This command has been replaced by *BeginCollision().
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HyperMesh Batch is a non-graphical version of HyperMesh that can be used to run command files or Tcl scripts in batch mode.
The start-in directory is the location from which the HyperWorks Desktop application is launched.
HyperWorks Desktop writes several different settings files.
There are various types of startup customizations that are possible for HyperWorks Desktop. These items define how the application looks or behaves at product startup.
HyperMesh allows you to create a script file named hmcustom.tcl that can be used to automatically execute a series of commands or to define custom settings during startup.
Environment variables can be defined to configure various aspects of HyperWorks Desktop.
A preference file is an ASCII file that configures the application or its clients. It specifies default user settings, such as the order in which colors are assigned, the default printer and default page layout.
A session file is an ASCII text file that contains a structured list of session statements.
Session files always begins with the *Id() statement which is followed by statements grouped in blocks.
When a session is saved, filenames are stored as Templex variables. When a session file is loaded, the program checks for Templex statements in the session file.
Every statement in a session begins with an asterisk, *. Lines without asterisks are treated as comments.
Indicates the type of curve edit.
Specifies whether or not Axisymmetry is active.
Indicates a selection rule associated with a selection set.
Specifies a group to which a list of components can be added.
Specifies the real component image to attach to a part or marker.
Adds a primitive to a collision set's primitive list.
Specifies the source name and path of the result template used for result math analysis.
Specifies the paragraph alignment of note text.
Specifies the paragraph alignment of note text.
Specifies the transparency of a material.
Specifies the red, green, and blue values for the ambient light component of a material.
Fixes the position of the note(s) displayed in the graphics window while the model is animating.
Sets the animation action to be performed on a violation.
Adds a single line of text to the time/frame display in the animation and video windows.
Sets the animation action that needs to be performed on the collision.
Indicates whether the system is in interpolation mode or transient mode. If in interpolation mode, the simulation index is denoted.
Determines if an attribute is displayed in the measure annotation on the screen.
Captures the subcase id, simulation index, and the scale factor for the created loadcase.
Specifies the type of attachment for a note in the plot window.
Specifies the entity type of attachment for a note in HyperView.
Specifies the display attributes setting for the added part.
Attaches data attributes to a vector or curve.
Indicates the display attributes of the created measure.
Locks the axis so that it will not change if new curves are added.
Hides a feature in the graphics window when the model is rotated over it.
It is a session file (.mvw) session statement and report definition file (.tpl) statement in the *BeginLegend() and *BeginNote()blocks.
Automatically determines the minimum and maximum value for the specified axis.
Specifies the nodal average enabled state.
Indicates if the average color mode on the model is enabled.
Indicates the nodal averaging method used on elemental results.
Specifies the axis of Axisymmetry for the model.
Specifies the axis to which a vector belongs or the axis to which a datum line is attached.
Specifies the background color for TextView or HyperGraph.
Specifies the color to be used as the legend background.
Defines the state, pattern, and color attributes for a bar curve.
Specifies the styles of the bar chart curves.
Indicates the base node selection on the section cut.
Specifies the time frame at which the streamlines are created.
Indicates the beginning of an add objects block.
Indicates the beginning of an axis block.
Indicates the beginning of an axisymmetry block.
Specifies the start of the CFD block used to capture the settings with the CFD feature.
Indicates the beginning of a collision block.
This command has been replaced by *BeginCollision().
Indicates the beginning of a contour block. This block captures your selections from the Contour panel in HyperView.
Contains a list of contour plot view settings including the legend settings.
Indicates the beginning of a curve block.
Indicates the beginning of a curve edit block.
Indicates the beginning of a data block for a vector.
Indicates the beginning of a datum line block.
Indicates the beginning of a definition block.
Indicates the beginning of a deformed block.
Captures the settings applied to the newly created loadcase using the Utilities menu option.
Indicates the beginning of an explosion block.
Indicates the beginning of a user defined expression block.
Indicates the beginning of the forming limit curve settings.
Indicates the beginning of an FLD block.
Indicates the beginning of a footer block in a plot.
Indicates the beginning of a graphic block.
Indicates the beginning of a group block.
Indicates the beginning of a header block in a plot.
Contains a list of iso plot view settings.
Indicates the beginning of an iso value block.
Indicates the beginning of a legend block in a plot block.
Indicates the start of the legend block in HyperView.
Indicates the beginning of a line tracing block. This block captures your selections for line tracing on the Tracing panel in HyperView.
