
Sets the state of a body to flexible as well as the source of the matrix file that describes the flexbody.


*SetFlexbodyComplianceState(body_name, RIGID|DEFORMABLE)


The variable name of an existing body or body pair.
Data type: varname
The flag which sets the state of a body or body pair as rigid or deformable.


*Body( b_0, "Body 0" )
*Point( p_0, "Point 0" )
*Point( p_b_0_inode_1, "Point created for Body 0 Interface Node 1" )
*SetPoint( p_b_0_inode_1, 984.889892578, -675.590026855, 904.519897461 )
*Point( p_b_0_inode_2, "Point created for Body 0 Interface Node 2" )
*SetPoint( p_b_0_inode_2, 1270.25, -286.639007568, 924.899902344 )
*Point( p_b_0_inode_3, "Point created for Body 0 Interface Node 3" )
*SetPoint( p_b_0_inode_3, 932.149902344, -196.300003052, 929.639892578 )
*Point( p_b_0_inode_4, "Point created for Body 0 Interface Node 4" )
*SetPoint( p_b_0_inode_4, 1043.04003906, -458.528991699, 915.889892578 )
*BallJoint( j_0, "Joint 0", b_0, B_Ground, p_b_0_inode_1 )
*SetSystem( MODEL ) //The Model
*SetFlexbodyComplianceState( b_0, DEFORMABLE )
*SetFlexbodySolverData( b_0, MotionSolve, CMS, "arm_flex.h3d", "arm_flex.h3d" )
*SetFlexbodyNode( j_0.joint_i, , 1 )






If a body is set to indeformable, the modes and nodal attachments to the MDL model should be described in *SetFlexbodyModes() and *SetFlexbodyNodes(), respectively.