Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing
process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Many essential utility tools using HyperWorks-Tcl have been developed over the years to support Aerospace customers. A few tools have been collected and upgraded to
be compatible with this release.
Beam element shear center matches with an element's grids by default. To reposition
elements at locations other than actual grids, you can offset the start node and/or
end node. Offset components of each end can be resolved in the displacement system
or in the elemental system. Figure 1. Figure 2.
Access the Offset tool from the Marine ribbon by clicking Stiffener Mesh > Offset. Figure 3.
Offset on Plates
The Adjust to shell tool can automatically offset a beam element.
Elemental YZ Manipulator
Use the elemental YZ manipulator as an incremental offset manipulator in elemental systems.