Indicates the beginning of a mask block.
Indicates the beginning of a material block.
Indicates the beginning of an MDL block.
Indicates the start of a group of measure statements in an animation window.
Indicates the start of a measure block created from the Measure panel in HyperView.
Indicates the beginning of a model block.
Indicates the beginning of the added model information.
Indicates the beginning of a note block.
Indicates the beginning of a note block.
Indicates the beginning of a page block.
Indicates the beginning of a material palette.
Captures your settings for the added part.
Indicates the beginning of a plot block.
Specifies the block that captures the rake information used for streamline creation.
Captures the path and the reader used to load the result set.
Indicates the beginning of a result math plot block.
Indicates the beginning of a saved view block.
Indicates the beginning of a scalar definition block. This block captures your selections from a scalar definition created in HyperView.
Indicates the beginning of a Stress Characterization Line (SCL) block.
Denotes the beginning of the list of section cuts for a graphic window when using an MBD file.
Indicates the beginning of a section cut block.
Indicates a selection set is based on the selection of a group of entities, such as parts, elements, nodes, or a group of systems.
Indicates the beginning of a statistics template block.
Indicates the beginning of a study case.
Indicates the beginning of a Symmetry block.
Indicates the beginning of a template block.
Indicates the beginning of a tensor block.
Indicates the beginning of a tensor definition block. This block captures your selections from a tensor definition created in HyperView.
Contains a list of tensor plot view settings including the legend settings.
Indicates the beginning of a text editor block in a window block.
Indicates the beginning of a tracing block.
Indicates the beginning of a tracing node definition. This block captures the commands for a single node trace.
Indicates the beginning of a tracing node definition. This block captures the commands for a single node trace.
Indicates the beginning of a tracing system definition. This block captures the commands for a single system trace.
Indicates the beginning of a tracking block.
Indicates the beginning of a vector block in a plot curve.
Indicates the beginning of a vector block.
Indicates the beginning of a vector definition block. This block captures your selections from a vector definition created in HyperView.
Contains a list of vector plot view settings including the legend settings.
Indicates the beginning of a video block.
Indicates the beginning of a window block.
Specifies the color of the thin border surrounding a plot.
Specifes the border width surrounding a note.
Sets the name of a bar column (a.k.a. category) along the Categories axis. Subsequent *Category() statements define the other category names.
Specifies whether or not the elements should be clipped on a section cut.
Specifies the view boundaries of a graphics window.
Specifies the clipping region for a saved view.
Specifes the color of a plot entity or a datum line.
Determines the color of the measure when drawn.
Specifies the font color of a note.
Indicates the section cut color.
Indicates if the tensor or vector result should be displayed using a legend or by the direction of Sxx, Syy, and Szz using the colors you select.
Indicates the RGB values of the contour legend colors.
Specifies the coloring mode of the streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Sets the complex animation filter.
Indicates the complex filter used to display the complex results.
Specifies a component of a request from a data file for a vector in a plot curve.
Indicates the settings for the compression line used in the FLD analysis.
Used to establish a live link between a measure and a plot curve. A master/slave relationship is created be the two entities. The measure is the master and the slave is the child. Update events are passed from the master to the slave as needed; this is what makes it a live link.
Specifies the attachment point for a note.
Specifies the position of a point in space to which an animation window note is attached.
Indicates if the Use corner data option is enabled to calculate the results.
Includes a curve in a macro.
Includes a curve in a macro.
Selects a model in the current animation window for all model-specific operations.
Keeps track of live and current plotted result definitions
Captures the subcase id only for the transient analysis type and the simulation index for modal or linear static analysis types.
Specifies the timestep displayed in the windows on a page.
Specifies the data point to which a note is attached.
Indicates if the curve is included in the calculation and drawing of a TipToTail curve.
Specifies a single data point for a vector in a *BeginData() block.
Indicates the curve source type used to create the FLC.
Sets a custom feature angle for a part.
Indicates the data component selected for a given result type.
Specifies the type of data to use from a data source file for a vector in a plot curve.
Begins a plot macro definition block.
Applies a magnification factor to displacement results in the modal animation mode.
Contains undeformed model graphic settings that apply to all graphic windows.
Indicates the time step value for a deformed section cut.
Applies a magnification factor to displacement results in the transient animation mode.
Specifies the red, green, and blue values for the diffuse light component of a material.
Indicates if the discrete color mode on the model is enabled.
Used to contour displaced components.
