assemblies underneath another part assembly in the model hierarchy.
Synchronize the contents of one module occurrence to the specified target occurrences that shares a common module prototype.
Moves entities from one module to another.
Positions a module using its hierarchical transformation matrices.
Finds library related information for a part from a connected part library and updates Part Browser.
Sets the transformation matrix for a module.
Actuates a ball joint to reach a new value.
Actuates a joint to reach a new value.
Moves the bodies of a mechanism to the specified matrix orientation.
Moves source points on the bodies of a mechanism to target points.
Applies a position to a mechanism.
Creates objects needed for solving enabled mechanisms.
Exports the dummy angle file for the current dummy.
Imports the dummy angle file for the current dummy.
Sets the type of limits to use on joints for the current dummy.
Moves a body of a mechanism from a source point to a target point.
Moves a body of a mechanism from a source point to a target point using rotation angles.
Rotates a body of a mechanism about a normal, passing through the origin of the plane by given angle.
Disables filtering.
Enables filtering.
Sets the filter to the filter string.
Sets the size of the menu font.
Merges a HyperMesh binary file into the current model.
Merges a HyperMesh binary file into the current model, additionally applying Redundant Entity Management (REM).
Creates solid elements by dragging 2D elements along a vector.
Connect/merge the proximity regions of 2D elements within a given tolerance.
Creates meshlines from selected plot elements.
Creates meshlines from a node list.
Deletes meshlines.
Displays the meshline scaffolds for creating surfaces.
Cleans up meshline internal structures and memory.
Initializes meshline internal structures and memory.
Marks entities as being inside a meshline class.
Masks underlying meshline class elements.
Synchronizes meshline internal structures.
Sets the tolerance factor for approximating meshlines with NURBs curves.
Creates surfaces on closed meshline loops.
Sets the mesh line display mode.
Creates solid elements by spinning 2D elements around a plane normal.
Adjusts the mesh on selected surfaces to its boundary by moving nodes to the boundary, splitting elements or suppressing geometry edges or vertices.
Sets a filter on the type of messages written when using the *messagefileset command.
Writes certain messages to a file.
Creates date metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Creates double metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Creates double array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Creates entity ID type metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Creates entity ID type array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Creates integer metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Creates integer array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Removes metadata from the specified mark of entities.
Creates string metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Creates string array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
Extracts the midmesh of an input geometry.
Provides various modes/operators to edit midmeshes.
Assigns targets for the surface edge.
Assigns a target point to a vertex.
Deletes the plate and thickness information from selected surfaces.
Sets the selection of lines to be collapsed during mid-surface extraction when performing a rerun operation.
Combines the targets for all the vertices of the surface to offset
Creates two components that contain copies of the model surfaces belonging to two sides of a given plate.
Creates components that show the plate information present in the model.
Adds or removes surfaces to the base surfaces used in midsurfacing.
Extracts mid-surfaces from a selection of surfaces or solids.
Imprints selected lines or edges of selected surfaces onto midsurfaces.
Merges the given surfaces into a single plate of the specified type.
Creates a new plate of the specified type.
Offsets a surface according to the targets that are attached to its vertices and edges.
Deletes the two components that contain copies of the model surfaces belonging to two sides of a given plate.
Deletes components that show the plate information present in the model.
Removes a target from a surface edge specified by a line number.
Deletes components named midsurface to edit, targets, surface to offset, new target, targets being combined, surface thickness, and surface without thickness.
Deletes components named new target and targets being combined.
Removes conflicts between base surface information and planar or sweep plate information on all surfaces by changing the type of all relevant planar and sweep plates into offset plates.
Finds the surface vertex that is closest to a chosen point and, if it is close enough, removes targets from this vertex.
Assigns the given set of surfaces a non-plate type.
Displays all targets that are attached to the surface vertices and edges.
Switches the side of the plate to which the input surfaces belong.
Unsuppresses edges that separate surfaces with differing plate information.
Removes relevant pre-existing midsurfaces and plate display components, extracts mid-surfaces corresponding to the existing plate edit information, and re-draws the plate display components.
Extracts midsurfaces using a surface pair.
Creates a mesh on the mid-surface, with optional cleanup steps and mesh thickness assignment.
Converts RWALL from groups to rigidwalls with config 301, and RWALADD from loadcols to rigidwalls with config 302 for OptiStruct.
Move feature nodes to solve minimum element size failures.
Moves a minimum or maximum title.
Sets the color of a minimum or maximum title.
Sets the font of a minimum or maximum title.
Sets the operations performed when a full-size plot is generated in a command file.
Runs auto correction on the model, if checks are run.
Runs auto correction on specific entities for a given check, if checks are run.
Runs auto correction on a given check, if checks are run.
Clears model checker results.
Loads a model check config file and creates check and correction entities.
Loads the default model check config file associated with the current profile and creates check and correction entities.
Organize the model check check entities under a given parent folder.
Runs model checker checks.
Adds entities to a modular entity via IDs.
Adds entities to a modular entity via a mark.
Adds representation information to a modular entity.
Deletes a mark of modular entities.
Deletes the representation information from a mark of modular entities.
Exports a modular entity and its contents using the currently loaded solver template.
Loads the contents of a modular entity representation.
Registers a list of options that control the behavior of add/move/remove operations for a modular entity.
Removes entities from a modular entity via IDs.
Removes entities from a modular entity via a mark.
Saves the contents of a modular entity representation.
Unloads the contents of a modular entity representation.
Modifies a dependent node of an IC element.
Modify the section shape updating the handle position. The section is identifying automatically and the handle is identified by the old position.
Alters the angle for three nodes using morphing and measuring perpendicular to a vector.
Alter the radius, curvature, or arc angle of edge or 2D domains on mark.
Alter the distance between two nodes using morphing and measuring along a vector.
Invokes the finite element solver solution for all perturbed domains with a limited number of elements.
Applies current morphing to large domains.
Create polynomial or spline based shapes for handles on the domains on mark.
Applies updated bias style retroactively to existing perturbations.
Updates the bias factor for the specified handle.
Updates the bias factor for the handles on the mark.
Applies updated biases retroactively to existing perturbations.
