Beamsection Collectors and Beamsection
Beamsection Collectors
Beamsection collectors collect and organize beamsections and are used in HyperBeam to organize 1D beam section data.
Nastran Cards
Card | Description |
BELTS / | Output activation and format/file selection for kinematic animation output. |
Beamsection entities store 1D beam cross-section data.
Beamsections can be created from geometry, elements, or from solver standard sections, that is, I-Sections, H-Sections, and so on.
All sections can be created and modified in HyperBeam. Generic sections and Standard sections can also be created in the Model Browser and modified in the Entity Editor.
The default section type and attribute values assigned to beam section vary based on solver interface.
On import, each 1D beam property card within a solver deck is automatically imported as a beamsection entity and a property entity with associated beamsection. The beamsection entity holds the 1D beam section data (A, I, and so on..., and/or Dimensions) and is associated to the property entity which has a 1D property card image. The beamsection association to a property is what transfers the 1D section data to the 1D property solver card for export. Editing of all 1D beam section data is accomplished through HyperBeam.
Generic Sections
Generic sections define sections without defining actual cross-section geometry. Areas, inertias, centroids, and other coefficients are supported directly through spreadsheet data entry of values.
Shell Sections

Figure 1.
Solid Sections

Figure 2.
Standard Sections

Figure 3.