Indicates the display mode criteria for selecting how model elements are displayed.
Enables or disables the display of various graphics features.
Indicates the degrees of freedom associated with a tracking system.
Indicates the display options for the components selected for the vector plot.
Specifies the drawing state of the vector values.
Specifies the drawing position of the vectors on the rake lines.
Specifies the drawing state of the tensor prefixes for the Normal and Shear tensors.
Specifies the drawing state of the vector prefixes.
Specifies the drawing state of the tensor values for the Normal and Shear tensors.
Turns edge lines on or off for models with section cuts.
Specifies the element, element dimension, and model containing the element to which an animation window note is attached.
Indicates the ply and element results to be contoured.
Indicates whether the contour should be generated per node or per element.
This command is used to locate an element in the model.
Indicates the components of the element result to be contoured.
Specifies the red, green, and blue values for the emitted light component of a material.
Specifies the end of the add objects block.
Indicates the end of an axis block.
Indicates the end of an axisymmetry block.
Specifies the end of the CFD definition block.
Specifies the end of the collision block.
This command has been replaced by *EndCollision().
Specifies the end of the contour block.
Specifies the end of the contour plot view settings.
Indicates the end of a curve block.
Indicates the end of a curve edit block.
Indicates the end of a data block.
Indicates the end of a datum line block.
Indicates the end of a definition block.
Specifies the end of the deformed block.
Specifies the end of the derived subcase block.
Specifies the end of the explosion block.
Indicates the end of a user defined expression block.
Specifies the end of the FLC block.
Specifies the end of the FLD block.
Indicates the end of a footer block.
Indicates the end of a graphic block.
Specifies the end of the group block.
Indicates the end of a header block in a plot.
The index of the last data point to be read from the specified file.
Specifies the end of the iso plot view settings.
Specifies the end of an iso value block.
Indicates the end of a legend block in a plot block.
Specifies the end of a legend block.
Specifies the end of the line block.
Specifies the end of the mask block.
Indicates the end of a material block.
Indicates the end of an MDL block.
Indicates the end of a group of measure statements in the animation window.
Specifies the end of the measure block.
Indicates the end of a model block.
Specifies the end of the model block.
Indicates the end of a note block.
Specifies the end of a note block.
Indicates the end of a page block.
Indicates the end of a material palette.
Indicates the end of a plot block.
Specifies the pixel locations relative to the bottom left corner of the video or image.
Specifies the end of the rake definition block.
Specifies the end of the begin result block.
Indicates the end of a result math plot block.
Indicates the end of a saved view block.
Indicates the end of a Stress Characterization Line (SCL) block.
Specifies the end of the scalar definition block.
Denotes the end of the list of section cuts for the animation window.
Specifies the end of the section cut block.
Specifies the end of the selection set block.
Marks the end of a session block that contains the results to be contoured.
Indicates the end of a statistics template block.
Specifies the end of the study block.
Indicates the beginning of a Symmetry block.
Indicates the end of a template block.
Indicates the end of a tensor block.
Specifies the end of the tensor definition block.
Specifies the end of the tensor plot view settings.
Indicates the end of a text block for reports and notes.
Indicates the end of a text editor block.
Specifies the time at which animation ends.
Specifies the end of the tracing block.
Specifies the end of a tracing node block.
Specifies the end of a tracing part block.
Specifies the end of a tracing part block.
Specifies the end of the tracking block.
Indicates the end of a vector block.
Indicates the end of a vector block in HyperView.
Specifies the end of the vector definition block.
Specifies the end of the vector plot view settings.
Indicates the end of a video block.
Denotes the end of a *Measure() or *MasterMeasure() block.
Indicates the end of a window block.
Indicates if the engineering or true stress/strain is enabled.
Sets the rendering color of the tracing entity described by the block.
Specifies the entity type used to trace the contour along the envelope in the derived loadstep.
Specifies the fully expanded equation used in defining an expression using the GUI for a given result math analysis.
Specifies whether or not the vector plot is evenly distributed on the rake lines defined on a section cut.
Defines the mathematical expression for a vector.
Turns feature lines on or off for models with section cuts.
Specifies the relative path and filename of the source file for a vector in a plot curve or a text editor file.
Fills color in the area surrounding the note(s) displayed in the graphics window.
Turns solid filling on or off for models with section cuts.
Specifies the label of the legend filter.
Indicates the state of the fit curve property for the FLD analysis.
