
Query the HyperMesh database for metadata.


hm_metadata findbyname name ?type?|findbytype entity_type|findbymark entity_type mark_id|findall


HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


This command returns metadata, based off of query parameters.


findbyname name ?entity_type?
Returns all metadata with the specified name. If entity_type is specified, all metadata with the specified name and attached to that entity type is returned.
findbytype entity_type
Returns all metadata attached to entities of the specified entity type.
findbymark entity_type mark_id
Returns all metadata attached to the entities on the mark.
Returns all metadata.


To find all metadata named .ALTAIR.HW.CATIA.TAG:

hm_metadata findbyname .ALTAIR.HW.CATIA.TAG

To find all metadata named .ALTAIR.HW.CATIA.TAG attached to surfaces:

To find all metadata named .ALTAIR.HW.CATIA.TAG attached to surfaces:
hm_metadata findbyname .ALTAIR.HW.CATIA.TAG surfs

To find all metadata attached to solids:

hm_metadata findbytype solids

To find all metadata attached to the displayed surfaces:

*createmark surfs 1 "displayed"
hm_metadata findbymark surfs 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error