Combines multiple edge domains into one edge domain.
Combines the specified morph volumes and propagates the combination.
Creates general domains for selected connectors.
Applies all morph constraints to the model.
Creates a model type constraint based on the angle between three nodes.
Creates a model type constraint based on the radius or arc length of an edge domain.
Creates a model type constraint based on the area, volume, or mass of the elements on the mark.
Creates a constraint which fixes the x (or radial), y (or theta), and/or z degrees of freedom for the selected nodes for a given system.
Creates a tangency constraint between two edge or 2D domains or for a single edge domain.
Creates a mesh type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the specified mesh or be bounded by it.
Creates an equation type constraint for the specified nodes.
Creates either a fixed or cluster type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the options of having mesh stretching around those nodes and having the nodes rotate.
Creates a layer type morphconstraint for the selected nodes such that they move relative to the selected elements.
Creates a model type constraint based on the length of a list of nodes.
Creates a line type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the line or be bounded by it.
Creates a match type morphconstraint between two marks of elements so that they maintain a similar shape.
Creates a plane type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the plane or be bounded by it.
Creates a smooth type morphconstraint for the selected nodes.
Creates a surface type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the surface or be bounded by it.
Creates a vector type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes bounded to move no closer than a given distance from the specified plane.
Sets the color for a morph constraint.
Updates a model type constraint based on the angle between three nodes.
Updates a model type constraint based on the radius or arc length of an edge domain.
Updates a model type constraint based on the area, volume, or mass of the elements on the mark.
Updates a constraint which fixes the x (or radial), y (or theta), and/or z degrees of freedom for the selected nodes for a given system.
Updates a tangency constraint between two edge or 2D domains or for a single edge domain.
Updates a mesh type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the specified mesh or be bounded by it.
Updates an equation type constraint for the specified nodes.
Creates either a fixed or cluster type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the options of having mesh stretching around those nodes and having the nodes rotate.
Updates a layer type morphconstraint for the selected nodes such that they move relative to the selected elements.
Updates a model type constraint based on the length of a list of nodes.
Updates a line type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the line or be bounded by it.
Updates a match type morphconstraint between two marks of elements so that they maintain a similar shape.
Creates a plane type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the plane or be bounded by it.
Creates a smooth type morphconstraint for the selected nodes.
Creates a surface type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the surface or be bounded by it.
Creates a vector type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes bounded to move no closer than a given distance from the specified plane.
Converts the morph volumes on the mark to hexa elements or vice-versa.
Creates a domain from the elements on the mark with various options.
Creates a domain from node list.
Creates a global domain governing the selected nodes.
Creates a line for a given node list.
Creates an arbitrary shape that can be used with a model constraint.
Creates and loads a results file named autodv.animate from the selected shapes.
Creates a line entity for a given node list.
Deletes all morphing entities.
Deletes all morphing handles and domains.
Deletes the selected mid-edge nodes from the edges of morph volume.
Displays the vectors defining the constraints on the mark.
Draw vector to the screen.
Displays dependencies for handles on mark.
Displays dependencies for handles on mark.
Automatically assign a different color to selected domains.
Sets the color of a single domain.
Sets the color of selected domains.
Apply undo, redo, undo all, or redo all.
Deletes entities on a mark.
Fits selected faces to nodes or elements according to the specified parameters.
Fits domains, elements, or morph volume faces to surfaces or a mesh, matching boundary edges and projecting the interior nodes on to the target entities.
Creates handles at nodes on mark on domain.
Creates handles at nodes on mark with no domain given.
Creates handle at x,y,z, location for the given system.
Perturbs handles on mark normal to elements.
Perturbs handles by a specified value.
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the selected surfaces or elements.
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the selected line list.
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the specified plane.
Rotates handles on mark.
Morphs a mesh by scaling the distances between handles and a specified node according to the specified system.
Updates dependencies for handles on mark.
Updates position and dependencies for specified handle.
Create shapes with xyz perturbations for handles on mark.
Create shapes in the normal direction for handles on mark.
Create shapes in the direction of a vector for handles on mark.
Draws vectors for shapes to be created.
Draws vectors for shapes to be created using morphbeziershape if a shape is being used.
Morphs a mesh on to a surface interpolated from the specified mark of nodes or lines.
Set of commands to allow manual Kriging of the model.
Updates the morphing undo/redo list.
Loads handle and/or shape data from a file.
Loads morph volume, handle, and shape data from a file.
Reads local shapes stored in the specified file.
Adds a morph volume edge, subtracts a morph volume edge, or clears all morph volume edges from a morph volume edge user mark.
Adds a morph volume face, subtracts a morph volume face, or clears all morph volume faces from the specified user mark.
Turns manually modified node positions into a morph.
Initializes the model to prepare for manual morphing.
Restores the positions of nodes after a *morphmanualinit command.
Creates two lines and maps selected nodes from one to the other optionally following the curvature differences (rotate) between the lines and/or mapping about an axis (axis and plane) or using a number of linear mapping options.
Maps selected nodes from one surface or element mark to the other surface or element mark optionally following the curvature differences (rotate) between the surfaces or element marks and/or mapping about an axis (axis and plane) or using a number of linear mapping options.
Maps selected morph volume edges to the surface of an equation.
Maps selected morph volume edges to extended versions of the specified surfaces or elements.
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified lines.
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified node list.
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified plane.
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified surfaces.
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified elements.
Maps selected elements lying on an initial set of lines to an interpolated cross section represented by another set of lines optionally rotating trailing nodes and/or mapping about an axis (axis and plane) or using a number of linear mapping options.
Offset elements on mark in normal direction.
Recalculate influences and prepare for mapping.
Map elements on mark to section lines.
Maps nodes to the surface of an equation along a vector.
Maps nodes to extended versions of the specified surfaces or elements.
Maps a node list to a line list along a vector.
Maps nodes to a line list along a vector.
Maps nodes to a line along a vector.
Maps a node list to a line along a vector.
Maps nodes to a plane along a vector.
Maps nodes to surfaces along a vector.
Maps nodes to surfaces along a vector.
Adds a handle perturbation to the current temporary shape.