Specifies the font name, weight, style, and size for plot notes, legends, and the text editor.
Specifies the font name, weight, style, and size of the note text.
Determines the font to be used for the measure.
Specifies the alignment of the footer text in the plot window.
Specifies the footer font.
Specifies the footer text in the contour legend.
Defines force attributes.
Determines how the numeric portion of the measure annotation should be displayed.
Specifies whether the values on a plot axis are expressed in scientific notation, as fixed decimal, or automatically formatted.
Specifies the tensor format.
Specifies the color of the window surrounding a plot.
Specifies if the streamlines are successfully created.
Captures the global options used while loading the model and result files.
Specifies the color of plot grid lines in a plot window.
Specifies the spacing of the X-axis and Y-axis between each grid line on a section cut.
Specifies whether or not the grid lines on a section cut are displayed.
Specifies the number of grid lines per tic mark on a linear plot axis. Specifies the number of grid lines per decade on a log plot axis.
Specifies the precision of the text displayed on the grid lines of a section cut.
Specifies whether or not the grid line text on a section cut is displayed.
Specifies the alignment of the header text in the plot window.
Specifies the font type and properties for the legend header.
Specifies the header text in the contour legend.
Specifies the drawing style of the vector plot.
Sets the highlight mode when a violation occurs.
Indicates the beginning of a session file and the release version of the program.
Specifies the tic increment for plot axes.
Indicates the increment for the iso value.
Specifies the integration method used to create streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Specifies if the streamlines are to be displayed downstream, upstream, or both.
Specifies the value of the length used in the integration method to create streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Indicates if the interpolate color mode on the model is enabled.
Finds the values for the From and To fields in the Modify Curves panel.
Sets the color of the intersecting violation units.
Indicates the active page in the page list and the active window on each page.
Indicates whether the current result definition is loaded or not.
Indicates the current iso value of the current model.
Specifies an axis label or the name of the plot macro to be used in the interface.
Specifies a datum line label.
Specifies the label on the origin part.
Specifies the label of the stress classification line (SCL).
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for axis labels or datum line labels.
Specifies the location of the datum line label.
Indicates the data component selected for the given result type.
Specifies the window arrangement on a page.
Specifies the position of the leader in a legend.
Indicates the minimum threshold value for the legend.
Indicates the minimum threshold value for the legend.
Determines if the iso values are displayed in a legend.
Specifies the position of the contour legend on the page area.
Specifies the title of the legend.
Specifies the scale type for the legend.
Indicates if the analysis results are displayed as a zone legend or as distance contour.
Defines the light source for a graphic.
Defines the style, color, and line weight attributes for a curve.
Indicates the color for the tracing path.
Indicates the source used to create a line.
Indicates the thickness for the tracing path.
Lists subcase ID and simulations loaded for a given model.
Indicates the name of the image file to load.
Indicates the name of the image or video file to load as an overlay.
Indicates the name of the video file to load.
Indicates the settings for the loose metal line offset used in the FLD analysis.
Indicates the settings for the margin line offset used in the FLD analysis.
Defines marker attributes.
Indicates the location (in pixels) of a marker.
Specifies the marker endpoints.
Specifies the size of the marker seeds drawn on the streamlines of a CFD plot.
Specifies the attributes for a special measure which can provide unit conversion from pixels to selected units on a video or image.
Specifies the maximum value of an axis on a plot.
Specifies the break angle to be used for the decimation criteria for the streamlines.
Specifies the maximum line length to be used for the decimation criteria for the streamlines.
Specifies the maximum speed variation to be used for the decimation criteria for the streamlines.
Specifies the MDL file to be read into a *BeginModel() block.
Gets the measure name that is displayed.
Specifies parameters for an angle measurement in the animation window.
Specifies parameters for a displacement measurement in the animation window.
Specifies parameters for a distance measurement item in the animation window.
Specifies parameters for a position measurement in a graphic window.
Specifies a memorized orientation view for the animation window.
Specifies the minimum value of an axis on a plot.
Saves and restores the current minimum and maximum values of a displayed legend.
Captures the selection mode for an exploded view.
Specifies the tracking mode for a given tracking system.
The index of the model to be contoured.
Specifies the filename for a referenced model, which has been pasted into a window as a link to another model.
Specifies a model file to load into the application.
Specifies if multiple layer support is enabled/disabled.
Indicates the value with which the contour values are multiplied.
Specifies the begin node of the stress classification line (SCL).
Specifies the end node of the stress classification line (SCL).
