Create Gauge Inputs

Use the Gauge tool to create design variables based on the thickness of selected properties.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the Design Explorer ribbon, click the Gauge tool.

      Figure 1.
    • Click the Gauge tool satellite icon . In the Inputs dialog, Details tab, click .
  2. Select properties in the graphics area or by using the Advanced Selection dialog.
    Gauge input values can be entered in one of the following ways:
    • As a continuous range of values, where the lower and upper bounds are specified as a percentage plus or minus its nominal value.
    • As a continuous range of values, where the lower and upper bounds are specified specifically.
    • As a list of discrete values.
  3. In the microdialog,
    1. Select how you would like to define the input values, then either specify the lower and upper bounds or specify a list of valid discrete values.
    2. Click Create.
      The input is added to the Design Explorer Browser.