Specifies the local subroutine function name for a general state equation for continuous states.
*SetLocalUserInterfaceFuncname( varname, local_deriv_iface_funcname,
- varname
- The variable name of the state equation.
- local_deriv_iface_funcname
- The string that refers to a subroutine function name for the following state equation function (GSE_DERIV).
- local_output_iface_funcname
- The string that refers to a subroutine function name for the following state equation function (GSE_OUTPUT).
- local_update_iface_funcname
- The string that refers to a subroutine function name for the following state equation function (GSE_UPDATE).
- local_samp_iface_funcname
- The string that refers to a subroutine function name for the following state equation function (GSE_SAMP).
*GeneralStateEquation( gse_0, "My Controller", 3,
u_array, ic_array , icd_array )
*SetGeneralStateEquation(gse_0, USER, `USER(500,
*SetContinuousStates( gse_0, 4, )
*SetDiscreteStates(gse_0, LIN, 2, 0.5, )
*SetLocalUserInterfaceDLL( gse_0 , "mygsederiv", "mygseoutput",
mygseupdate", "mygsesamp")
*SetForce( frc_cont, EXPR, ARYVAL({gse_0.y_array.idstring}, 2)`
*SetLocalUserFuncname( gse_0, "mygsederivfunc", " mygsoutfunc ",
" mygseupdatefunc ", " mygsesampfunc)
The default values for the function names are: GSE_DERIV, GSE_OUTPUT, GSE_UPDATE, GSE_SAMP, and GSEYU. The local function name should be specified in case a function name other than the default is to be used.
The value of the local function names is written to the INTERFACE argument for ADAMS.
This statement is not applicable for MotionSolve.