
Sets the view mode to be used for the best view.


bestview_handle SetViewMode mode


HyperView Tcl Modify


This command sets the view mode to be used for the best view.


The view mode to be used. Valid options include:
Shows all of the best views simultaneously and the entire model together in isometric view. SetHiddenSet can be used to hide a few components of your choice.
Shows all of the best views and their parent components together, with everything else transparent in isometric view.
Shows all of the best views and elements within a region size attached to the best view entities, with everything else transparent in isometric view.
Shows all of the best views and elements within a sphere around the best view entities, with everything else transparent in isometric view.
Shows only the best view on the current handle with the entire model visible in isometric view, except the entities inside the hidden set. This is a single best view version of the global view mode.
Shows only the best view on the current handle with only its parent component visible in isometric view, everything else in the model in shown in transparency. This is a single best view version of globalcomponents view mode.
Shows only the best view on the current handle with only its parent component visible in a view normal to the current orientation of the element, everything else in the model is hidden.
Shows only the best view on the current handle with only its parent component visible in a zoomed view normal to the current orientation of the element, everything else in the model is hidden. This is a zoomed in version of isolatecomponent view mode.
Shows only one best view on the current handle with the entire model visible in a view normal to the current orientation of the element. This is a localized version of the globallocation view mode.
Shows only one best view on the current handle with the spherical region around entity visible, in a view normal to the current orientation of the element. This is a single view version of globalspheres view mode.
Note: The default view mode is global.


To set the view mode to be used for the best view:
hwi GetActiveClientHandle client 
client AddBestView 
client GetBestViewHandle bestview_handle1 1 
bestview_handle1 SetEntity node 22460 
client GetBestViewHandle bestview_handle2 [client AddBestView]
bestview_handle2 SetEntity node 22568

bestview_handle1   SetViewMode globalcomponents
bestview_handle1 ActivateView 
a Draw true


Returns success (0) or an error code.