ADAMS Example

explicit time                               // Time is request #0
assume linear                               // All requests take up one line

mangle "REQ/%short -- %long"                // Combine long and short
                                            // request names
long names                                  // Both long and short names
                                            // are significant
header                                      // Read file header
                                            // Begin block
    type "Adams Results"                    // Set default request type
    set precision = 9                       // Set numeric precision for I/O
    set maxfind = 1                         // Search one line, maximum
    find "A.R[0-9]"                         // Find signature string
    readln null                             // Skip two lines (read and discard)
    readln null
    readln numrequests                      // Read in number of requests 
    set numcomponents = 8                   // Set number of components to eight
    components "X/Y/Z"                      // Specify component names
    components "RX/RY/RZ\"
    components "Magnitude/Rotational Magnitude"

    do numrequests                          // for each request
                                            // begin block
         read shortname                     // read next short request name
         read type "//1/Displacement//2/Velocity//3/Acceleration//4/Force//5/User Defined"
                                            // read type ID and match
         if                                 // conditional (check for REQ comment
                                            // begin block
              set mark                      // remember position in file
              find "[a-dg-zA-DF-Z]+"        // check for letters in next line
         } then                             // end block, then, if true
                                            // begin block
              rewind                        // return to previous mark in file
              readln longname               // read next long request name
         } else                             // end block, then, if false
                                            // begin block
              rewind                        // return to previous mark in file
              requests " "                  // set request name to blank
         }                                  // end block
    }                                       // end block
    set start                               // mark start of data in file
    readln strict "[+-]*[0-9]+\."           // check for floating point
}                                           // end block

record                                      // Read a record
                                            // Begin block
    readln time                             // Read time (request #0)
    do numrequests                          // For each other request
                                            // Begin block
              readln request                // Read a request
    }                                       // End block
}                                           // End block

request                                     // Read a request
                                            // Begin block
    do 6                                    // Repeat six times
                                            // Begin block
              read component                // Read a component
    }                                       // End block
    read magnitude 0                        // Get | comp0, comp1, comp2 |
    read magnitude 3                        // Get | comp3, comp4, comp5 |