
Phase angle of a Frequency Response Function (FRF) calculated using blocking.


blockfrfphase(vec_expr1, vec_expr_2, block_size, overlap)


A vector representing the input to a system.
A vector representing the output from a given system.
The number of elements to be used for each FRF (should be a power of 2).
The number of elements shared between consecutive blocks.


Templex Expression Result
{blockfrfphase(c1.y, c2.y, 256, 128)} A vector is generated which is the system response phase angle of the FRF for input c1.y and outputc2.y, using a block size of 256 and an overlap of 128.
Curve Math Vectors Result
x = freq(c1.x[0:255:1])

y = blockfrfphase(c1.y, c2.y, 256, 128)

Given c1 and c2, a curve is created which is the system response phase angle of the FRF for input c1 and output c2, using a block size of 256 and an overlap of 128.


The blockfrfphase function uses blocking to calculate the phase angle of a Frequency Response Function (FRF). vec_expr_1 and vec_expr_2 are assumed to be evenly sampled. The resultant vector has a number of elements equal to the least power of two greater than or equal to block_size.

The FRF is used to obtain the frequency domain parameters of a given system. The FRF is complex-valued and assumed to be evenly sampled.

The blockfrfphase function is different from a normal FRF in that it introduces blocking. The input vector is subdivided into blocks, each having block_size number of elements. An FRF is then performed on each individual block. The results of these FRFs are then averaged to give the final result.