*SetSurface() - file

Sets the values associated with a surface entity where the parametric surface is described by a Parasolid file.

The file choice applies only to the ADAMS solver.


*SetSurface(varname, GRAPHICS_SOURCE, "[path]/filename1",
             FUNCTIONAL_SOURCE, " [path]/filename2")


The variable name of the surface which is having its data member set.
Data type: varname
Denotes that the next token is the string that identifies the file to be used as the graphical description of the surface. MotionView uses this file for display purposes only.
The path and filename for the H3D file to be used for display purposes in the graphics window.
Data type: string
Denotes that the next token is the string that identifies the file to be used as the functional description of the surface.
The path and filename for the Parasolid file to be used for the description of the parametric surface.
Data type: string


*SetSurface( surf_0, GRAPHICS_SOURCE, "c:/models/sphere.h3d", 
             FUNCTIONAL_SOURCE, "c:/models/sphere.xmt_txt" )






The file used to display the graphics is separate from the file used for the mathematical representation of the surface, as used by the solver.