poIMeasure AddNode

Adds the given node of the current/specified model to the measure.


poIMeasure_handle AddNode "model_id node_id"


HyperView Tcl Modify


This command adds the given node of the current/specified model to the measure.
Note: HyperView allows you to specify the measure between several models loaded (overlaid) into the same window. This is why you have to provide the model ID and node ID (or element ID) when you add a node or element to the measure.


The node ID in one of three forms:
"m1 n1" (A regular node)
This option adds a node from a model with the ID = m1 and the node ID = n1. This is the most common function you will use to create measures from scripts.
The following two options are used mostly by the HyperView GUI to create a measure on a section cut, or Iso surface.
"m1 n1 n2 %1" (A param node)
This option adds a "parametric" node from the model with the ID = m1 and the nodes n1 and n2, and at %1 distance between n1 and n2.
"m1 n1 n2 %1 n3 n4 %2 %3" (A param-param node)
This option adds a "param-param" node from the following model types:
  • A model with the ID = m1 and the nodes n1 and n2 and at %1 distance between n1 & n2.
  • A model with the ID = m2 and the nodes n3 and n4 and at %2 distance between n3 & n4, and at %3 distance between (m1, n1, n2, %1) and (m2, n3, n4, %2).


To add a node from model ID = 1, node ID = 334567 to measure msr1:
msr1 AddNode "1 334567"


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code.