Adds and edge domain perturbation to the current temporary shape.
Adds a 2D domain perturbation to the current temporary shape.
Solves for the interior nodes of a solid mesh which are registered to morph volumes when morphing in "skin only" mode.
Moves the selected nodes to the surface of the specified function while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes to a mark of extended surfaces or elements while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes to a line while morphing the affected elements.
Reorients the selected nodes by taking the difference between two matrices while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes to a mesh while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes to a line created from a node list while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes normal to the attached elements while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes to a plane while morphing the affected elements.
Rotates the selected nodes while morphing the affected elements.
Applies the specified shape while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes to the specified surfaces while morphing the affected elements.
Translates the selected nodes while morphing the affected elements.
Moves the selected nodes to a line extending along a vector created from two nodes while morphing the affected elements.
Organizes elements on mark into specified domain.
Splits edge domain at given node.
Organizes elements on mark into specified domain.
Positions shapes from one part of the mesh to another, scales them, and applies them only to the nodes on the mark.
Recalculates the influences for the handles on morph volumes.
Recalculates out-of-date morph constraints.
Reflects shapes in accordance with symmetries and applies them only to the nodes on the mark.
Controls the registration of geometric entities for morphing.
Remeshes selected elements or domains with the target element size.
Remove constraint(s).
Renames a handle.
Reparameterizes domains on the mark.
Rotates handles on mark using 'true' rotation.
Saves global handles and shapes to a file.
Saves morph volume, handle, and shape data to a file.
Reads local shapes stored in the specified file.
Sculpts the affected elements according to the selected tools and parameters, optionally using a finite element solver to resolve the mesh stretching.
Sets an active parameter for either morph constraints or symmetries.
Assigns elements to be ignored when performing element test criteria for shape combination checking via *morphshapesmooth.
Sets the element test criteria used for shape combination checking via *morphshapesmooth.
Applies the shapes on the mark to the model.
Applies the shapes on the mark to only the selected nodes.
Creates a new shape out of the applied morphs, with a specified color.
Creates a new shape out of the applied morphs specifying the color and coordinate system.
Creates a number of new shapes from the morph list.
Creates shapes, design variables, dlink2s, and equations to enable non-linear shape variables in linear optimization.
Creates shapes, design variables with the specified bounds, dlink2s, and equations to enable non-linear shape variables in linear optimization.
Applies all shapes stored on an internal list at their stored multipliers as well as any shapes linked to those shapes via desvar, deqatn and dlink2 cards.
Adds a shape and a multiplier to a list of shapes to be used by *morphshapelinkedapply.
Applies (with a multiplier of one) or unapplies selected shapes.
Checks the element quality for all combinations of the selected shapes either as they are currently or after smoothing them.
Updates the color of a shape.
Applies shrinking to selected morph volumes.
Applies smoothing to selected domains.
Uses a morphing based smoothing algorithm to smooth a mesh and improve element quality.
Splits the morph volumes in the model given the specified morph volume edge.
Stores or restores a copy of current domains, handles, and shapes.
Matches domains to surfaces for a subsequent fitting operation.
Stores or restores a copy of current morph volumes and handles.
Subdivides selected 3D domains.
Calls surface morphing function.
Creates symmetry dependent on system.
Recalculates symmetric relationships between handles
Update one symmetry.
Update symmetries for a domain.
Translates shapes to specified node positions and applies them only to the nodes on the mark.
Updates morph volume database.
Updates the display of morphing entities.
Updates method for selected 1D domains.
Updates global domains.
Updates the end conditions of edges on selected morph volumes.
Updates the end condition of one or two morph volume edges.
Scans through all morphing entities and updates all of those that require attention, such as domains needing to be recalculated.
Updates the mid-nodes of the specified morph volume edge.
Updates nodes on mark to be registered for the morph volumes on mark.
Updates morph volumes on mark.
Updates integer/real morphing parameters.
Updates string morphing parameters.
Updates or converts shapes.
Joins the specified morph volumes.
Creates a matrix of morph volumes.
Creates a series of morph volumes using a selected profile (elements, morph volumes, lines, matrix) along a line, vector, through elements, or about an axis.
Creates a morph volume for the given nodes enclosing the elements on the mark.
Creates a matrix of morph volumes and optionally applies shrinking.
Deletes any morph volumes that have no nodes registered to them.
Joins morph volumes on a mark together which are within a specified tolerance.
Creates morph volumes by reflecting the selected morph volumes using reflective symmetries.
Writes node positions and perturbations to a file.
Re-centers the view around a specified point, zooms in or out to fit a specified radius around that point, and does all of this in a specified number of frames of animation rather than instantly.
Moves a selection of elements and pastes them onto the displayed shell elements at the target location.
Moves a cutting plane a specified distance.
Moves an include file to a new location in the include hierarchy.
Moves the contents of one include to another, with an option to delete the source include.
Organizes entities into collectors.
Organizes master/slave elements into groups.
Merge selected set of surfaces into topologically valid body, optionally using input free lines to create additional trim lines on surfaces.
Gives a name to a view.
Defines how new IDs are assigned for a submodel.
Adds nodes to the temporary node mark.
Clears all of the nodes from the temporary node mark.
Generate STL facets from a node cloud.
Create nodes or points at locations of intersection between the input geometric entities.
Create nodes or points at parametric locations on a line.
Create nodes or points at locations of intersection between the input geometric entities and a plane or vector.
Create nodes or points at parametric locations on a surface.
Create node or point at location of intersection between two vectors or a plane and a vector.
Create nodes or points on line or surface between given list of nodes.
Create nodes along lines, with optional biasing.
Creates a node path from the starting node to the ending node.
Creates a node path from the starting node to the ending node.
Places a node on the temporary node mark.
Creates a node path from the starting node to the ending node.
Clears a group of nodes from the temporary node mark.
Modifies the location of a node in space.
Moves a node to a location on a surface and associates the node to the surface.
Clear numbers from the modeling window for all nodes and elements.
Associates nodes to points, lines, surfaces or solids.
Creates node-to-element gap elements (CGAPG) for use with the OS solver
Creates a group with non-structural mass configuration.
