Perform Batch Meshing
Use the BatchMesher tool to perform geometry feature recognition, cleanup and automatic meshing in batch mode for given CAD files.
BatchMesher Tool
An overview of the BatchMesher tool.

Figure 2.
Use the BatchMesher tool to perform geometry feature recognition, cleanup and automatic meshing in batch mode for given CAD files.
- Access
- Go to .
- Element size
- The reference average element size.
- Edit parameters
- Edit the parameter file via the Parameter Editor.
- Edit criteria
- Edit the criteria file via the Criteria Editor.
BatchMesher is a tool that performs geometry feature recognition, cleanup and automatic meshing in batch mode for given CAD files.
BatchMesher can read geometry files and perform a variety of geometry cleanup operations to facilitate better mesh creation for the selected element size and type. Cleanup operations include, but are not limited to equivalencing free edges, fixing small surfaces, relative to the element size, and detecting features such as beads, fillets and flanges. BatchMesher also performs surface editing/defeaturing operations like removing pinholes smaller than a specified size, removing edge fillets, and adding washer layers around holes.
BatchMesher uses criteria set by you to determine the quality index (QI) of a model, uses this QI rating to assess the potential value of each geometry cleanup and meshing tool, and then applies the tools accordingly. QI optimized meshing and node placement optimization are performed to obtain the best quality meshing. Final results are stored in a HyperMesh binary database file containing both the cleaned-up geometry and the resulting finite element mesh.
The required inputs are set within a parameter file and a criteria file. The parameter file contains the average element size and type, as well as any special handling of geometry features. The criteria file contains the target element quality requirements for tests like Jacobian, warpage, and more.
User-defined Tcl procedures can also be supplied to perform both run-based (pre-run, post-run) as well as model-based (pre-geometry load, post-geometry load, pre-batchmesh, post-batchmesh) customizations.
On output, BatchMesher creates a unique directory for each run in the results directory where it stores output files. The directories are named bm_date_001, bm_date_002, and so on.
- This is the main output of BatchMesher and contains both the cleaned-up geometry and the resulting finite element mesh.
- modelname_critername_paramname_res.txt
- This is a text file that reports the progress and status of BatchMesher at various steps in the meshing process. It reports information such as the number of surfaces (total, unmeshable, and so on), the number of elements, the percentage of trias, the mesh QI value, and so forth. COMPLETE at the end of this file indicates successful completion of the BatchMesher process for the model.
- run_results.txt
- This is a text file that reports the progress and status of the jobs submitted to the batch meshing process. It reports the number of jobs submitted, any waiting in the queue, whether the job is complete, and similar details. For completed jobs, it provides summary information such as the time taken to complete the job, the number of surfaces in the model, the number of elements created, and so forth.
- RunView.log
- This file maintains a log of submitted runs. This .log file can be loaded into the BatchMesher GUI to review the results at a later time.
In addition to the files mentioned above, additional output files may be created due to customization procedures performed at various stages of the BatchMesher process.