*SetSurface() - file
Sets the values associated with a surface entity where the parametric surface is described by a Parasolid file.
The file choice applies only to the ADAMS solver.
*SetSurface(varname, GRAPHICS_SOURCE, "[path]/filename1",
FUNCTIONAL_SOURCE, " [path]/filename2")
- varname
- The variable name of the surface which is having its data member set.
- Denotes that the next token is the string that identifies the file to be used as the graphical description of the surface. MotionView uses this file for display purposes only.
- [path]/filename1
- The path and filename for the H3D file to be used for display purposes in the graphics window.
- Denotes that the next token is the string that identifies the file to be used as the functional description of the surface.
- "[path]/filename2"
- The path and filename for the Parasolid file to be used for the description of the parametric surface.
*SetSurface( surf_0, GRAPHICS_SOURCE, "c:/models/sphere.h3d",
FUNCTIONAL_SOURCE, "c:/models/sphere.xmt_txt" )
The file used to display the graphics is separate from the file used for the mathematical representation of the surface, as used by the solver.