Creates a group with non-structural mass configuration for all properties of a specified card image.
Updates a group with non-structural mass configuration.
Updates a group with non-structural mass configuration for all properties of a specified card image.
Adjusts the normals of 2D and 3D elements.
Adjusts the normals of 3D elements according to nodes of a solid element.
Turns on the display of 2D and 3D element normals.
Turns off the display of element/surface normals.
Reverses the normals of 2D and 3D elements.
Turns the numbers mark on or off.
Clears all of the entities out of the numbers mark.
Places the entities in the mark on the numbers mark. This will display the ID of the entity.
Offsets selected surfaces or solids.
Creates segments indicating the direction of surface or solid offsets for visualization/review.
Remeshes elements with the user specified algorithm and optimization of node positions.
Generates a mesh with the selection of the best meshing algorithm and optimization of node positions.
Applies the quality index optimization smoothing algorithm to a mark of plate elements.
Converts second order elements to first order.
Converts first order elements to second order.
Organize selected regions to newly created modules per region.
Re-orients the normals of a solid inside or outside, depending on the orientation flag.
Extract the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results, and achieve smoothed plies from free-size optimization results on composites.
Creates surfaces from OSSmooth isosurface and autobead results.
Extract the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results.
Extract the final geometry from OptiStruct topology optimization results and inherit the boundary conditions for reanalysis.
Exports the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results.
This command extracts the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography or shape optimization results.
Creates a panel entity.
Creates tables from solver output files.
Checks the given components for contact surface penetrations.
Releases the memory from previous penetration check command operations.
Generates a summary log file for last run penetration check.
Checks penetration for entities selection type groups, elems2elems, nodes2elems, and elemsonly.
Displays the amount of penetration through nodes, vectors, or contour.
Modifies the element thickness to correct penetration problems.
Permutes the entities on a mark.
Creates a perturbation shape.
Updates a perturbation shape.
Plots the current model.
Plots a curve based on the values of marked nodes ordered along an axis.
Moves the plot information title.
Sets the color of the plot information title.
Sets the font of the plot information title.
Sets the text to be displayed in the plot information title.
Plots the distribution of the mass assigned on nodes.
Plots a curve based on the values of a contour along a list of nodes.
Moves the plot title.
Sets the color of the plot title.
Sets the font for the plot title.
Sets the text for the plot title.
Drapes plies using the Laminate Tool.
Controls the display of 2D element ply normals.
Reverses the 2D element ply normals.
Extracts/projects elements belonging to ply contours.
Specifies new coordinates for the point.
Positions the components of a dummy.
Positions a selection of entities in space.
Detects holes in a 3D model and prepares them for meshing.
Creates a pressure load on an element.
Creates pressure loads on elements.
Creates a pressure load on a surface or an element.
Creates a pressure load on a mark of elements, surfaces, components or sets, potentially with its magnitude defined by a curve.
Given a set of fixed points, this command splits the edges of surfaces by adding a fixed point on the edge.
Projects a group of entities to a plane.
Create surface vertices by projecting the points onto the edges perpendicular to the edge.
References a vector that is projected on the element plane. Re-orients and visualizes the element (material) coordinate system for selected elements.
Use this command to create a series of weld points between surfaces.
Given a hexa element and two nodes diagonally across a face of that element, splits the hexa according to a set pattern and propagates that split to any hexa adjoining the opposite face of the hexa and so on through the displayed elements of the database.
Sets a visualization mode to keep certain entities visible in front of others.
This command tries to improve the selected elements' quality index by QI optimizing elements nodes positions.
Selectively applies QI smoothing (the quality index-based node-position optimization) to elements violating the quality index thresholds. Allowed displacements of nodes on the feature edges are limited by user-specified thresholds. The command tries to fix the failed elements while making moving the feature nodes as little as possible.
Split warped quads into trias such that it does not create intersections.
Defines a rotation θ about the vector [x, y, z].
Stops the execution of a command file.
Creates an RBE3 element.
Creates a rigid body mesh on surfaces.
Use this command to set cleanup parameters directly in the command file when using automatic topology cleanup with the *autotopocleanup command.
Reads a HyperMesh database into the current session and deletes any existing model.
Imports a Mesh Control template file.
Moves nodes in the current model to positions given in a dynain file.
Modes nodes in the current model to positions given in an H3D file.
Loads a file containing the element quality view mode settings.
Reads quality criteria from the specified criteria file and sets the criteria as current.
Realizes all contact surfaces of a given card image to segment sets.
Realize cross-section based freebodysections to standard freebodysections.
Realize engineering entities.
Realize an engineering entity.
Realizes an engineering entity into solver data.
Realizes engineering loads into classical loads.
Realizes all segment sets of a given card image to contact surfaces.
Creates mass elements from solver mass entities.
Remeshes selected shell elements with quality and flow considerations.
Remesh/Improve selected shell elements with quality and flow considerations, and optional flow guide selections to guide the mesh directions.
Reconciles all locations of a mass to actual locations, and synchronizes the ghosts with actual locations.
Redoes one or more history states.
Refines elements based on proximity and angle.
Refines a zone of elements using an all quad pattern.
Refines multiple zones of elements using an all quad pattern.
Refine elements to chordal deviation.
Refine elements to target element size.
Reflects a selection of entities about a plane.
Reflects a selection of entities about a plane with an option to specify how to handle bar elements.
Rejects the entities held on the reject mark.
Discards a generated mesh (if any) for the specified face within the automeshing module.
Rotates a dummy joint relative to its current location.
Remaps a list of nodes to a line.
Remeshes 2D elements at intersection locations.
Performs intersection and Boolean operations of 2D elements.
Remeshes the current model with FE type definitions maintained, used to improve the mesh quality in OptiStruct free shape, shape or topography optimization.
Stitches free edge loops in FE.
Detects and removes holes in 3D geometry.
Deletes assemblies and their contents, including recursive children.
Removes a master-slave relationship for LS-DYNA *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES keyword.
Defeatures surface edge fillets.
Removes elements from a contactsurf.
Removes elements from a contactsurf using face nodes.
Removes the edge fillet between two nodes.
