Automatically Fix 2D Element Quality

Use the Auto Quality tool to automatically correct element quality.

  1. From the Elements ribbon, click the Auto Quality tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define mesh options and open the parameter and criteria files.
  3. Select elements to fix.
  4. Optional: Activate the Anchors selector on the guide bar then select anchor nodes to be preserved.
  5. Review affected elements.
    1. Click Review on the guide bar to isolate affected elements.
    2. Increase or decrease the affected region by clicking or .
    3. Click to exit review mode.
  6. Click Auto Quality on the guide bar.

Figure 2.

Auto Quality Tool

An overview of the Auto Quality tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Auto Quality tool to automatically correct element quality.

Go to Elements > Auto Quality.


Edit parameters
Edit the parameter file via the Parameter Editor. Use the following table to set options:
Option Action
Divide quads into trias (Quality Correction tab) Specify if quads are allowed to split into trias to correct warpage.
Feature angle (Quality Correction tab) Define the feature and vertex angle used for auto generating 1D features, when required.
Move across free edges <= (Quality Correction tab) Define the allowable node movement for nodes on free edges to correct minimum size.
Move across non-manifold edges <= (Quality Correction tab) Define the allowable node movement for nodes on non-manifold edges to correct minimum size.
Move across shared edges <= (Quality Correction tab) Define the allowable node movement for nodes on shared edges to correct minimum size.
Offset from surfaces <= (Quality Correction tab) Define the allowable node movement normal to surfaces to correct warpage.
Edit criteria
Edit the criteria file via the Criteria Editor.
Consider affected elements only
Only correct elements that are failing the criteria checks, including an optional number of adjacent layers.
Use adjacent element layers
Allow the use of adjacent element layers in correction.
Number of layers
Change the number of adjacent element layers to use.
Remesh elements failing QI
Allows correcting quality by locally remeshing failed elements.
Reduce tria elements
Allows local remeshing around tria elements.