
Creates a real entity.




The variable name of the real entity.
Data type: varname
The descriptive label of the real entity.
Data type: label
A keyword which specifies whether or not this data member entity is editable in the MotionView graphical user interface. Valid values are: EDIT or NO_EDIT
Data type: keyword


 *String(model,        "Model")
 *Integer(wheelbase,   "Wheelbase")
*Real(spr_mass_cg_hgt, "Sprung Mass CG Height", EDIT)
 *Real(frnt_spr_mass,  "Front Sprung Mass", NO_EDIT)
 *Real(rear_spr_mass,  "Rear Sprung Mass", EDIT)
*DataSet(ds_vehpar,    "Vehicle Arguments", dsdef_vehpar)
*SetString(ds_vehpar.model, "Sport Utility")
*SetInteger(ds_vehpar.wheelbase,     3000) 
*SetReal(ds_vehpar.spr_mass_cg_hgt,  800.0)
*SetReal(ds_vehpar.frnt_spr_mass,    800.0)
*SetReal(ds_vehpar.rear_spr_mass,    600.0)








Table 1.
Property Returns Data Type Description
label string The descriptive label of the real entity.
state boolean Control state (TRUE or FALSE).
value real The value of the real entity.
varname string The variable name of the real entity.


A real entity is an entity that holds a real scalar.

Real entities may be created in dataset or table record definitions.

Variables created in *Real() statements are assigned values in *SetReal() statements.

When *Real() statements are used in a *DefineSystem(), *DefineAnalysis(), or *BeginMDL() block, the real entity is created inside an implicitly created dataset with the variable name "Ds_Variable". These real entities are then accessed from this dataset variable name when needed, for example,
*DefineSystem(def_sys ) 
  *Real(real_name, "Real variable", EDIT) 
  *SetReal(Ds_Variable.real_name, 100)