Deletes the include file from the database, optionally removing all of its contents as well.
Removes the entities contained in the specified include file from the current display.
Removes a secondary model.
Deletes a solversubmodel or include file, optionally removing all of its contents as well.
Use this command to remove temporary files created by the use of *autotopocleanup.
Removes transformations from positions.
Deletes a saved view from the database.
Renames a collector.
Renames a collector to its ID.
Renames a file.
Renames a view saved using *saveviewmask.
Renumbers the internal HyperMesh IDs for the specified entity type.
Renumbers the internal HyperMesh IDs for all entities in the model.
Orders nodes and elements in grid format and renumber nodes and elements with specified start ID.
Renumbers internal IDs to match solver IDs.
Renumbers the solver IDs for the specified entity type.
Renumbers the solver IDs for all entities in the model.
Changes the order of the include files in a model.
Imprint geometric lines to the mesh in the direction provided by the user.
Reparameterizes the lines on a mark.
Replaces or moves a node with another node.
Replaces a single component.
Replaces multiple components.
Sets the data required for part replacement.
Discards the unresolved IDs database and creates a new one by examining every entity and its link to other entities to see which are actually unresolved.
Adjusts the current quality criteria to the specified ideal element size.
Resets the thickness legend to its default values.
Sets the origin coordinates for all cutting planes.
Resets the entity review of the *reviewentity command.
Sets the resize flag in HyperMesh.
Resolves unresolved mass locations, using a specified search technique order.
Restores a view saved using *saveviewmask.
Sets the display state of marked entities.
Change normals (inward to outward, vice versa) of contactsurf.
Reverses the display with respect to a view saved using *saveviewmask.
Removes/clears all entities from the review list.
Removes/clears entities from the review list based on an entity ID.
Removes/clears entities from the review list based on a mark.
Graphically reviews the group entity region where the contact normal is inconsistent.
Graphically reviews a specified entity.
Graphically reviews a mark of entities.
Reads and plots the first axis of the element (material) coordinate system for selected elements.
Reviews reference geometry control volume.
Reads and plots the x-axis of the element (material) coordinate system for selected elements.
Graphically reviews two mark of nodes with different colors.
Creates a rigid element between two nodes.
Creates a rigid link element between an independent node and multiple dependent nodes.
Creates a rigid link with one independent node and dependent node defined by a collector.
Creates a rigidlink elem by calculating the independent node based on selection of dependent nodes. Location of independent nodes will be at the geometric center of dependent nodes.
Updates connectivity and properties of a rigid link element with one independent node and dependent node defined by collector.
Updates a rigidlink by calculating the independent node based on selection of dependent nodes defined by comps, mats, assems, props sets and nodes.
Create a rigid link element with dependent nodes attached as a node set connected to the element. The attached node set may exist before or may be created from a given mark of dependent nodes while the rigid link element is created.
Create a rigid link element "55" between two nodes, with a dependent node attached as a node set connected with the element.
Combines rigids and rigidlinks.
Adds geometric definition to a rigid wall.
Sets the size for axis and motion arrow plotting.
Creates a rigidlink by calculating the independent node based on selection of dependent nodes defined by collector. The supported collectors are comps, mats, assems, props and sets.
Creates a rod element.
Rotates the model based on a user-defined rotation axis.
Defines a new center of rotation for *rotate() and *quatrotate() commands.
Rotates the dummy by an arbitrary axis that is specified by the *createplane() command.
Rotates a dummy about a given point.
Rotates a selection of entities about a plane normal.
Run the design method for a given design point set.
Saves the location, magnitude, and direction of the penetrated areas.
Scans all the displayed surfaces, finds those for which all the meshing algorithms failed, and places them on the specified mark. This command is used after one of the commands performing meshing by surfaces.
Saves the current view orientation and visible entities.
Scales the thickness of an entity.
Scales a selection of entities by multiplying the coordinates.
Scales a selection of entities by multiplying the coordinates relative to the specified system.
Allows users to create a bitmap of the screen and send it to the printer.
Generates a PostScript output file from a Macro menu macro.
Allows users to create a bitmap of the screen and save it in a file.
Advanced fixing of middle nodes for 2nd order elements.
Generates a shell mesh from a selection of planar boundary elements.
Adds elements using the face/edge option to a segment set.
Adds faces of elements using a specific face number to a segment set.
Adds element faces to a segment set.
Adds selected 1D and 2D elements to a segment set.
Adjusts a segment set normal using an orientation element.
Creates a segment set using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
Creates a segment set using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
Creates a segment set using a mixture of solid elements and shell elements.
Creates a segment set using 1D or 2D elements.
Removes elements from a segment set.
Removes elements from a segment set using face nodes.
Reverse normals of a segment set.
Creates components using the patches/clusters of connected shell elements.
Performs equivalencing of edges within surfaces or/and between surfaces.
Detects fillets in 3D models, groups them by radius and width, and moves the fillet surfaces to separate components created for the fillet groups.
Detects holes in 3D models, groups them by diameter and moves the surfaces defining the holes to separate components created for each hole diameter group.
Assigns certain options used during acoustic cavity meshing.
Sets the default criteria, adjusted to a specified element size, as the current quality criteria.
Preserves selection topology used by 2D meshing.
Sets some of the edge-specific parameters for the automeshing module.
Sets some of the face-specific parameters for the automeshing module.
Sets the z-offset value assigned to a midsurface.
Marks edge geometry to be preserved during batch meshing, or clears the "preserved" flag from preserved edges.
Sets the gradient background color1 and color2 values.
Sets or clears global flags used for switching of some default modes for geometry autocleanup, element cleanup and element QI smoothing.
Set a colormap entry for the entity colors.
Sets a component to the specified style and color.
Sets the various types of geometry display at the component level.
Specifies the include file into which HyperMesh should place newly created entities.
Sets the specified model as curent.
Turns the specified cutting plane on/off.
Sets the color of the base of the specified cutting plane.
Sets the origin coordinates for all cutting planes.
Sets the specified cutting plane thickness value.
Turns the specified cutting plane thickness on/off.
Sets all components in the model to the specified style and coloring method.
