*SetLocalUserDLLFlag() - GSE

Sets the flag to control the usage of a user subroutine for general state equation properties.


*SetLocalUserDLLFlag(varname, use_local_dll, use_local_xx_dll, use_local_xu_dll,
                                        use_local_yx_dll, use_local_yu_dll )


The variable name of the general state equation.
Data type: variable
Controls usage of the subroutine for GSESUB. Valid values are: TRUE or FALSE.
Data type: Boolean
use_local_xx_dll use_local_xu_dll use_local_yx_dll use_local_yu_dll
Controls usage of the subroutine for GSEXX, GSEXU, GSEYX, and GSEYU respectively. Valid values are: TRUE or FALSE.
Data type: Boolean


 *SetLocalUserDLL( gse_0, "mygsesubdll", "dll_xx", 
"dll_yu" )
 *SetLocalUserFuncname( gse_0, "mygsesubfunc", " mygsexxfunc ", 
" mygsexufunc ", " mygseyxfunc ", 
" mygseyufunc" )
*SetLocalUserDLLFlag( gse_0, , false, , false)

In the above example, the *SetLocalUserDLLFlag statement switches off the use of subroutine for partial derivatives GSEXX and GSEYX.








This statement is used to control the usage of subroutines used for the general state equation. This is particularly useful when there are no partial derivative equations to be used.

Using a false value for any of the statements will cause MotionView to skip exporting of the relevant subroutine file and function name in the Control_StateEqn for MotionSolve and the deprecated ROUTINE statement in Adams. For partial derivatives, this statement also controls specifying the following flags: XXFLAG, XUFLAG, YXFLAG and YUFLAG.

This statement should be specified after the *SetLocalUserDLL() or *SetLocalUserFunction() statements, otherwise the statement will override the flag specified in this statement.

If multiple *SetLocalUserDLLFlag() statements are used, wherever there are blank tokens for the arguments, the values specified in the earlier instance is still valid.