Create Stiffener Mesh
Use the Create tool to create a stiffener mesh.
From the Marine ribbon, click the Stiffener Mesh > Create tool.
Figure 1. -
From the guide bar, click the
selector and choose Lines or
The tool will retain only free lines (not edges) and will search ordered nodes from shell elements within a specified tolerance.
Select options as necessary by clicking the
- Select lines or parts.
From the microdialog, select an orientation:
- Orient by metadata to extract the orientation vector from metadata info on lines. The default name is Inclination and it is attached to the line as an array of six values, which are the orientation vector components in the global system at the end of each line.
- Orient normal to shells to orient the stiffeners Y axis along adjacent shell normal.
Use the vector tool to define the orientation vector by entering axis
Figure 2. - From the microdialog, expand chevrons.
- Select the element configuration that you want to create. This can be either bar2 or rod.
- Select the element type (formulation). This can be CBEAM, CBAR, or CMBEAM for bar2.