Sets the method for linking opposite edge densities during automeshing.
Sets the method for linking opposite edge densities during automeshing.
Sets the method for linking opposite edge densities during automeshing.
Sets the method (solver) used for calculating specific element quality check parameters which are generally those used by an FE solver.
Sets the color for a specified element quality parameter for elements violating the threshold.
Sets the color for all element quality parameters for elements violating the threshold.
Sets the priority for all element quality parameters when reviewing multiple criteria.
Sets the priority for a specified element quality parameter when reviewing multiple criteria.
Sets the on/off state for a specified element quality parameter.
Sets the entity types which will be supported by an engineering ID.
Refines geometry graphical facets based on user settings.
Sets the ply name to review.
Sets the ply/layer name to review.
Graphically translates the specified entity.
Sets the maximum number of history states to allow.
Sets the maximum amount of memory that history states are allowed to use.
Sets whether history recording is enabled or disabled.
Sets the display parameters of the isosurface.
Sets the HyperMesh legend background color.
Set direction of the global light source.
Set the default macro file.
Set the display attributes (wireframe/hidden line, color, etc.) for the entities contained in a mark.
Sets the topology visualization style for the marked geometric entities.
Controls the display of the HyperMesh menus.
Sets 2D meshing edge and face parameters used during surface and element meshing.
Sets the display type for element normals.
Set the message option when there is offset conflict during drag-and-drop.
Sets various option values.
Parameterizes a data name or attribute on a single entity.
Parameterizes a data name or attribute on a mark of entities.
Sets the ply/layer number to review.
Defines the current element quality criteria via flexible string input.
Sets the color for a specified element quality index range.
Sets the color for all element quality index ranges.
Specifies parameters for redo connectivity element remeshing.
Adds entities to the review list based on an entity ID.
Adds entities to the review list based on a mark.
Adds entities to the enhanced review list based on a mark.
Adds entities to the review list based on an entity name.
Sets the color mode for non-review list entities.
Turns on/off the review list.
Sets the transparency mode for non-review list entities.
Sets the solver.
Enables/disables support for segment sets.
Toggles the spherical clipping feature on and off.
Sets the sub-model type supported by ID manaager.
Sets the display type for surface normals.
Sets the element (material) orientation by setting the angle. This angle is measured from the I-J (1-2) edge of the element around the normal of the element. Re-orients and visualizes the element (material) coordinate systems for selected elements.
Toggles the shaded surface transparency feature on and off.
Turns the cutting plane trim option on/off.
Sets the various types of geometry display (wireframe, shaded, etc.)
Specifies the mode for defining and using feature edges for element-based re-meshing.
Updates an existing entity/entities with new/modified data.
Sets the view based on angles.
Creates a shape variable by using the cross product of two other shape variables.
Updates a shape variable created from the cross product of two other shape variables.
Performs smoothing on selected mesh patches.
Offsets shells along their element normal direction.
Displays the target for a selected surface edge number in the new target component.
Draws a segment in the new target component. This segment connects the point to offset with the target point.
Turns on the display of all entities.
Turns on the display of an entity.
Turns on the display of a mark of entities.
Shows the entities with respect to a view saved using *saveviewmask.
Generates a shrink wrap mesh of shell or solid elements.
Sets the angle used to evaluate complex results. The evaluated results are used in contour and assigned plots.
Controls the display of the simulation title.
Performs feature-based meshing of surfaces using meshcontrols.
Performs feature-based meshing of surfaces using an XML config file.
Fixes sliver tetra and wedge elements and optimizes node positions based on certain quality criteria.
Optimizes node locations of 3D elements against user supplied quality criteria.
In the automeshing module, applies the specified smoothing operator to the mesh (if any) found on the face for the given number of times.
Releases memory from the *solid_cavity_detect_start command.
Creates solids from detected cavities and optionally merges the created solids with the parent.
Extracts cavity surfaces based on input rims and a face of that cavity.
Modify a partially detected cavity by adding and removing rims.
Modify a partially detected cavity by adding and removing surfaces.
Detects cavities (protrusion only) from a solid.
Create solids by extruding a set of selected surfaces along a given vector.
Find new 2D faces from 3D elements in select components.
Used in the Solidmap panel to create fixed points on the edges of selected components. These points are generated from nodes on the component’s edges that fall within a specified tolerance, and are meant to be transitory; use *solid_fixedpointssuppressor(1) to remove them.
Suppresses the selected fixed points. Usually paired with *solid_fixedptsmaker().
Create solids by normally offsetting a set of selected surfaces.
Used to read entities on mark ID 1 into an internal solidmap entity array.
Used to read nodes on list ID 2 into an internal solidmap node array.
Untrims solids by removing surfaces that separate them.
Create a parallelepiped block solid.
Create a full or partial cone or cylindrical solid.
Create one or more solids by dragging one or more surfaces along a line.
Create a solid that interpolates linearly or smoothly between input surfaces.
Create solids by rotating a set of selected surfaces around a given axis.
Marks the beginning of a solid mapping command block.
Marks the end of a solid mapping command block.
Used for equivalencing two sets of nodes for solid mapped meshing.
Used to setup the inputs to a solid mapping command block.
Sets the source 2D mesh size for the next call to *solidmap_end.
Starts a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
Starts a multiple-solid solidmap command block, with optional source and destination hints.
Ends a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
Sets the per-edge element density within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
Sets the per-edge element size within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
Sets the per-surface mesh type and mesh flags within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
Sets the surface shared by the 4 input points to the mapped type within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
Creates a solid mesh on a volume formed by nine lines.
Creates a solid mesh in a volume formed by twelve lines.
Creates a mesh of solid elements by first extruding an existing 2D finite element mesh, and then mapping the extruded mesh into a volume.
Converts a model from one solver to another.
Deletes or retains certain solver specific entities, based on their validity in the current model.
Sorts mid-surfaces from the "Middle Surface" component into other components.
Renumbers nodes and elements based on spatial locations.
Creates special elements like gasket elements between a source and target, or updates penta/hexa elements to special elements like gasket elements.
Toggles the autofit feature for spherical clipping on or off.
Sets the center for spherical clipping.
