poIAdvancedQuery GetSearchOptionList

Gets the list of search options from the advanced query.


advancedQuery_handle GetSearchOptionList


HyperView Tcl Query


This command is used to get the list of search options available in the advanced query.


To get the list of search options from the advanced query:
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetActiveClientHandle client
set ruleID [client AddQueryRule extreme]
client GetQueryRuleHandle rule_handle $ruleID
rule_handle SetExtreme "TopN 3"
set advQueryID [client AddAdvancedQuery]
client GetAdvancedQueryHandle advancedQuery_handle $advQueryID
advancedQuery_handle AddSimulations "current" "current"
advancedQuery_handle SetQuery "entity.id entity.value"
advancedQuery_handle SetQueryLogic "[rule_handle GetID]"
advancedQuery_handle GetSearchOptionList
hwi CloseStack


This command returns HW_InvalidHandle, if the core object associated with the advanced query handle does not exist anymore.