Name of a material as it is listed in the interface.
The nodal result to be contoured.
Specifies the node, and the model containing that node, to which an animation window note is attached.
Indicates that a node is being tracked, traced, or measured.
Indicates that a note is attached to a node.
Defines a deformable section cut plane.
Indicates the RGB values that are displayed if no contour results are found.
Specifies the note’s text alignment.
Specifies the paragraph alignment of note text.
Specifies the anchor alignment of the added note.
Specifies the number of slices by which the 3D geometry will be divided for Axisymmetry.
Specifies the number of rows and columns of rake lines on which to apply the vector plot.
Specifies the number of lines to be displayed as streamlines.
Specifies the number of colors used to color the streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Specifies the format for the numeric values displayed by the legend.
Specifies the font settings for the numeric values displayed on the contour legend.
Indicates the number of color bands to display in the contour legend.
Specifies the format and precision of the measured values.
Specifies the number of points dividing the stress classification line (SCL) into equal segments.
Specifies the number of Legend values which are currently overridden.
Specifies object attributes for primitives.
Offsets the values in a data vector.
Determines if the messure should be drawn on the screen.
Indicates the plane settings used to define a section cut in HyperView's Section Cut panel.
Specifies the origin settings for the added part.
Indicates the overlay settings.
Specifies the index and value that was overridden for the Legend.
Indicates if the override color is enabled.
Specifies the label and variable type for a plot macro parameter.
Specifies part attributes such as part name, color, and visibility.
Indicates that a component is being tracked, traced, or measured.
Indicates that the note is attached to a component.
Defines the part assembly visibility state.
Specifies settings for perspective drawing of 3D graphic entities.
Indicates if the origin is held at a fixed location on screen.
Defines a section cut plane.
Specifies the plotted result.
Specifies the TipToTail curve format of the polar plot.
Specifies the location of a datum line.
Specifies the location of a note in HyperView.
Specifies the location of a legend in a plot window.
Specifies the location of a note in a plot window.
Specifies the accuracy of the fixed decimal notation for an axis on a plot.
Determines how the numeric portion of the measure annotation should be displayed.
Sets foreground, background, and other colors for all animation windows, turns various display features on and off, and sets the default feature angle. Indicates if forces and moments are displayed as fixed or variable, the force and moment sizes (if displayed as fixed), and the marker size.
Indicates the settings of global preferences.
Defines the font type, weight, style, and size for the first line of a header or footer.
Specifies whether or not the vector plot is projected on a section cut.
Indicates the rule for projecting the contour result using the primary and secondary axes.
Indicates the projection type of view.
Sets the proximity value.
Indicates the proximity check setting.
Sets the color of the proximity violation units.
Specifies the type of rake to be used to create streamlines.
Specifies the scale factor of the rake definition in a CFD plot.
Specifies the transformation matrix of the rake definition in a CFD plot.
Indicates the value of the From range field, which is the start point for the range of values in the From and To fields on the Modify Curves panel.
Indicates the value of the To range field, which is the end point for the range of values in the From and To fields.
Captures the reader options used while loading the model and result files.
Indicates the time step at which the measure was created.
Sets system level display settings for FEA files.
Specifies a request from a data file for a vector in a plot curve.
Specifies the system in which to resolve the values.
Indicates if the collision results are to be applied to elements or components.
Specifies the name of the result math template used for result math analysis.
Specifies the filename for a referenced set of results that has been pasted into a window as a link to another model’s results.
Holds a single text parameter that indicates the result, other than displacement, to be contoured.
Indicates the list of valid result data types based on the solver results.
Specifies the review state of the stress classification line (SCL).
Specifies the rotation setting for the added part.
Specifies the rotation increment for the graphic view controls.
Specifies the scale settings for the added part. This statement will be written out only if this value has been changed by the user.
Specifies the scale for the X, Y, and Z axis direction.
Indicates whether a plot axis is linear, logarithmic, dB10 or dB20.
Indicates the scale size setting for a vector or tensor plot.
Specifies the scale type for a vector plot.
Scales a data vector in a curve.
Specifies the scaling setting used to display the deformation on the mode.
Defines the font type, weight, style, and size for the second line of a header or footer.
Indicates the section type settings for the section cut.
Specifies the seed color on a rake definition for a CFD plot.
Marks the start of asession block containing the results to be contoured.
Specifies the value of a curve macro object.
Sets the shading mode for a part.
Defines the shape of a note.
