Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- axistitlecolor
- The color of the axis title.
- axistitlefont
- The font used for the axis title, 1-4.
- bordercolor
- The color of the plot border.
- bordermargin
- The margin between the border and the plot axis.
- borderon
- 1 if the plot border is on, 0 otherwise.
- borderwidth
- The width of the plot border.
- borderxmax
- The x value of the lower right plot window corner.
- borderxmin
- The x value of the upper left plot window corner.
- borderymax
- The y value of the lower right plot window corner.
- borderymin
- The y value of the upper left plot window corner.
- curves
- Pointer to the plot curves.
- curveslist
- The list of curve IDs in the plot. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- depth
- The depth of the plot when multiple plots are layered on the display.
- extended
- 1 for an extended (dual) plot, 0 otherwise.
- gridcolor
- The color of the grid lines.
- gridlines
- 1 if the grid lines are displayed, 0 otherwise.
- gridwidth
- The width of the grid lines.
- gridxincrement
- The increment of the grid lines on the x axis.
- gridxlabel
- The grid x axis frequency.
- gridyincrement
- The increment of the grid lines on the y axis.
- gridylabel
- The grid y axis frequency.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- label
- The label of the plot.
- labelcolor
- The color of the plot label.
- labelfont
- The plot label font, 1-4.
- labelscolor
- The color of the grid labels/tics.
- labelsfont
- The grid labels font, 1-4.
- labelsformat
- The format of the grid labels.
- labelsplaces
- The width of the label field.
- legendfont
- The font of the legend, 1-4.
- legendidson
- 1 if the IDs are shown in the legend, 0 otherwise.
- legendon
- 1 if the legend is displayed, 0 otherwise.
- legendxloc
- The x location of the legend.
- legendyloc
- The y location of the legend.
- margin
- The margin between the labels and the grid lines.
- maxdivisions
- The maximum number of divisions allowed.
- mindivisions
- The minimum number of divisions allowed.
- mode
- Returns the type of complex plot. Only valid if extended returns 1.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- numberofcurves
- The number of curves on the plot.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- subtitle
- The subtitle text of the plot.
- subtitlecolor
- The color of the plot subtitle.
- subtitlefont
- The font of the plot subtitle, 1-4.
- title
- The title text of the plot.
- titlecolor
- The color of the plot title.
- titlefont
- The font of the plot title, 1-4.
- type
- The type of plot.
- vonmises
- Flags a plot as complex von Mises.
- xaxisdynamicrange
- The dynamic range for (x, y) axis offset.
- xaxisformat
- The x axis format.
- xaxisgrids
- The number of grid lines per decade for the x axis.
- xaxislabel
- The text label on the x axis.
- xaxistics
- The number of grid lines per decade for the x axis.
- xaxistitle
- The text title on the x axis.
- xaxistype
- The type of the x axis.
- xmax
- The x value of the upper right plot axis range.
- xmin
- The x value of the loser left plot axis range.
- yaxisdynamicrange
- The dynamic range for (x, y) axis offset.
- yaxisformat
- The y axis format.
- yaxisgrids
- The number of grid lines per decade for the y axis.
- yaxislabel
- The text label on the y axis.
- yaxistics
- The number of grid lines per decade for the y axis.
- yaxistitle
- The text title on the y axis.
- yaxistype
- The type of the y axis.
- ymax
- The y value of the upper right plot axis range.
- ymin
- The y value of the loser left plot axis range.
Version History
2020 - Added new data name depth.
2020.1 - Added new data name solverkeyword.