
This command will select the item specified as an argument in the browser and will display the respective panel. If more than 1 item is specified in the selection list, the items are all marked selected in the browser, but the model panel is displayed.


::model::SelectItems argSelectionList


MotionView Tcl


This command will select the item specified as an argument in the browser and will display the respective panel. If more than 1 item is specified in the selection list, the items are all marked selected in the browser, but the model panel is displayed.


We need to send list of entity varnames to be selected as input.


::model::GetHandleFromFullVarname modhandle MODEL
modhandle InterpretEntity syshandle System sys_0 \"System_root\" def_sys_0
syshandle InterpretEntity pthandle Point p_0 "\"Point0\""
syshandle InterpretSet SetPoint p_0 10 20 30
syshandle InterpretEntity bdhandle Body b_0 "\"Body0\""
::model::SelectItems MODEL.sys_0.p_0
#after the above statement is executed, the point (p_0) will be selected in the browser and the respective panel will be displayed


On successful execution of the command, the item will be selected and the respective panel will be displayed.