
This command will be used to create an orientation widget, which contains collectors, list collectors, and combo boxes to allow the user to orient an entity. It also may contain a “DC” button that presents the current orientation in a direction cosine dialog.


::model::mdlOrientation frmPath entityHandle


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to create an orientation widget, which contains collectors, list collectors, and combo boxes to allow the user to orient an entity. It also may contain a “DC” button that presents the current orientation in a direction cosine dialog.


The frame on which the mdlOrientation widget will be created is passed as an argument.
We need to pass the handle of the entity for which mdlOrientation widget has to be created.


::model::GetClientHandle client
client GetModelHandle mod
mod InterpretEntity mrk Marker mrk_0 "\"Marker 0\"" "" ""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set ornt [::model::mdlOrientation $colFrm.ornt mrk]
pack $ornt
client ReleaseHandle
mod ReleaseHandle
mrk ReleaseHandle


On successful execution of the command, it will create an mdlOrientation widget.