Sets the values for the solver array.
*SetSolverArray(a_array, MATH, expression)
*SetSolverArray(a_array, VALUE, num_values, val1, val2)
*SetSolverArray(a_array, FILE, "path/filename", "type", "request", "comp")
*SetSolverArray(a_array, hold_order, true|false, sampling_time, true|false,
- a_array
- The variable name of the solver array for which the set of values will apply.
- Indicates that the IC component of the array is an expression.
- expr
- A mathematical expression for the IC component of the curve.
- This argument indicates that the data for the IC component of the array is specified as discrete values.
- num_values
- The number of values.
- val1, val2, val3, ..., valn
- Discrete values for the IC component of the array.
- Indicates that the data for the IC component of the array comes from a file.
- "[path]/filename"
- Filename for the IC component of the array.
- type
- Specifies the type of data from a data file for the IC component of the curve.
- request
- Specifies a request from a data file for the IC component of the curve.
- Component
- Specifies a component of a request from a data file for the IC component of the curve.
- hold_order
- Specifies the order of interpolation/extrapolation applied to the Plant_Input/Plant_Output signals.
- sampling_time
- Specifies sample time for the Plant_Input/Plant_Output ports.
- offset_time
- Specifies sample time offset for the Plant_Input/Plant_Output ports.
*BeginMDL( model, "Model 1")
*Curve( crv_0, "Curve 0", 2D, CARTESIAN, WRITE, CURVE_POINTS, OPEN )
*SolverArray( sa_x, "SolverArray 0", X )
*SolverArray( sa_u, "SolverArray 1", U, sv_0, sv_1 )
*SolverArray( sa_y, "SolverArray 2", Y )
*SolverArray( sa_ic, "SolverArray 3", IC )
*SolverArray( sa_pi, "SolverArray 4", PLANT_INPUT, sv_0, sv_1 )
*SolverArray( sa_po, "SolverArray 5", PLANT_OUTPUT, sv_0, sv_1 )
*SolverVariable( sv_0, "SolverVariable 0" )
*SolverVariable( sv_1, "SolverVariable 1" )
*SolverVariable( sv_2, "SolverVariable 2" )
*SetCurve( crv_0, VALUE, 4, 0, .1, .2, .3, VALUE,
4, 1, 2, 3, 4 )
*SetSolverVariable( sv_0, EXPR, `SIN(TIME)`, OFF )
*SetSolverVariable( sv_1, CRV, crv_0, , `time`, OFF )
*SetSolverVariable( sv_2, LIN, 5, OFF )
*SetSolverArray( sa_ic, VALUE, 1, 4 )
*SetSolverArray( sa_pi, 0, true, 0.1, true, 1 )
*SetSolverArray( sa_po, 0, true, 0.1, true, 1 )
The *SetSolverArray statement is used for setting values of array of type IC, PLANT_INPUT, and PLANT_OUTPUT. Array values can be used to define a list of constants that are referred to by a function expression or an argument within the list of parameters that are passed into a user subroutine.