Sets the scale value used to display tensors.
Specifies the degree of shininess of the specular light component of a material.
Specifies whether to include a curve label in the legend.
Displays the maximum values for the contoured results in the contour legend.
Displays the maximum local values for the contoured results in the contour legend.
Displays the maximum and minimum values for the contoured results in the contour legend.
Indicates whether Mid-side node results will be used for plotting.
Displays the minimum values for the contoured results in the contour legend.
Displays the minimum local values for the contoured results in the contour legend.
Indicates the display of the nodes that are traced.
Specifies that the original line is enabled or disabled.
Specifies that the projected line is enabled or disabled.
Specifies whether or not the rake outline used to create the streamlines will be displayed.
Displays the result text in the contour legend.
Specifies whether or not the seeds for a given rake definition in a CFD plot will be displayed.
Indicates the surface covered between the original line and the projected line.
Specifies if the note needs to move along with the model during animation.
Specifies the red, green, and blue values for the specular light component of a material.
The index of the first data point to be read from the specified file.
Specifies the time at which animation begins.
Specifies the regeneration mode used when drawing streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Specifies the thickness used to draw streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Specifies the source used to create streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Specifies the style used to draw streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Indicates if the image is displayed in the entire display window or as its actual size.
Specifies the style for a datum line.
Specifies the subcase ID used while creating a user-defined expression using the GUI for a given result math analysis.
Defines the style, color, and spacing for symbols on a curve.
Indicates that a system is being tracked, traced, or measured.
Indicates that a system is being tracked, traced, or measured.
Specifies the criteria used to terminate the length of the streamlines in the CFD/Streamlines panel.
Defines the font type, weight, style, and size for the third line and all lines thereafter in a header or footer.
Specifies the content of headers, footers, and notes in HyperGraph or the contents of a TextView window.
Starts a block that contains the text for the attached note.
Specifies the text color for the text editor.
Specifies the text color.
Specifies the thickness of a datum line.
Specifies the method used to place tics along an axis.
Specifies the number of tics on a plot axis.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for axis tics.
Specifies the amount of time to wait before animating a window.
Adjusts the animation running time for a single window.
Specifies a page title.
Indicates the title for the contour legend.
Indicates if the title attached to the note should be displayed.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the axis labels or datum line labels.
Specifies the font settings used to display the title of the contour legend.
Determines if the measure should be drawn at the time index specified by this statement.
Specifies the angle of sweep about the axis for Axisymmetry.
Sets the node trace mode.
Defines the steps to trace when *TracingMode() is set to "List".
Specifies the part tracked during animation.
Defines a user coordinated system capable of moving along with dynamically tracked marker locations.
Sets the colors for the axis arrows and labels.
If Transient is true, the measure will only be drawn at the time step of its creation.
Indicates the entity being translated during the explosion.
Specifies the transparency setting on the legend.
Indicates if a graphic note should have a transparent or solid background.
Determines the measure type.
Specifies the deformation with the selected color.
Specifies the display mode of the deformation that occurs on the model.
Specifies if the deformation should follow with the tracking system.
Forces the plot window axes to have the same units. This option is controlled via the Options panel.
Determines the conversion factor from pixels to the given length units.
Specifies the unit type.
Sets the updating policy of a vector plot.
Determines which system is used to report marker and measure coordinates.
Sets the display of marker and measure annotations.
Connects the given measure with one of the valid videos or images via the internal ID number of the image or video.
Specifies the orientation of the model in the window.
Specifies the view orientation matrix for a given window.
Enables or disables the collision set.
Specifies the color of the zero line in a plot window.
Indicates the display coordinates (in pixels) for the window.
Report templates are ASCII text files that contain statements for creating reports.
Learn how to create, open, import and save models.
Control the view and display of your model in the modeling window.
Use the Session Browser to view the current session and all the pages and windows it contains in a hierarchical display.
Publish your HyperWorks Desktop session to HTML, PowerPoint, or Report files.
Use the Parameters Browser to parameterize the contents of a session file or report template and automate a variety of analysis processes with the Parameters Browser.
Automate common workflows using the Process Manager or Automate tool.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
A session file is an ASCII text file that contains a structured list of session statements.
There are various types of startup customizations that are possible for HyperWorks Desktop. These items define how the application looks or behaves at product startup.
Start HyperWorks Desktop and configure the applications.
This command has been replaced by *BeginCollision().
This command has been replaced by *BeginCollision().
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