Fuse Closed Shells

Use the Fuse: Closed Shells tool to create watertight volumes for CFD and thermal applications with closed shells.

  1. From the Elements ribbon, click the Fuse > Closed Shells tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define fuse options.
  3. Activate the Source selector on the guide bar, choose Components or Elements, then select source entities.
    Source entities will move to the target.
  4. Activate the Target selector on the guide bar, choose Components or Elements, then select target entities.
    Target entities will not move.
  5. Click Fuse all on the guide bar.

Figure 2.

Fuse: Closed Shells Tool

An overview of the Fuse: Closed Shells tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Fuse: Closed Shells tool to create watertight volumes for CFD and thermal applications with closed shells.

Go to Elements > > Fuse > Closed Shells.


Fuse threshold
Change fuse threshold.
Retain interface
Consider retaining interface.
Remesh at connection
Consider remesh at connection.
Collapse fusing patches
Consider collapse fusing patches
Maximum search angle
Change maximum search angle.
Fuse direction
Change the fusing direction
Number of layers
Change number of layers.
Feature angle
The maximum allowable break angle between adjacent elements.
Growth rate
The factor to control the rate of transition in case of element size change.