Set the radius for spherical clipping.
Generates SPH elements with various options.
Creates a 3D or planar surface defined by a set of lines, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a Coons patch surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Creates a transition mesh between refined and boundary regions.
Creates a refined mesh inside a selected area and makes the transition using structured patterns .
Split solid element layers through all edges that are topologicaly parallel to the selected edges while maintaining connectivity and associativity.
Split 1D elements using various options.
Disassociates a group (contact pair/tie) entity from a contact group.
Splits shell elements using various methods.
Splits shell elements on all sides, along with all connected 1D elements.
Divides the given solid elements into hexa or tetra elements.
Creates a spring element between two nodes using an orientation vector.
Creates a spring element between four nodes using an orientation vector.
Creates a spring element between two nodes using various orientation methods.
Updates a spring element using various orientation methods.
Updates the properties of spring elements.
Creates a spring element between three nodes using an orientation vector.
Displays the stack direction of selected entities.
Reverses the stack direction of selected entities.
Initializes a sequence of multi-file batch import/merge operations.
Defines the start of a history state.
Creates a stiffened panel mesh between lines or on surfaces.
Converts a generated mesh (if any) into elements in the specified component.
Prints or displays a summary from a specified template.
Sets the super element flag on a group of nodes.
Used by the R-Mesh macro to quickly generate a quad/tria shell mesh for rigid tool surfaces.
Adds meshing fixed points to a mark of surfaces, either by breaking edges or adding interior fixed points. The coordinates of the fixed points are supplied by a list of nodes.
Add a fixed point on a surface at the specified coordinates.
Adds meshing fixed points to a mark of surfaces, either by breaking edges or adding interior fixed points. The coordinates for the fixed points are supplied by a pointmark.
Creates a full or partial cone, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a conical region for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Creates a cone with a specified center and radius, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a conical region for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Create lines from the edges of a surface.
Create one or more surfaces by dragging one or more lines along a line.
Creates one or more surface by dragging the input lines along their curvature direction.
Create surface(s) by extruding line(s) along a vector.
Create one or more surfaces by dragging a line which is created by a set of input nodes along another line.
Creates surfaces in the normal direction from the edges of adjacent surfaces.
Create a NURBS surface using input parameters.
Create surfaces that interpolates linearly or smoothly between input lines.
Spins lines to create surfaces by specifying a start and end angle.
Spins a list of nodes to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher.
Create surfaces extending in the tangent direction from the surfaces along selected edges.
Turns on the display of surface normals.
Defeatures/removes selected fillet surfaces.
Imprints locations/points, given by coordinates, onto surfaces within a given max distance.
Creates lines by intersecting surfaces with a plane or other surfaces.
Creates lines by intersecting surfaces with a plane or other surfaces.
Check identity between input surface sets.
Identify symmetry between surfaces in a given set, with respect to a given reflection plane.
Add fixed points to a surface at locations specified by nodes.
Splits a group of surfaces with a line by projecting that line perpendicularly onto the surfaces.
Splits a group of surfaces with lines by projecting those lines perpendicularly onto the surfaces.
Reorganize the topology of a given set of surfaces based on various input test parameters. There are five separate tests available as well as options to close orphans and update or move (explained below). If the arguments to a test are -1, the test is not done. Therefore, the command is used for a variety of combinations of various tests.
Combines the selected surfaces into one surface, and divides the surface along the internal edges that correspond to fillets and feature lines.
Removes all pinholes of a specified size from the specified surfaces.
Defeatures specific surface edge fillets.
Removes pinholes.
Splits a mark of surfaces with a line swept along a vector.
Splits a mark of surfaces with lines swept along a vector.
Splits a group of surfaces with a smooth line defined by the nodes.
Splits a group of surfaces with an infinite plane.
Splits a group of surfaces with another surface
Removes any trim lines from the selected surfaces and lets the surface expand to its natural limits. The trim lines are separated from the surface and placed in the current component.
Sets the mode for automesh surface and shell mesh generation.
Creates a square, planar surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a square planar surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Create a primitive type surface from selected lines.
Create a primitive type surface from selected nodes or points.
Reverses the normals of surfaces.
Creates a skin surface across a line list, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a skin surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Creates a sphere which passes through the four specified nodes, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of such a sphere for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Creates a full or partial sphere, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of such a sphere for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Creates a sphere with a specified center and radius, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of such a sphere for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
Creates spline surfaces on all loops of selected lines.
Creates spline surfaces on all loops of selected lines.
Creates geometry on selected 2D mesh elements. Uses selected plot elements to create edges between surfaces.
Creates a spline surface using selected nodes or points as boundary conditions.
Create a single spline surface on a loop of lines.
Creates a spline surface using a node list as boundary conditions.
Splits a surface with a line created between using coordinates.
Splits a surface with a line by sweeping the line along a vector.
Splits a surface with an infinite plane.
Splits one surface with another.
Creates a full or partial torus, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a toroidal region for the automesher to use with the mesh without surface option.
Creates a torus which passes through the three specified nodes, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a toroidal region for the automesher to use with the mesh without surface option.
Creates a torus with specified radii, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher.
Trims surfaces along the intersection(s) with other surfaces.
Swaps the card image of an entity.
Swaps the master and slave entities of groups.
Copies the beam section values to property values. Currently valid only for Nastran and OptiStruct.
Creates and updates coordinate systems.
Executes a system command.
Converts systems from nodal reference to axis reference.
Creates a rectangular coordinate system.
Makes sure that a child system lies within the specified euler angle bounds with respect to the parent child system. If it does not, it moves the child system in the most direct path so that it does.
Adds a column of data to the right of a table.
Adds a row of data to the bottom of a table.
Contours node/element data from a table.
Creates a new table.
Deletes a column of data from a table.
Deletes a row of data from a table.
Exports data from a table to a file.
Inserts a column of data into a table.
Inserts a row of data into a table.
Populates a table with data from a delimited file.
Updates the value of a cell in a table.
Updates the values in a column of a table.
Updates the column labels of a table.
Updates the values in a row of a table.
Creates a tangent line between two lines.
Creates a tangent line between a node and a line.
Sets the global template file name.
