Adds multiple curves which have overlapping x vectors.
curvesum("option", mathref1, mathref2,...mathrefn)
- "option"
- The "option" argument can be one of two types,
range or list.
- range
- Each pair of math references, or curves, defining a range.
- list
- The operation is performed on each curve math reference that follows. Every vector will be added.
- mathref1, mathref2,...mathrefn
- The curve math reference. The parameters must be legal math references to vectors of XY curves. Only absolute math references are supported , for example:
x vector = curvesync("range", p1w1c1.x, p1w1c7.x, p1w1c10.x, p1w1c10.x)
y vector = curvesum("range", p1w1c1.y, p1w1c7.y, p1w1c10.y, p1w1c10.y)