poIMeasure AddDynamicXYCurveToPlot

Adds a dynamic curve for all entities in the current measure group, using the specified y-axis, to the given plot client.


poIMeasure_handle AddDynamicXYCurveToPlot x_axis y_axis plotwin


HyperView Tcl Modify


This command adds a dynamic curve for all entity IDs in the current measure group, using the specified y-axis, to the given plot client.


The attributes of the group of measured entities. Options include: entity-id, entity-x, entity-y, entity-z, and distance.
Measure option mapped to the plot's y-axis. Options include: mag, x_comp, y_comp, z_comp, and scalar.
Plot window handle to which to add a curve.


To create a second plot window:
hwi OpenStack;
hwi GetSessionHandle sess;
sess GetProjectHandle proj;

set MODEL_FILE "<insert model path>";
set RESULT_FILE "<insert result path>";
set activePageID [proj GetActivePage];
proj GetPageHandle activePage $activePageID;

activePage SetLayout 2;
activePage GetWindowHandle win1 1;
activePage GetWindowHandle win2 2;

win1 SetClientType "animation";
win2 SetClientType "plot";
To create measurements for positions of nodes and plot them:
win1 GetClientHandle postClient;
win2 GetClientHandle plotClient;
postClient AddModel $MODEL_FILE;
puts "Returned from add model"
set activeModelID [postClient GetActiveModel];
puts "activeModelID = $activeModelID";
postClient GetModelHandle activeModel $activeModelID;
activeModel AddResult $RESULT_FILE;

activePage StartAnimation 1;

set measureID [postClient AddMeasure];
puts "measureID = $measureID";
postClient GetMeasureHandle msr $measureID;

msr SetType "position";
msr AddNode "1 24697";
msr AddNode "1 24701";
msr AddNode "1 24709";
msr AddNode "1 24713";
msr AddNode "1 24717";

msr AddDynamicXYCurveToPlot "entity-id" "x_comp" win2;


Returns a non-zero value.