mdlIObject IsInStandardInclude

Determines whether the object is included in the standard include file.


mdlIObject_handle IsInStandardInclude


MotionView Tcl Query


This command determines whether the object is included in the standard include file. Objects like the “units”, “gravity”, etc. which are already present in the MotionView session are said to be in the standard include file.


To check to see if an object is in the standard file:
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName 
mySessionName GetProjectHandle myProjectName 
set activePageNum [myProjectName GetActivePage]
myProjectName GetPageHandle myPageName $activePageNum
set activeWinNum [myPageName GetActiveWindow]
myPageName GetWindowHandle myWindowName $activeWinNum
myWindowName GetClientHandle myClientName 
myClientName GetModelHandle myModelName 
myModelName GetChildHandle bod b_crank
bod IsInStandardInclude
myModelName BeginFlatListFastGet Form
myModelName GetChildHandleByIdx grav 1
grav IsInStandardInclude
grav ReleaseHandle
bod ReleaseHandle
myModelName ReleaseHandle
myClientName ReleaseHandle
myWindowName ReleaseHandle
myPageName ReleaseHandle
myProjectName ReleaseHandle
mySessionName ReleaseHandle
hwi CloseStack


Returns true if the object is in the standard file, otherwise false.