Creates tetra meshes and CFD tetra meshes (with boundary layers).
Creates a special component for use as an element size control box.
Prints the current time to the command file.
Creates a title.
Draws a title.
Modifies a title entity.
Pops a title to the front.
Pushes a title to the background.
Sets a title to be the current title.
Toggles the entities contained in the specified include file to/from the current display.
Extract the final geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results and inherit the boundary conditions for reanalysis.
Transforms a selection of entities using a transformation matrix.
Translates a selection of entities along a vector.
Translates a selection of entities along a vector of the specified system.
Makes the shaded surfaces in components on the mark transparent.
Sets the level of transparency for the shaded surface in components that are set to be transparent.
Fixes sliver/bad quality elements which fail the user-defined aspect ratio.
Offset selected surface edges and trim attached surfaces.
Trims 2D elements using 1D or 2D elements.
Trims shell elements with a circular hole and adds optional washer layers.
Trim 2D elements with 2D elements along their intersection lines, and remove small penetrating parts of elements between the intersection lines and free element edges.
Modifies the view so that a model-defined vector is normal to the screen.
Undoes one or more history states.
Unlock all entities with the same entity type and ID pool across includes.
Removes entity locks.
Deletes the saved view with the name "Lock".
Unmasks all supported entities.
Unmasks all supported entities.
Unmasks the specified entities contained within the specified collectors.
Unmasks the entities on the specified mark.
Unmasks all supported entities in the current view window.
Unmasks all supported entities in the current view window.
Unrealize engineering entities.
Unrealize an engineering entity.
Unparameterizes a data name or attribute on a single entity.
Unparameterizes a data name or attribute on a mark of entities.
From within the automeshing module, undoes the last operation of the *smoothelements() command for the specified face.
Untrims selected surface free edges.
Updates 1D beams, bars and rods, and optionally assigns properties.
Update the binder shape using the current section. The binder and the section are identified automatically.
Specifies for element remesh with feature edges, if 1D elements selected as features are also refined.
Updates rigidlink and RBE3 elements to remove free legs and optionally update the weights
Updates an ID range.
Updates include file basic information.
Updates include file solver specific information.
This command updates the latitude line shape and the addendum surface shape, after the latitude line handle drag.
Update the definition of offset.
Reorganize entities, in case of an add, remove, delete transformations or change in transformation order operations.
Updates the property ID for the given FE joint elements.
Updates a reference geometry control volume.
Runs a template that can be used to check element quality
Creates a vector entity by using the cross product of two other vectors.
Creates a vector plot from results data.
Remove review vectors from the screen.
Updates a vector entity created from the cross product of two other vectors.
Unstitches the selected vertex.
Given one surface fixed point to retain, and one or more additional fixed points, combines all of the points into the first point. Some surface edges or entire surfaces may be deleted in the process.
Removes the selected fixed points from their surfaces, and gives the option to create free points at those locations.
Unstitches selected vertices.
Modifies the current view.
Return to previous view state.
Sets the graphics view.
Sets the parameters for visualization mode.
Adds buffer layers to all include entities in the voxel domain.
Adds entities to the voxel domain.
Adds entities to the voxel domain with a number of buffer layers.
Adds a planar constraint to the voxel session.
Adds a volume surrounding a given point to the voxel domain.
Creates voxel elements from the inputs given to the voxel session.
Drags faces of existing voxels to create new voxels.
Ends the voxel hex mesh module.
Sets the mode for filling closed volumes during voxel creation.
Imports an existing voxelization in to the current voxel session.
Initializes the voxel hex mesh module.
Removes buffer layers from all include entities in the voxel domain.
Removes all planar constraints for the current voxel session.
Removes entities from the voxel domain.
Removes a volume surrounding a given point from the voxel domain.
Renumbers the voxel elements according to grid numbering.
Creates multiple wadlines.
Displays a wall.
Creates a weld element between two nodes.
Generates a hex mesh for the far-field, a tetra mesh for the interface clearance, and a 3D boundary-layer mesh on the body.
Modifies the current window.
Fits the view to the entities on the mark.
Writes the current quality criteria to the specified file.
Saves a binary HyperMesh database.
Writes an H3D file using various options to control the exported data.
Writes out model check results to a file.
Exports part information.
Writes a file containing the element quality view mode settings.
This command is executed from the 2D page’s Quality Index panel. It has little to no valid usage in custom macro scripts, because it does not perform any calculations.
Creates a new element(/XELEM) of config 27 and type 1 using a node list.
Creates a new element(/XELEM) of config 27 and type 1 using a node set.
Changes the mode of an extended plot.
Sets the override color for xy plots.
Creates an xy plot.
Creates an xy plot with the indicated position and dimensions.
Creates an extended or dual plot that contains two sub-plots.
Creates a curve.
Modifies a curve.
Permutes a curve.
Draws an xy plot.
Expands a plot to cover the entire graphics region of the screen.
Resizes the xy plot window so that the curves on the xy plot are fully visible.
Modifies an xy plot.
Performs a math function on a curve.
Organizes the active plots so that they are fully visible on the screen.
Pages through the active xy plots making each plot the entire size of the screen, and then pausing until a mouse click.
Pops an xy plot to the top level.
Pushes an xy plot to the bottom level.
Reads a curve(s) from an ASCII file.
Reads in stress/strain information for HyperForm.
Registers a translator for use in the Edit Curves panel.
Registers an import template.
Sets the current xy plot
Sets the current curve.
Sets the curve pointers on a plot.
Sets the second curve to be used when performing mathematical functions on a curve.
Stacks the active xy plots.
Performs a math function on two curves.
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the plot window.
Modifies the window of an xy plot by zooming out (reducing the size of the curves).
The list of deprecated Tcl modify commands, and the new commands to use.
The list of undocumented Tcl modify commands.
Commands that query the HyperMesh database.
Documentation on the commands that control the Utility menu
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
The Script Exchange is a database of freely accessible scripts posted by users and Altair engineers.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Commands that modify the HyperMesh database.
Remove review vectors from the screen.
Remove review vectors from the screen.
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Remove review vectors from the screen.
To turn off the review vectors:
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